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jim hawkins

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Everything posted by jim hawkins

  1. washingotn will kick you apart NSFW language.
  2. Sounds like either the tavern at 1:00 or merricks/pirate brethren have a camp site. Stop by and throw something at us.
  3. Mates on a plane
  4. Top Ten Signs You're Watching A Bad Pirate Movie 10. Stars Johnny Depp's half-brother Kenny Depp 9. Most of the action takes place at a Long John Silver's in Harrisburg 8. It's two hours of Blackbeard and Redbeard checking each other for ticks 7. Only piracy is the illegal distribution of Boz Scaggs concert bootlegs 6. The lead pirate's catchphrase: "Arrrrrrt Garfunkel!" 5. The only pillaging is the six dollars the theater charges for popcorn, am I right, ladies and gentlemen? 4. The parrot keeps saying, "This movie sucks" 3. Pirates stumble around because they wear two eyepatches 2. In climax, ship gets blown out of water by defective North Korean missile 1. Hero is incapacitated after getting his swash caught in his buckle
  5. Hey It was only 32$, you didnt have to pay parking after that. My review is...It's exactly what I thought it would be. How much are they paying for articles/ art?
  6. I tried the pub chat room but no one was there. come join me.
  7. Yep just got mine at barns and nobles (which always sounds like the name of a medeival agrarian RPG but I digress)...Its nifty.
  8. http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/ They have the hottest models.
  9. Yep did that. The mice were a treat.
  10. I had plenty of pet mice when I had my monitor lizard, but only for very short amounts of time.
  11. Say this is some good spanish food. Pass me more conquistador. Ill have the balboa burger, vasco de gama on the side, hold the cortez.
  12. Eh he's never going to hit any of the kids at that angle.
  13. Invasion of the Christmas crabs! (its after the netflix ad)
  14. I'll be in my bunk.
  15. Good last name
  16. < at MD one on satturday most likely. Save me some things to fall on.
  17. Join us at Reconstrucing Button Holes Through History to see our finest button holes.
  18. How much for just a buttonhole?
  19. Ding! We have a winner! Your go.
  20. Okay hint time, Its from a silent film with many remakes.
  21. Ghostbusters! My turn again! Possibly a toughie...Ill do hints if it dies..... "Feast your eyes! Glut your soul on my accursed ugliness! "
  22. I've been to that volcano. Well sortof, I saw in the distance from a tour bus. And technically that pic was taken by some icelander in 1991, nasa posted it in jan 06.
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