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jim hawkins

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Everything posted by jim hawkins

  1. Ok so we know you dont look like the dog, what about the stone seagull?
  2. Yep! Love it. It really starts the whole scifi theme of science wants to study it, the military wants to kill it.....more quotes from it: There are no enemies in science, only phenomena to be studied. Knowledge is more important than life. Please doctor, I've got to ask this. It sounds like, well, just as though you're describing some form of super carrot. Your turn!
  3. The Prestige is excellent, I just wanted more David Bowie as Tesla action. Err my quote...hmm.... "Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies! "
  4. The Prestige.
  5. "He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe. He learned too late for himself that men have to find their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can't be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. And when men seek such perfection... they find only death... fire... loss... disillusionment... the end of everything that's gone forward. Men have always sought an end to the toil and misery, but it can't be given, it has to be achieved. There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from Man himself. " - It conquered the World
  6. ^ Im not even sure Im doing it now. You proably wont be, 30 years is a long time from now, were getting old remember. < been reenacting off and on for 26 ish years, yikes. But I had a alot a years off, it depends on how you define it. V (borrows Chloes question, Im not awake enough to come up with one) how long have you been reenacting (any/all time periods)?
  7. 2868 songs and counting. I aint listing them.
  8. Nope, sometimes I keep looking, just to prove that saying wrong.
  9. Peanuts...Lightly salted dry roasted.....mmm.
  10. Was snowed in yesterday and watched a ton of "Lost". Season 2 is so much better than season 1. Now I just need to find a way to catch up on season 3. Heads off to nefarious internet places.....
  11. Unless you cant sew. < not allowed in the same room with needle and thread. They have photos of me up at fabric stores saying not to sell stuff to me. strue.
  12. Not to be used for Navigation!
  13. The "Blood and Chocolate" Soundtrack. Its way better then the movie was.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMp8mSRiHow
  15. What does one pirate say to another on the phone? Arrrrr you there? Do you have Prince Albert tied up and being tortured?
  16. Sign me up! I demand a cowboy hat to wave.
  17. Happy Birthday !!
  18. Do tell, that sounds a lot like NOAA.
  19. I'm burned out and I never even finished getting burned in.
  20. http://www.piratztavern.com/ Like three blocks from office. Its small and a bit pricey, but certainly the best pirate themed bar within walking distance of my office.
  21. Im perfectly okay with Star Wars turning 30. What Im having trouble with is "Star Trek: Next Generation" turning 20 this year! That cant have been 20 years ago can it?! ....yeah I guess it can.
  22. Heck who am I kidding, Ill almost certainly be there. But have them PM me with enticements anyway!
  23. Hmm the odds of me attending just went way up.
  24. I'm saying No for now, but I'll probably change my mind at the last minute and crash it.
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