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Mimi Foxmorton

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Everything posted by Mimi Foxmorton

  1. Aye, Perkeo.....that be our plan..... T'day bologna.......tomorrow....well, that hammy stuff wit' th' wee bits o' cheese in it.......! Though I must admit....me own Bologna Consumption went up after th' tapin'..... Ahhhh....th' Power o' Piracy........... Fair Winds.....wit' a bologna an' cheese roll up on th' side...... ~Foxmorton
  2. Aye, sir....'tis a mos' wondrous hat is it not? I happen t' know where ye can get a fine one jus' like it! Thanks fer th' support, Mates! We'll know around January 15, 2008 if we make the "Final Cut"...... then th' votin' begins.....(if we be lucky....) (cross hooks) Though either way we still loves Lunch Meat! :) Fair Winds an' a Bologna sandwich...... ~Foxmorton www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com www.myspace.com/foxmorton
  3. Sorry....I am hopeless......... www.myspace.com/foxmorton
  4. Here's mine: Foxmorton's MySpace
  5. Ahoy Mates! In an inspirational moment consisting of a bottle of pirate juice.....two empty slices of bread and a well placed magazine ad.........BOLOGNA PIRATES was born! Keep your hooks crossed that the Pirates of CHAOS triumph as the "Face of Lunch Meat!" In the meantime.....take a peek at our video if ye've a mind to..... Go to: www.singthejingle.com Here is the special access code you'll need to view our video. SPECIAL ACCESS CODE: MTL67K And sure enough......there we ARRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm so excited.....and proud of my teen pirate crew who worked hard at putting this together! Keep yer hooks crossed fer us! Pirate On! ~Foxmorton th' Proud! www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com www.myspace.com/foxmorton
  6. Aye...but now Joe Don be thinkin' wit' his wee cutlass rather than his pirate heart. Which'd be fine fer a quick stop but what pirate worries that said wench conquest does na like his 'long' hair....? (Aye then....fer th' record Joe Don....ye ain't got long hair....) He bes' focus on that horizon.....fer I be thinkin' his 'mighty sword' ain't gonna hold up in th' long run o' it. They ne'er do. Ah, th' shipboard romance....how cliche. He fell pretty quick fer it. An' Louie? He jus' be lookin' sadder an' sadder...... Poor Louie..... An' what piratical consensus sent Louie up a tree, ana-way????? I thinks th' underestimated one be that blonde stay-at-home Mum. She's some guts aboot her. Though I can na imagine goin' on a raid in a bikini...... Aye then....wouldn't th' fun o' bein' on a pirate ship be gettin' t' dress like a pirate...? I still like watchin' it though.....it be better'n naught. But, oh....what we all could'a done wit' it........... Submitted, IMHO.... ~Foxmorton www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com
  7. Aye well...I hav' t' agree wit' Lady Alyx......that Cap'n Joe Don be one hot pirate in that garb! Amazin' what a bit o' pirate gear'll do fer a fella..... hmmmmmm..... As fer that John guy what got voted off th' first show.....though from first looks he be th' fantasy dream o' every piratess from here t' Cape Horn....th' minute he opened his gob th' lust up an' left me quicker'n th' football cap'n on prom night..... I say it be better than naught......an' I'd be willin' t' sail under Joe Don in a goodly stiff wind ana-day....... Fair Winds..... ~Foxmorton www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com
  8. Ahoy Pearl! I'll PM ye! ~Foxmorton
  9. I'll toss me Small Dream int' th' pot iffen I may. (Me Large Dream bein' t' live in a Pirate Community rather like Lily Dale (NY) is t' psychics....or mayhap liken unto The Village.....but wit'out th' weird monsters an' such. I'd be good knowin' I were there....ye would na have t' scare me int' stayin'.....) But me Small Dream be t' go on a Pirate Cruise ship. That be all. Ye knows how they have Mouse-ship fer knipperkins......Mardi Gras theme....Gay cruises....an' th' like? Well, why not a PIRATE theme? I think they be missin' a lot o' doubloons failin' t' act on that idea. 'Course....there'd probably only be the one......but I'd be sure t' be on it. An' th' headlines o' th' aftermath would be facinatin'............ Fair Winds..... ~Foxmorton www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com
  10. ART ON THE PORCHES STREET FAIRE Arrrrrt on th' Porches be piratical in nature due t' th' fact that they hire us....we be pirates an' that's what they gets: 10 scurvy, debauched CHAOS PRODUCTIONS pirates plunderin' th' place wit' a 12' burlap pirate ship an' tons o' booty t' be taken from us in what ye might calls a...dishonest....nature. On th' whole it be an Art Festival.....but that did na stop us from tryin' t' turnin' th' place pirate! It be kind o'...weird...actually, as we be these random pirates what shipwrecked when poor Scrimshaw MacGraw's wee dinghy were battered aboot on th' rocks thus maroonin' us at the Faire. We've kidnapped th' Queen as well. At first she were a Royal Pain (arr! arr! arr!) but as th' day wears on she becomes a bit more what ye might calls...acclimated....t' th' piratical lifestyle. As fer us? Well, we spends th' day tryin' t' make sense o' th' landlubbers.....an' annoyin' every one by lookin' fer...."Art".......on th' neighborin' porches. Poor bugger, we ne'er did find him......... (Though there be plenty o' art....music...belly dancers....victuals an' th' like t' satisfy everyone o' every age!) It be a family day....and we be there fer th' knipperkins (mostly). (There's those what loves t' dance wit' a pirate......) Gamblin' booty in th' streets......givin' pirate ship "rides"........(verra popular among wee ones an' those in their cups.....).......doin' Arrrrt in th' Arrrrt Tent.....an' we puts on a stage play as well. This year; THE PYRAT'S o' HAMELIN. (Pied Piper o' Hamelin wit' Pirates. Aye well....SOMEONE had t' do it.....) So.....we managed t' turn an Art Festival into an Arrrrt Festival. Either way it seems t' work as they keeps hirin' us back. Our most favorite comment last year was by a Mom: "Great. Now starting tomorrow morning all I'm going to hear is "Only 364 more days until the pirates come back............." (We knows th' feelin'!) Aye well....sometimes ye have t' forfit thread count fer th' good o' th' masses........ --Name of event ART ON THE PORCHES --Date JUNE 16, 2007 --Location Strathmore & Ruskin Syracuse, NY --Time 11am-5pm TH' MORE PIRATES TH' BETTER! ALL WELCOME T' COME IN GARB! --Cost FREE ADMISSION "See Art! Do Art! Buy Art!" and Dance in th' Street wit' a Pirate! Victuals available! Contacts for information: http://www.myspace.com/strathmoreartontheporches www.artontheporches.com MIMI FOXMORTON for all things piratical: 652-3800 ext 137 foxgoddess44@hotmail.com www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com Festival Coordinator and Person In Charge Of EVERYTHING: DAVE KANE for all other artistic inquiries related to festival. nushman72@gmail.com
  11. Please pass along..... PIRATE FESTIVAL DAY 2007 with Tales from Remikreh! Vendors welcome to contact event planner. No fee for table. Must be pirate/history related goods. Chrissy Clancy (aka Foxmorton) foxgoddess44@hotmail.com (315) 652-3800 ext 137 (315) 453-9307 (message) www.mimifoxmorton.blogspot.com Arrrr! It's a Pirate's Life, Indeed! Put on yer stripey socks and light the cannons.... as the Town of Clay presents Tales from Remikreh (of the famous Bill Johnston Days in Alexandria Bay!) PIRATE DAY FESTIVAL 2007 SATURDAY JULY 21, 2007 10am-6pm LOCATED Town of Clay Historic site & Welcome Center Route 31 Clay, NY 13041 (behind "Cigarville" railway station) FREE ADMISSION! FOOD AVAILABLE by 'BAGELICIOUS' of Bayberry Plaza A Free Family Event featuring: history sword & archaic weapon demonstrations Tales from Remikreh skits & comedy games & music "FIGHT A PIRATE" (for the knipperkins) sail the Bloomin' Bloomer....our 12 foot 'pirate powered' ship! (for the knipperkins and those of a like mind!) and MORE! Win lots and lots of booty from unsuspecting pirates! Plus..... An exciting SWORD FIGHTING SHOWDOWN as the Pirates take on the Town Guard in a contest of skill and agility! Come cheer on your favorites! *** Bonus treasure.... CHAOS PRODUCTIONS STREET PIRATE TROUPE perform the stage play "THE PYRATS of HAMELIN" -Never has cheese smelled so bad! original script & direction by chrissy clancy Also featuring.... Cap'n MiMI LILY ROSE FOXMORTON of the Bloomer Bloomer (yes, she DID win that TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY CONTEST as a matter of fact......) http://buccaneerbachelor.blogspot.com ~ with the RETURN of MAD MORTIMER! Don't say we didn't warn ye! and The Chaotic Crew o' Street Pirates reunites! contact: Foxmorton (Chrissy) 652-3800 ext 137 cclancy@townofclay.org for info WARNING..... The wearing of PIRATE ATTIRE....PROPS......ACCESSORIES. FLAGS....PEGLEGS....PARROTS & OTHER VARIOUS PIRATICAL GEAR & GARB WE MAY NOT HAVE THOUGHT OF (or mentioned).... IS ENCOURAGED... WELCOMED.... QUITE FRANKLY WE'D BE DISAPPOINTED IF YE DIDN'T!... and don't come cryin' to us if ye gets there and DIDN'T... THEN wishes ye had.... we're jus' sayin'......
  12. "I refuse to feel bad for a guy who'll eat Borscht all his life in a hat like a tea cozy."
  13. I DESPISE those inflated things! Tacky! Tacky! Plus, they trash-up the neighborhood during the day when they're deflated! I vowed to have them outlawed. That is until I found a seven foot jolly boat with two pirates-one wielding (ei?) a cutlass with his boot proudly planted on the bow the other manning the oars! Bonus: Bones a'flyin' as well! Bonus! Bonus! It was on a sale table at KMart after Halloween for $14.99 Oh yeah. It's mine! Serves any and all holidays with a bit o' trim. I can hardly wait 'till Easter! And, now I can feel as though I've done me part in....uh....conformin'... t' th' Neighborhood Decoration Code.
  14. Aren't more politicians, compared to rats, hated more?
  15. Oi..Mister Hand...ye apparently have a misconceived notion of 'fantasy'... there be no rape takin' place in me daydreams nor ana other place in me world.....not wit'out a goodly cutlass t' th' gut. The whole idea behind these 'bodice burners' is the notion of hot guy takes control makes pretty young thing feel delicate and special while at the same time allowing her the freedom to become the strong woman she's always known she can be. All with a big chest, puffy shirt, long silky hair and an impressive cutlass swingin' about. The hero always has integrity...he just has Pirate Integrity.....and, that makes him hot. Any rape attempts are always done by the evil guy who is promptly done in. (see: "Frenchman's Creek" character Rockingham...hot, cute....sorry...he had to go...as an example of Not the Hero.) (oops: spolier) (Although I do recall wanting the Sheriff's cousin in "Robin Hood Prince of Thieve's"....but, I'm not sure how that would have worked out. I've yet to run across a Literary Masterpiece in this genre....(ok, "Frenchman's Creek"...that would actually be a good sarter book for ye) but, we still keep readin' them off and on because...well, because like I said...there ain't any other places t' get it. Though when we get's it...we always want's it..... It'll nay be happenin' ana other way. As for th' whole thing havin' 'nothin' t' do wit' real life'....that's because whenever we suggests it 'real guys' get all pissed off about it...an' that I canna figure out... Let me know how you make out on your first foray int' th' world o' Pirate Romance.....I think's it be verra admirable an' manly that you're willin' t' give it a go. An' who knows...in time ye may be able t' smolder a bodice wit' yer piercin' blue eyes across a crowded banquet room whilst ye pocket's an' old rich lady's broach wit' one hand an' duels a Duke wit' th' other....wit'out e'en spillin' your wine! Now...gets out there an' Swash yer Buckle...an' report back! Faire Winds an' a goodly read! ~Foxmorton
  16. So...um...exactly where ARE these pirates? I mean, if men KNOW we like (adore...fantasize...would pay good doubloons for...) this sort of thing then why aren't there more of their ilk? I'm only askin' as it seems there's an absolute shortage of the sort of man who looks like those on the novel covers and is willing to step up and be the pirate we would willingly heave our bosom for thereby making said pirate a happy free booter and allowing us to sink back into those embroidered pillows and enjoy. I'd happily rip a dozen bodices or so for the pleasure. But, so far I've ne'er seen a single hot, long haired, masterful, rough yet gentle male with piercing blue eyes and, in addition to piratical dealings, an underlying integrity as well as undying love for me and only me. We're all thinkin' it....I'm just askin' it......... Fair Winds and good luck.... ~Foxmorton ps. I'm willing to be flexible on the eye color.
  17. I be thinkin' Eyes speaks true... Sounds like ye be needin' a clean poop deck, sir.... :)
  18. I know not o' hea'en, sir...but, I do know the Pirate Ship Sea Grace t' bring great comfort t' all who say farewell t' a four legged friend an' companion..... Past th' very edge o' th' horizon where no live mate may dwell stands a pirate ship that's oh, so grand or, so the legends tell. She floats in clear blue waters off th' sands o' a tropical beach. And try as we might t' find her 'tis out o' th' live pirate's reach. Her name be th' pirate ship Sea Grace and her one great job it be t' welcome th' fur an' th' hearts an' th' paws o' our four legged friends gone t' sea. They frolic an' tussle an' bound forth. They pillage an' plunder it be true. For th' ache in their ol' bones has left them. And now they be waitin' for you. For when an ol' pirate takes his last breath and crosses that far distant sea th' Sea Grace will be there for welcome an' yer fine matey will be there t' greet ye. Together again for eternity. Your Jolly Jack flyin' wit' pride. Th' wind in yer hair an' a tongue on yer face in your pirate ship fore'er side by side. MLRF '04 May ye finds a small comfort in knowin'....an' an e'en greater comfort in believin'... ~Foxmorton
  19. Aye Jack...all things considered I think it does...but, only iffen ye were wearin' YOUR crotchless bloomers!
  20. Aye, Lil....but that also be in th' day o' 'Free Kiss Tickets".......which ugly patrons in bad garb had a hand in doin' away wit'..... Recall ye Lord Valentine....? An'....the sheriff......... Ye'd be glad o' wearin bloomers when th' sheriff would throw ye o'er his shoulder at auction....carry ye off stage an'....well, then I guess ye'd wish ye weren't wearin' bloomers when he had ye pinned against a tree wit' his silky hair draped o'er yer bosom.....an' his....well, ye understands th' idea all the same....... Ah...the wench auctions jus' be not th' same ana longer........ (sigh) Three sheep...lame ha-ha....an' 'meet 'em OUTSIDE THE GATE'......(that be the Sterling Battle Cry t' avoid conflict) An' these days....th' sheriff be just an angry plain lookin' boy/man.....wit' nay idea how t' turn that anger int' play an'seduction..... Sad, really...... Though I'm glad we both experienced th' era o' lust an' fantasy...... fer I do na believe it be comin' back ana time soon......) Damn! I miss those days.......
  21. Kraken poo.
  22. Great ear worm! I heard one at Faire this summer.... The best I can describe the tune is "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah" "Everybody wants to be a pirate... Everybody wants to go to sea... Everybody wants to kill and maim and plunder... Everybody want to be me.... Repeat Repeat Repeat Well, you get the picture (except when my theatre kids sing it I make them say 'pillage, loot and plunder')
  23. Ahoy Hester! Ye be a piratess after me own heart an' kindred spirit in thought as well! An' sadly....there be ne'er enough long haired kilted pirates t' go 'round..... They be rare as good rum on a sinkin' pirate ship..... Fair winds t' ye...... An' let us set sail t' continue our search..... ~Foxmorton As fer yer question though.....I can think o' no better pirate cap'n than Tim Curry.......(though not from that Muppet movie....he'd haf' t' be creatin' a more....Curry-ish.....pirate! An' I know given th' chance he could do it.......) 'Course....nay ship can sail wit'out Robert Newton aboard.......
  24. Well...more like blisters an' a sore arse...... But, Sterling still be a great Faire! ~F.
  25. Nay on th' hills! Wit' a season pass ye can develop calf muscles t' die for! Part o' the charm o' Sterlin' is th' exhaustion from hill climbin'! Check yer photos!
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