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Capt. Bo of the WTF co.

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Everything posted by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.

  1. Hey... I've got my coffee this mornin'... let's see them "TARTS"! Haw Haw! Good mornin'! .... Capt. Bo
  2. Patrick's kit is top notch for sure! William, you certainly got saddled with a chunk of responsibility! I'm sorry if I got something started here that you weren't looking for! Hey, maybe you guy's that live close could take some of the load off and step in to help out on setting things up with the Fort management? Better yet, if we could just get an adress to send photos to, we could all be responsible for getting ourselves "juried" in on our own. Whattaya think William? Capt. Bo
  3. Mr. Redwake sir... It's a far horizon for me yet, but if you could post a cut-off registration date for camping at the fort I would be much obliged. Alot of changes are taking place in my life and career at the moment and I will not know until later inthe year what my situation will be in December. I would very much like to attend, and as I won't fly for any reason, and have a couple of trailers, it could be possible for me to bring things like poles and stakes, even another fly or two for the west coast travellers that fly in. You all have spoken so highly of this event, it has my curiosity peaked. As there is some intrest from others near me, it may be possible to form a caravan of gypsie pyrates from the midwest to provide support for each other during the journey. Lady B., and Merry D. contact me when you can and we may all be able to work something out. Capt. Bo
  4. "Try to put a frog in a pot of boiling water and he'll jump right out. Put him in a pot of water and heat it up slow and he'll sit til he boils!"-Mark Twain Damn brilliant philosopher wasn't he! Capt. Bo
  5. Patrick, good point. I forgot about that. I tend to stay away from assumption, however I'm gonna have to back you up on the rack on a bulkhead thing. Just pure common sense reasoning. What other way is there really if they weren't locked in a cabin? And as you sand others have said, the pirate articles state that they were individually responsible for maintaining their weapons. 2+2=4 where I stand. Capt. Bo
  6. Yer sittin on the down payment fer yer ISLAND Mate! (sorry... couldn't resist!) Capt. Bo
  7. "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member." (First by Samuel Clemmons, and later by Groucho Marx.) "You can't do buisiness with people that have no money." (Uncle Joe the gunsmith) Capt. Bo
  8. Makes me wanna break down and get sattelite tv! Batman is STILL my hero! ZAP! POW! OOF! I got to ride in the Batmobile when I was working in Scottsdale, Az. back in 1981! Some car collector down there owned it and he had a guy working for him that took it out every once in awhile to "stretch it's legs", and I was in the right place at the right time! I'll never grow up! Capt. Bo
  9. Thanx for the updated info. I will use the grinder for my colonial kit, and I bought my better half a nice Jade mortar and pestle as an aniversary gift, so maybe she'll let me use it for the GAoP kit if I do coffee demo's. Capt. Bo
  10. Just a thought, no evidence for support, but... What about where they slept? when off-watch their berth would be empty, and we are all aware of the fact that theivery within ranks was practically non existent, so would they have stowed the long arms in the hammock, or possibly racked them on the framing timbers or mast near their berth? It makes sense that pistols and long knives could be kept in an individuals sea chest, but obviuosly the cutlasses and muskets would have to be dealt with differently. Anything to support this? Capt. Bo
  11. Capt. Pete, looks like the geometry is off on the one with the lanyard. Is that the one that doesnt work? It may have been dropped on a hard surface at some point. At any rate, it isn't a difficult repair for any gunsmith to make, and being in Pa., theres alot of good ones. You might consider having that done if you want. Capt. Bo
  12. I must respectfully disagree. It is, on the whole, corrupted at every level, in every facet bar none. a recent probe into the daily headlines is all the proof one should need. Follow the Constitution? The Constitution died when the federalists took power . It was over before it began. Here are two recent examples... Supreme court decision that private property can be siezed for any reason and resold to specultors... The Bill of rights was trampled on. The recent battle over the woman in Florida whose final wishes were ignored by the government and government inrtervened at the cost of millions of tax dollars . Her rights were trampled.The list is endless. If you can cite one area of government that IS following the Constitution as written, please do so. The immigration issue is upon us now, and millions of ILLEGAL immigrants are taking to the streets in protests for THEIR rights,(?), but I have yet to see LEGAL ctizens make any effort to stand up for their/our rights. I live in a world of reality, where I see things as they are, not as they should be or could be. It ain't a pretty picture from where I stand. As I said, with respect, your oppinion is well spoken, but I must disagree on the basis of the obvious facts. Capt. Bo
  13. Now you're starting to sound like patriots. Earlier in this thread someone said that I give too much credit to the governments ability to effect changes. It is'nt that at all, they have the ability but choose not to, as that would cut into the profit they make from lobbyists. They certainly have the ability to make things worse for the working folks and do so at every oppotunity. The REAL problem lies in the fact, as Blackjohn pointed out, in the lithargic apathy and ignorance of the general populace. I've said before and again that I will fight anytime enough folks gather to take the Declaration of Independence seriously,and do our DUTY to our RESPONSIBILITY to "throw off" this repressive government and establish a new one to guard against this sort of thing. Unfortunately we are a nation of cowards and jellyfish with no sting, and deserve what we get for our complacency. "If pro is the opposite of con, then is Congress the opposite of progress?"... Russel Means - Oglala Souix "Those who are willing to trade their liberties for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor freedom." Ben Franklin "that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses & usurpations pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government, & to provide new guards for their future security."... The Declaration of Independence. Capt. Bo
  14. Rumba, the skinny one is my 14yr. old and he eats twice what I do! He's as tall as me and won't stop! Got any ideas? The Big'un is my best friend and brother Ed, he's dropped over a hundred pounds in the last year. He's got the same B.D. as me only a year younger. Funny though I never noticed the size comparison! Good one! :) Capt. Bo
  15. He weighed in at just over 21lbs., 9 1/2" beard, and 1" spurs. Mighty tasty too! Capt. Bo
  16. This is Clayton, Capt. Bo's son, no, mom did not hve to do the dirty work. Dad and I did the dressing and cleaning. But mom worked hard and made a fine meal of it. :) Thanks for the congrats! Clayton B. P.S. Dad got full and he's tryin' to go to sleep.
  17. Well, I spoke for an update on the hog hunt... didn't happen. I forgot about the youth only portion of Wild Turkey season being this weekend. Kids fifteen and under get to hunt before the regular season opens, so my son and I get to spend some great time together. Also, there was a small mountain man rendevous at a nearby campground/canoe rental place, so Saturday we went to burn some powder on the shooting match. It was only the fourth year for their event but it seems to be growing. Not a historical event but a good time anyway. I knowthis is off topic, but I did promise to tell everyone how the hog hunt went. It went like this... This is how to keep your kids out of trouble! Spend time doing things that keep your family together! :) Capt. Bo
  18. Nope... not Easter! Can you guess what's for supper tonight? :) Capt. Bo
  19. This was taken at noon today... He got it behind our house in the pasture after we hunted all morning on the neighbors place and saw nothing. We were just cleaning up from late breakfast when we heard the gobbles behind the house, and he snuck up on the flock and bagged this nice tom. Yeah, I'm a proud dad. Capt.Bo
  20. Found a new local "mountain Man" rendevous by accident , so some of us went to burn some powder through our guns for fun. Here's ome more White Trash Fur co. crew... My son, Clayton and my brother Big Ed Capt. Bo
  21. Don't forget to figure in the average wage for the working "class" people has decreased by 16% in the last ten years while the cost of living has increased by more than 30% in the same time frame. Yes it is the governments fauklt for paying corporations to re-locate in poor countries for cheap labor. And now they want to legalize illegal immigration so they're corporate cocks*ers can get cheap labor here,(as they already do), further destroying our economic situation. BULLSHIT! Capt. Bo
  22. That could go either way, depending on the individual making the hardware, and/or the individual ordering the pieces to be used in the construction of a trunk or chest. A standard common trunk/chest would likely not have "fancy" hadware, whereas someone of stature would likely have more ornate metalwork done. For the common man or woman, simple was more affordable than "fancy", same as today. Foxe posted some photos of chests in the thread you mentioned, so this could be a start. I don't have any photos of my hinges and hasps to show you, but I prefer simple myself when doing forge work. Some examples of small items I do are in Rabble Rousing in the Handiwork thread. P.S.( Nails were not commonly used in the making of chests and trunks used for stowing personal items, but rather in the construction of shipping crates. Nails work looose and pull out too easily, so chests and trunks were usually made with fitted joints or pegged and glued. Screws were available, but difficult to manufacture and expensive. Hope this helps.) Capt Bo
  23. OK... I'm a sick mind, that guy with his back to us looks like he's in the buff with cuffs! And there's aguy by the window with a BEARD! Obviously not a seaman either! Too cool! Thanks GoF... again, great stuff. BTW- I'm getting stronger everyday, and I hope to start on that Spanish axe you like so well. If it turns out well, I'll post some pic.'s so you can see if you want it or not when it's done. Later... Capt. Bo
  24. Boucanier Bo... actually a hunting camp from a few years ago. Capt. Bo
  25. Maybe Nah, I was just feelin REALLY good today and I've been messin with everyone I can. Spring fever or something I guess.(?) Later... Capt. Bo
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