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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. the rescue was swift and all hands accounted for but the ship continued sinking
  2. color these words gone or you are fire 'd
  3. color rainbows black until it all burns in the fire
  4. (radio on low the only noise except for the colonels voice coming out was the gunboats motor in the river) "the horror"
  5. foe: I don't need any more of. The one will last me this lifetime.
  6. welcome aboard mate nice place we have here Ray I'll have a nice cold tea
  7. sorry Rogue Mermaid but at least he told you! I wore that disgust for two months there is nothing worse when ye have no idea and yer eggs are in thier basket. I'll say this about me no one knows. I no longer can listen to the Doors!
  8. tired as I was when I got to the bed I was still thinking about why me?
  9. color and shades make up the spectrum of all we see in rain or fire
  10. pyrates lined up as far as the eyes can see......... First event in california and this is it! Woo hoo (to coin a phrase) can't wait to see you all!
  11. the room was tossed form the explosion along with the two the trees were thrown
  12. both of the reasons were very i'll fetched
  13. congratulations rummy on the hauler and the plates as well.
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