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jim hawkins

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Everything posted by jim hawkins

  1. What about pieces of bread fired out of crossbows? I seem to recall doing that a 14th Century event and it works wonders.
  2. See what happens is this, the cartographer clicks on the screen where they want to place the compass rose, those lat/longs get sent to the compass rose program which calls the world magentic model 2005. Then the magnetic variation and declination are calculated for that position and the rose is rotated and place at that point. ...Oh wait, I thought you wanted to know where Compass Roses on nautical charts come from.....never mind.
  3. Boring work stuff during the day, but last night I went to a museum and saw an excellent Joan of Arc Exhibit.
  4. If you look closely you can see the wires connected to the Route 40 bridge in the background.
  5. Soon as my taxes or election judge money comes in. That pic makes it looks like I'm just jumping, but I actually held that pose for 5 whole minutes!
  6. Cant speak for any other but I know we (pirate brethren) do heavy sword fighting. I just broke a cutlass at the last event. I'm an old steel fighter from medieval reenactment. I prefer the sword fighting over the firing of boom sticks.
  7. Aye it is. Whereas Google Earth will do add-ons like where all the starbucks are, World Wind will do add-ons where all the volcanoes are. World Wind
  8. Greetings and welcome aboard! Thats an impressive resume. I look forward to your contributions. The only thing I could possibly tell you about the sea is how nautical charts are made. That I know.
  9. Me! Use it at work too. Tho I prefer NASA's World Wind . GE tends more towards travel/commercial uses, WW tends more towards Earth Science.
  10. The soldier down front with the pike facing away from us is about to be killed, for the crime of not wearing a tricorn !
  11. Whats the difference between Congress and the Library of Congress? In the Library of Congress they don't let you lick the pages.
  12. He also played Attila the Hun and Jesus! He was in some great sci/fantasy crap: Gor Outlaw of Gor Hawk the slayer Buck Rogers RIP
  13. Seems like it will be hard to hold correctly for firing. What with that skull attached to under side up front.
  14. Thats right before my sword blew up! Farewell mortuary hilt sword, sniff.
  15. Swing Bridges are great fun. Every event should have one.
  16. Went great. Except for my sword blowing up! Oh well at least it didn't break in anyone.
  17. "Head" (1968) - Its the monkees movie.
  18. < Thats some just silly person with a pumpkin on his head! Hmm time for a new avatar, halloween is over.
  19. Uh what? whats the question?
  20. Hey quit competeing with me! Various questions about formats, plotting etc etc. Hopefully Ill see you at lockhouse saturday and bug you then.
  21. Charts charts charts....get your charts here.... Well if you want circa 1800 to modern, I know right where to get them. I just happen to run this here website/ database: http://historicals.ncd.noaa.gov/historical...als/histmap.asp Yeah I know the search interface needs improvement. I'm working on it ! As far as earlier charts, try these sites/stores: http://www.vintagemaps.com/catalog/index.htm http://www.seaheritage.com/categories.asp?cID=4 http://www.helmink.com/ http://www.kittyprint.com/KTP/HTML/Charts.html
  22. Been to Iceland, loved it. All I rememer how to say is Thank you... Taak Fyrting and Im probably wrong about that even, its been a few years!
  23. Thats completly excellent. Skimming thru fast I read... "To make Ladles to Load your Guns with." as "To make Ladies to Load your Guns with. " wait ...what?
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