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jim hawkins

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Everything posted by jim hawkins

  1. I run a historical Nautical chart web site and server.
  2. Reconstructing History
  3. Fright Nite?
  4. Yep its Beetlejuice. And now I'll get out of the way...
  5. feh Im starting a new Quote, try and stop me! "My life is a dark room. One big dark room"
  6. Not to be used for Navigation.
  7. True, I was shot down seconds later.
  8. Now that, thats a coat.
  9. Playing Age of Mythology while contractors put my new kitchen in
  10. Clearly I have to go with Hawks.
  11. ^ So many to choose from. Hmm Ill go with Carhenge! Yes carhenge nebraska, its a stonehenge replica made out of cars. How could I not go there?! < Mostly retired now, but I was a National Park Site Bagger. V Favorite National Park
  12. This thread is sleeping again. Give us more hints or something William. Its some christmas movie. Umm "Scrooged" ?
  13. Being on cat litter is way better than being in cat litter.
  14. ^ just my heart baby, just my heart. (sorry that was too easy) < saw an excellent korean monster movie yesterday, "the host" V foreign films: prefer subtitles, dubbed or stick to hollywood.
  15. Silent night, Deadly night? (no I dont think its that, I just like the title)
  16. Gonzo: Lord Vile, I've broken Juggers in half, smashed their bones, left the ground behind me wet with brains. There's nothing I wouldn't do to win. But I never hurt anyone for any reason other than sticking a dog's skull on a stake. -"Blood of Heroes"
  17. Thats it! (hey I said it was a gimme). Your go.
  18. Hey this thread died. Well if Cheeky wont do a quote Ill do another, its a gimme, just to bump it. "Its just says three words....Mars Needs Women!"
  19. ^ Hercules altho hes a demi god, after that, hmmm Ares. He just joined the avengers. < no interest in gaming consoles, I'm just too cheap. Tho I still PC game occasionally V favorite egyptian god.
  20. ^ I always use to be able answer no that question, but I was recently converted (don't ask) < smoked one cigarette at a party once years ago, just so I can make the "I quit smoking, it was easy!' joke. V smoker now, former or never?
  21. Didnt drive today and carrying sword on subway = bad Keebler fudge stripe cookies you say? I'll be right over.
  22. MRSA - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Okay I had to google that, its been a looong time since I was a biology major.
  23. ^ Semi-fast, have to be. programmer, web page designer etc < very techie inclined, although its begining to fade. I just can't keep up with the changes. I loved learning how computer networks worked a few years back. V passes question along.
  24. Raymond Passworthy: Oh, God, is there ever to be any age of happiness? Is there never to be any rest? Oswald Cabal: Rest enough for the individual man - too much, and too soon - and we call it death. But for Man, no rest and no ending. He must go on, conquest beyond conquest. First this little planet with its winds and ways, and then all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him. Then the planets about him and at last out across immensity to the stars. And when he has conquered all the deeps of space and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning. Raymond Passworthy: But... we're such little creatures. Poor humanity's so fragile, so weak. Little... little animals. Oswald Cabal: Little animals. If we're no more than animals, we must snatch each little scrap of happiness and live and suffer and pass, mattering no more than all the other animals do or have done. Is it this? Or that? All the universe? Or nothingness? Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be Things to Come (1936)
  25. Completely anecdotal evidence about VA hospitals...My father spent a year in a VA hospital in Baltimore and it was actually fairly decent. Old old building but they were slowly remodeling it nicely. This is about seven years ago so long before this latest news.
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