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Everything posted by Coastie04

  1. Pine tar's also great for athlete's foot. Never had a problem when working a tall ship. Here's my speculation: Pine tar was available. It was commonly used in the rigging of vessels for preservation of standing rigging, as well as in the seams for waterproofing. Sailors would get covered in pine tar anyway, so either they actively put pine tar in their hair to keep the ques out of the way (if anyone's been sailing with long hair, they and those around them know the horrors that can ensue), or they just got pine tar in their hair from working. The long hair was just the style of the day. Any 'hair care' benefits, were probably not known back then, nor were they cared about much by the common Jack Tar. Coastie
  2. The term originally derived from another common phrase that has a completely different meaning now. In the GAOP, the term used was being 'board to death', where the the victim was tied to a board/plank and balanced on the ship's rail while curses and insults were thrown at him before he was finally cast off into the sea. Sometimes, however, the pirates got too much amusement out of insults that it would be quite some time before the victim was finally thrown over, which is how being 'bored to death' was adapted to modern times. It is documented that more than once, a victim got so bored with the pirates that he shifted his weight enough to cast himself over the side. The citation is from pp 103-105 of Not so Notorious Pirates of the Mongolian Main by Captain William Shakespear (no relation to the well known playwrite) published in 1685. I've got what I believe to be the only original copy remaining, don't have a scanner to share it with the world, and haven't yet finished coloring in the pictures or soaking all the pages in tea for effect. But one day, I shall rewrite...I mean make...history!!! Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one. It's late and I've been into my Pyrat XO Reserve and I get underway tomorrow for yet another patrol. Coastie
  3. Here's a thought. Maybe fishermen were encouraged by these 'superstitions' not to eat the fresh fish as they came aboard in order to be more profitable. As for the swiming, I think that most seamen didn't bother to learn how, as if the ship sank or they went overboard, it was unlikely they'd live anyway, and swiming would just prolong the inevitable and drag out the torture of death. I think lots of traditions varied based upon the job and the area they sailed, and were born out of some sort of purpose, for example whistling being bad luck and supposedly conjuring up foul winds when more likely it just might cause confusion with a boatswain's pipe giving orders. So I think discounting a tradition as complete hogwash might be going a bit far, as it may have been a tradition for a certain group of sailors, either based upon geographical location, culture, or mission. Also, wasn't beaver tail supposed to be a delicasy with the mountain men? Coastie
  4. Thanks, Foxe. I'm still reading this thread. In fact, I'm saving lots of the info to give to our ship's head cook next time he starts complaining about his budget. Coastie
  5. I just think the Puckle gun would be a good replacement to any swivel gun mount. Although shown with a tripod, I'm sure any halfway decent blacksmith could fashion a mount at that time. It would be as effective as many of the smaller swivels, and could fire faster and be loaded in the safety of the armory. The larger solid shot would probably have been effective against the boats the boarding party was using. I agree, great for merchants and pirates alike, though I'd want one of those babies on either side of the quarterdeck. Coastie
  6. I was somewhat intrigued by this find. Coastie
  7. Sounds like fun. Wish I could make it down there for that, I'd love to use up a bit o' yer powder. I doubt you'll be making it up to Alaska in the next year or so, but by the time you be good and established in the east, I might be transfered out that way. Who knows? When is this planned move anyway? And will it be o'er land, or by the canal? Coastie
  8. Definitely get that audio if you can and post it! I'd love to hear you all. Coastie
  9. I've no desire to hang around with a bunch of upper-class delinquents, do twenty minutes' work and then spend the rest of the day loafing about in Paris drinking gallons of champagne and having dozens of moist, pink, highly experienced French peasant girls galloping up and down my - hang on... -Blackadder I know from long experience all my men have the artistic talent of a cluster of colour-blind hedgehogs in a bag. -Blackadder If word gets out that I'm missing, 500 girls will kill themselves and I wouldn't want them on my conscience - not when they ought to be on my face! -Flashheart Something is always wrong, Balders. The fact that I am not a millionaire aristocrat with the sexual capacity of a rutting rhino is a constant niggle. -Blackadder Now I've got my lovely fire I'm happy as a Frenchman who's invented a pair of self-removing trousers. -George You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can't be mentioned, I am reliably informed by women around the Court, wouldn't be worth mentioning even if it could be. -Blackadder (to Percy) I know why you want to get out of it, because I remember the last time you had a party, I found you face down in a puddle wearing a pointy hat and singing a song about goblins. -Queenie A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. -Blackadder She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of a man's tonsils. -Flashheart They do say, Mrs M, that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. They are, of course, wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this toasting fork into your head. -Blackadder OK, I just watched all four seasons a while ago before getting underway for my latest trip. Coastie
  10. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics right now and I didn't bring my completed models up to Alaska with me. I've got a model of the USS Constitution, Cutty Sark, and a down-rigged Lady Washington (only stump masts so far, and made from scratch...I'm most proud of this one). I've got an uncompleted kit of the HMS Bounty down south, and I've just started getting some supplies up here to work on the HMS Beagle, but it's in its very early stages. Coastie
  11. This has some great pictures of the USS Constitution below decks. http://www.ussconstitution.navy.mil/VirtualTour.htm Here, if you click the different tabs on the side, there's some fine pictures of HMS Victory. http://www.hms-victory.com/index.php?optio...&id=3&Itemid=26 A couple images from the Endeavour can be seen here. http://www.barkendeavour.com.au/endpesch/page10.html Coastie
  12. I'd say it also depends a bit on what kind of steel it is. I've got a mild steel blade that I forged myself. For that, I just heat it up in the oven a bit (lowest temp) and either rub bees wax or oil from a rag over it. I heat it up because it helps open the grains of the metal up and make the oil less viscous so that it will run into all the 'pores' in the metal. Gun oil should work as well on most metals. Coastie
  13. I think it's rather amusing that we're making the distinction between 'civilized' and 'barbaric' on this topic. Civilization is nothing but a group of people living together under a set system of laws. If those laws include the death penalty, then it's not a lack of civilization, it's just the way that civilization went. 'Barbaric' practices are generally those which are viewed just as 'different than mine.' Sure, we might think that torture is barbaric, whereas a different civilized peoples might view it as commonplace, and a necessity to keeping the peace and enforcing law. It doesn't make those people less civilized, just civilized with a different set of rules. Coastie
  14. Awesome! I want some pictures now. This could be an exciting topic for a while, as it could provide great new info about their gear and supplies. Coastie
  15. My favorite's the Harp and the Hound in Mystic, CT. It's not specifically pirate themed, but it's a historic Irish pub built in the late 1700's situated in a historic whaling town. Plus, on Sunday nights they sing sea shanties (along with jigs and reels on Tuesday nights). Truely a fun place to go. Coastie
  16. First, went to sea on a tall ship, got bit by the bug, and came down with a hard case of sea fever...I have yet to recover. That, coupled with an appreciation for history and things that go BOOM kind of sealed the devil's deal. Then, just t' fool people, I joined the Coast Guard. Go figure Coastie
  17. Hey, it worked for the Bounty mutineers. Just take away the women and South Pacific lifestyle. I wouldn't mind a few of my tax dollars going towards transporting them to a desolate place, like Siberia or Barrow, AK. I would object to cold weather clothing, though. Let those who own it bring it...it would just increase the jealousy and confrontation within the criminal group. Coastie
  18. I might be able to fill in some of the lyrics for those great titles, Dorian. We wish you a treasure galleon, We wish you a treasure galleon, We wish you a treasure galleon, Who's hold's full of gold. There's no gallows here, Just rum, whores and beer, So we wish you a treasure galleon, And a scurvey-free year. Coastie
  19. Here here, Jack. Coastie
  20. Kill 'em. Not only murderers, but rapists and other violent criminals as well. It's the blatant disregard for the law that makes me feel there's little hope of rehab. For the families of the convicted, yep it sucks. It also sucks for the family of the victim, so the entire situation sucks overall. Give 'em the chance to appeal, as not all of their rights should be forfeit just because of a court ruling. The hard part is where to draw the line. Should everyone convicted of 1st degree murder hang? Or is there maybe some mitigating circumstances that do not downgrade it to 2nd degree murder, but might make a lesser sentence acceptable? Of course, and that's why we have judges and jurys. The death penalty should be the maximum penalty (can't really get much more than that unless you kill the family and friends as well, or kill them in a gruesome and painful way, but that's a bit overboard). Just because the death penalty is an option doesn't mean that it should be required for any offence. Coastie
  21. It means just a bit more this year since I was down in Pearl and actually saw the Arizona for the first time. The boat's still leaking oil regularly. It's really quite a sobering experience. Also, I celebrated today by purchasing a new gun and going to the range. If anyone invades Sitka Harbor, they'll be met ready. Coastie
  22. I don't know how I missed this juicy topic before. Period (all reproductions): -1850 Naval Cutlass -Earlier style non-descript cutlass -Hand forged cutlass (I made myself...almost complete) -1750 style Naval Sea Service Pistol (fully functional) -Various knives -Pewter Mug (though I'd hate to spill anything!) Modern: -AR-15 -Ruger M-77 in 7mm -M-1 Garand (1944) -1903 A3 (1943, I think) -Ruger Vaquero, .45 LC (x2) -Winchester Model 53, .22 long -Colt Combat Commander, .45 (OK, I'm writing the check this afternoon, so it ain't mine yet...but it will be ) Coastie
  23. Thanks, Royaliste. I should be back from my next buoy patrol by then. If you ever make your way up to Alaska, I'll be happy to provide a place to shower, cook, and dry out. And the best navigation challenges and scenery in the west! Coastie
  24. Looks damn fine, Harbormaster. I definitely think that almost the exact same process and plans could produce less toy-looking ones as well. I really like the overall design of it. Now if I only had the time, money, and space to do this. Maybe in a few years when I get out of sunny (hopefully 1 in 30 days) SE Alaska. Coastie
  25. To add a little different twist, I like the Count of Monte Cristo (2002). Not specifically pirate, but it's a fun movie, great fight scenes, buried treasure, pirates in it (OK smugglers, but lets not split hairs, eh?), knife fight on the beach, daring escapes from prison. It's got to at least meet the minimum criteria. Coastie
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