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Maeve O'Treasaigh

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Everything posted by Maeve O'Treasaigh

  1. For Miss Ashcombe's birthday: Cake and Ice Cream for everyone!
  2. Jenny! Happy Happy Birthday!! I hope it is a grande, glorious, and happy day for you. I also hope you called in "sick". I'll be runnin' into you soon lass! -Maeve
  3. I like Solstice very much...that or Morning Star -Maeve
  4. Speaking of honey, how 'bout a nice glass of Mead and some savory roast mutton.... -Maeve
  5. Some honey-lemon juice would do the trick for Lady Snow....William or Jenny?
  6. Hmm...how about a nice Monte Cristo sandwich for lunch?
  7. Silly fun classical Christmas music....specifically Jingle Bell Rock
  8. Cocoa Roos w/ out the milk....I'm feelin' lazy.... -Maeve
  9. Ooh..I'll have some Merc if you're sharin'. :-) -Maeve
  10. Oh...and some beer nuts would be nice too....thanks! -Maeve
  11. Sorry for the late post. Thanks for the stew, although it was Italian. Darn good stuff. Got a nice Pale Ale to wash it down with? -Maeve
  12. I prefer the dough before it's cooked....hm...now I'll have ta run out and get me some darnit. -Maeve
  13. Since requests are taken here, I'd like ta request some hearty Irish potato stew please... -Maeve
  14. ooh! A fine restaurant it seems we have 'ere. May I make a request? -Maeve
  15. Aye Cap'n Sophia, I hope you get ta feelin' better soon. -Maeve
  16. overwhelmed!.....which is typical -Maeve
  17. Sendin' out some spam...ah, I mean an email blast for me sidejob for a scrapbook company...and eatin' some lousy gruel since it's the only thing I can open me mouth wide enough ta eat while me jaw recovers from surgery.....sigh -Maeve
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