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Maeve O'Treasaigh

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Everything posted by Maeve O'Treasaigh

  1. Sensing his somewhat clipped answer as an invitation not to continue along this particular topic, she simply smiled. "I'm sorry captain", she said quietly. It was followed by a silence which to her seemed uncomfortable as he merely continued to look at her. Setting the book down, she made a gesture for him to stay put. "I have a little something to give you as a thank you", she said and did not wait for him to respond, afraid he might protest. She went quickly into the kitchen and returned with a small knit sack full of fresh made biscuits filled w/ plum preserves and butter. "Thank you Captain. Et's not much en rehtarn far these expensive books, but it'll hafta do". Smiling, she handed him the bag.
  2. Maeve smiled more genuinely and seemed to recover herself a bit as Captain Brand handed her this fine treasure. It was certainly the most recent book of medicine she has seen in some time and already she longed to read it. She wanted to pit her acquired knowledge against the findings of a recently published and respected doctor. Maeve could feel the captain's eyes upon her as he astutely regarded her reaction. She toyed w/ the torn edge of the book and her face took on a suddenly serious, somewhat concerned expression as she met his blue gaze. "Cannon fire sir? As a privateer, do ya often run inta such dire conflict?", she inquired.
  3. Maeve gripped the book rather tightly as she flushed, listening to him explain. The polite thing to do would have been to show immediate gratitude. Indeed, she managed a polite thank you, but it was faint, even terse. Her face took on the expression of one who was extremely careworn. "It was very generous of you ta think of me with such a gift, and ta come all way here to deliver it personally", she added. "Would you like a glass of water, sir?", she asked lamely.
  4. Maeve stepped out from her tiny kitchen with a small smear of flour dust across her lower right jaw. She looked a bit bedraggled with the day's heat but her demeanor was one of surprise as she saw Captain Brand cross over her threshold. "Captain Brand!", she remarked. "Tis a suhprise ta see you here". Her eyes flickered to the two crewman standing just outside of her modest shop and returned to engage the captain's once more. "Is Captain Lasseter alright?"
  5. Rumba, so glad you liked your little stash 'o booty. :-) Ransom, just got my plunder from you today. Thank you EVER so much for my beautiful dangly sparklies. William says I look good in red and gold. :-)
  6. ^ Firefly hands-down, with BSG being a really close second. If anyone reading this hasn't seen Firefly, you're missing out! It even recently beat out Star Wars as best sci-fi in a poll in an English magazine. < Now, for sci-fi comedy, it'd be Galaxy Quest, which I actually happen to be watching atm. V - What's your favorite constellation?
  7. I'm partial to the smell of burning frankincense, anything vanilla, the way that Drakar Noir smells on William's warm skin, cotton candy, lavendar, rosemary, the scent just after a nice rain, that wonderful loamy smell that comes down in the wind as it blows through the canyons here in the summer, and the way my little boy smells, especially after a nice bath. On an odd note, when I'm pregnant, I crave the smell of old machinery and foundries (my Dad worked in a foundry and I still love that smell).
  8. Mmmm...well, brekkie was wonderful. Now that the day is closing, got anything comforting to eat?
  9. Wonderful link Chole! I enjoyed perusing it thoroughly. I'm anxiously awaiting the images you're looking to find. :-)
  10. So, just what did women in the GAoP do for clothing when they were pregnant? What about wearing stays? Different or easily expanding skirts? Are there any extant examples? What do any of you know about this? BTW, this is not an announcement, although it could be. Besides, I've OFTEN wondered.
  11. She stirred to whispering voices around her. Sunlight poured through a window behind her head. Maeve blinked her heavy lids and took a moment to take in her unfamiliar surroundings. She was befuddled for a moment before her memory returned to her. Apparently, she had at last fallen asleep in the great chair beside Francois’ bed as she kept watch on him through the night. The two women whispering were Cindrellon and her mistress, Madelaine. Maeve pushed herself up from the chair, and her belly rumbled with hunger. She stood there a moment, unsteady with sleep, as Madelaine and Cindrellon took sudden notice of her wakefulness. “Mev!”, Madame LaRoche exclaimed, no longer bothering to whisper. She greeted the chirugeon with two kisses to the cheeks. Maeve returned the gesture. After a moment’s discussion, she learned that breakfast was available for her anytime she wanted to eat. Madelaine then commented on how soundly her beautiful son was now sleeping. Maeve took several long moments to assess the situation and found that there was not much more she could do for him, other than to make sure that he had medicine to keep his pain at bay. She left the laudanum she’d brought for Francois, ate a delectable breakfast, and then insisted that she must away, but that she would come back to call on Francois. With a full belly and many errands to accomplish, Maeve went on her way.
  12. Ah! Everyone is getting such wonderful plunder it seems, myself included. A hearty thanks to Oderlesseye who's plunder package reach the shores of my home yesterday. Wonderful! Fun pics n' things, and the lovely bosuns whistle! Very generous. Thank you SO much. Now be wary Rumba, Ransom, and Jenny.....there be plunder sent on its way today. Duchess, I have one more item to be placed in your stash (hopefully by tomorrow) and I will send that on its merry way to you! -Maeve
  13. Wee! I be lovin' this game! I recieved two packages o' lovely plunder this day. Rumba - Thank you ever so much! I've only been to San Diego once, but absolutely loved it. Hope to visit again some day. My plunder is wonderful! I've already begun plotting which outfits I can wear my lovely bracelets, necklaces and broaches with! The map booklet is now in the glove compartment (after reading it), ready to direct me just in case I find myself out that direction!! Thank you! Duchess - My tribaly piece of jewelry is gorgeous!! As a belly dancer, it is a most appreciated accoutrement. Love it!! Thanks! Ok you two lovely ladies, I honestly have been compiling your booty. I should have it completed and shipped out next week. Keep your eyes open for it!
  14. If nothing else, we should nominate Tate as Ship's Cook. That man CAN COOK! There will be no want for "flavor" or tasty fair if we allow him the post.
  15. Maeve hurried by inns and small shops as she moved along to Madame Laroche's. The warmth of the day was fading and she was beginning to feel uncomfortably chilled, as soaked through as she was. Hunger gnawed at her and she silently made up her mind to beg a piece of bread or something simple from Madeleine when she arrived. The light of the day had altogether failed, but she knew her way well enough, and was able to make her way easily as this part of town was well lit. She mused how just a couple of town blocks made such a difference in social status and upkeep. Why Madeleine had chosen to use her services was both amusing and alarming. Madeleine had called on the services of Dr. Laurent Tramois before, but since Maeve's arrival with her father, had switched instead to their services. When Maeve questioned her about it, Madame Laroche's faced darkened a bit and had used words such as "pig", "greedy", and "filthy roaming hands". This last bit had especially surprised Maeve, whose eyebrows had gone up in surprise to hear such. Maeve had just reached the doorstep of the residence when a lovely dark-haired woman rushed out and seized her forearms and gave her a hasty but affectionate kiss on both cheeks, not seeming to care at all about the rain. "Mev! Mon dieu, vous êtes imbibé!". Maeve laughed as Madeleine pulled her out of the rain and inside the modest but stately home. Madeleine snapped her fingers crisply. "Cendrillon! Rapidement! Une serviette pour sécher le docteur". A slight, blond girl of perhaps 16 showed her face, made a quick curtsy and rushed off. Madeleine turned to look at Maeve appraisingly and made a 'tsking' sound as she pinched at her small waist. "Vous êtes peau et os!", she declared and called after the maid. "Et cherchez quelque chose pour que le docteur mange!". Maeve always found the fuss that Madame Laroche created a bit much to take, but she endured it with good nature. At least she had been spared the trouble of "begging" for a bite to eat. "Va't'il comment Francois ?" Maeve inquired. Madeleine grabbed the towel that Cendrillon had fetched, wrapped it around Maeve's shoulders and gently steered the doctor upstairs. "Il est de cette façon. Je lui ai donné un certain laudinum", Madeleine's polite exuberance was suddenly shadowed with a mother's worry for her son. "Francois se repose", she murmured. They climbed the stairs, and were suddenly tailed by a small raven haired girl of 4, tugging on her mother's skirts. "Maman! Est-ce que je peux aider?", the little girl pleaded. She had two large blue saucers for eyes. Maeve smiled at her sweet request. "Non Chloé", her mother said gently. "Il est temps pour le lit". Crocodile tears welled immediately and a perfect pout set itself upon the child's face. "Mais Maman! Je suis inquiété de Francois!". Madeleine hugged her daughter. "Mev prendra grand soin de Francois. Allez maintenant". She released her daughter to return downstairs and back to bed as the two women continued up. Francois lay peacefully abed. Maeve crossed the room with her bag of supplies and set them down on the bedside table. Gently she sat on the edge of the bed and brushed back dark hair from Francios' sweaty brow. The stupor of laudanum dreams had hold of the little boy, and he mumbled occasionally. Madame Laroche, exuberance now completely replaced with worry, looked on anxiously. Maeve pulled back the covers and inspected Francois' left leg. It was swollen and bruised...the only real indication that it was in fact broken. She sighed in relief. This meant the break was not a terrible one nor one that would require amputation. However, she feared that since it was a break in the same place as before, that Francois might always walk with a slight limp thereafter. She communicated this to Madeleine who looked at once reassured and upset. Fortunately, Francois was already in a laudanum stupor, so setting the break didn't disturb Francois too terribly. He moaned a bit, whimpered, and his breath quickened. But soon, he was at rest once more. Maeve was suddenly reminded of her hunger the moment the maid entered the room with a plate of warm food. Madame Laroche urged Maeve to eat, insisting that she would finish the job of tying off the splint. Grateful, Maeve took the plate and ate heartily.
  16. A few fat drops of rain soon became a small deluge. Maeve sighed, resigned to getting soaked as she was still a good ten minute walk from home, having recently left the tailors shop. She'd acquired a new skirt and blouse from some set stock that was already made up and on hand, but would not pick them up for another two days time as alterations for her size and per her instruction had to be done. With enough light yet to easily get home by, Maeve ducked under the awning of a small storefront and unwrapped her impulsive purchase. Guiltily, she admired once more the lovely ceramic teapot she'd fought with herself not to buy, and subsequently lost. Pretty yellow and blue flowers were painted across its delicate surface, marred only by a small chip. One had to hunt for the flaw. Apparently, it had been enough of a flaw for a lady of means to sell it to a local trinket shop. Maeve had been eying it for weeks since it had shown up at Emile's Pawn Brokerage. Still, she felt another wave of guilt for buying so selfishly. It passed quickly as she resolved to cherish the teapot all the more. It's two matching cups were nestled in the pockets of her skirt. In her pockets were also a small stash of breakfast tea and, even worse, some cocoa. She adored cocoa, and the idea of suddenly having the means to enjoy more of it on her own terms was just too much for her. She'd bartered for the price of the teapot and had really gotten quite a nice deal on it. Maeve re-wrapped her little prize and stepped back out into the rain. By the time she reached her home, she was indeed quite damp. Maeve was a bit surprised to find a note on her door. It was now plastered w/ rain, so the ink had began to run. She plucked up the note and went inside. Carefully setting down her new treasure and emptying her pockets onto the nearest table, she brushed the rain out of her eyes and stood by the window, trying to read the note. After a moment of squinting, she decided to light a candle. Once lit, she attempted to read it again. Bent over the light she read, "Miss Tressie, please come. It is for my boy. It is his leg. I fear it is broken again. Francois is in great pain. Hurry please!". It was signed by Madeleine Laroche. Maeve gave a weary sigh wiping away more tiny rivulets that trickled down her brow from her wet hair. After a quiet moment, she packed up her medicine bag and hurriedly packed in the needed supplies. Poor, sweet little Francois. He was forever bringing her frogs and hideous insects as well-intentioned presents. She made sure to pack the laudanum as her gift to him.
  17. I'll be making a meatloaf "cake" and rice krispies sushi rolls for dessert today. William and I will post pics. :-)
  18. Ah Mary! I'm so glad you liked your plunder. It was especially fun making the crow...it seemed so appropriate somehow. Enjoy!
  19. Maeve sat in the chair of her tiny kitchen with her half eaten lunch all but forgotten as she stared at the small mound of coins before her. Still she wondered at her sudden stroke of fortune after such recent misfortune. There were so many ways she could think of to invest and spend this money that she was faced with a wall of indecision. She was running desperately low on some basic medical supplies, and a few of her tools were in need of sharpening or replacement altogether. The clothes she had were becoming a bit worn and faded with use and repeated washings, and her shoes were just about worn to the nail. She also needed new bed linens so that her current ones could be used upon the surgery bed, and a couple of rotting floorboards in her shop needed replacing. Maeve sighed. She longed to hold onto the money but feared that practical needs would force her to replace and repair things, rather than allowing her to spend the money on frivolous desires. Indeed, she had much more dire things to think upon for which she decided might not allow her any frivolity at all. Sighing, Maeve finished her lunch and stood up. She resolved to buy herself only one new working skirt and blouse, and would pay to have her shoes re-soled. As for the greater majority, she would spent it on needed medical supplies and food staples to set her up for the next several months. The floor boards could wait. She decided she would be as frugal as possible and use what was left to buy herself fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits when she could. In the meantime, she would redouble her efforts to make and sell her knitted bags, vests, and other wares as well as taking on more small tailoring repair jobs. More than anything though, she hoped for more Captain Lasseters. An affable, generous patient who was willing to pay, indeed, overpay for her services. Maeve had a good heart, but she really wished to be paid more often for services she rendered too often to penniless riffraff who'd gotten into barfights and duels. A good heart was all well and good, but even a good heart dies without food to feed it. Her time spent, unpaid, at the local church ought to be enough charity she thought wryly. Perhaps news of her good work would spread from the Chandler and his son, lending her the credibility she desired. A violent yawn took her just then. Maeve was clearly exhausted and decided that before all else, a nap was in order. Making certain she placed her "out for awhile" sign in the store-front window, she bolted the door and headed upstairs.
  20. Ah Jill! Happy happy near birthday to you! May you soon be able to splurge on something decadent and make your upcoming natal day a perfect one. :-) This is just in case I miss being able to wish you a happy birthday on the real day... :-P
  21. Thus far, I have sent plunder to Oderlesseye. He should recieve it tomorrow or Monday I should think. I'm am currenlty working on plunder for two others..... Well....everyone on this thread is on my list....but I'll surprise ya.
  22. Happiest of natal days to you lass! Make sure it's a good wish before you blow out the candles!
  23. I'd like to take part in this plunderous scheme. Count me in!
  24. Maeve was quiet a long spell, clearly surprised. She looked at the petite figure in front her. 'Headstrong indeed', she thought, 'and more foolhardy than I'. "You must be an amazing woman who's done amazing things to earn such praises", Maeve said. "Shorely ya've arned the keep of those weapons yer wearin'. Tis a good thing Capt. Lasseter has ya back in his company ta defend him against rogues", she said, laughing lightly. Tudor smiled. She once again turned her address to Capt. Brand. "Yer very compliment'ry of yer crew. And eight women ya say? Indeed I find that most surprisin', especially that a woman chirurgeon is numbered among them. 'Tis a hard thing ta be a woman with a man's job an' be tekken seriously. If yer chirurgeon should get the urge, 'twould be very nice to meet another woman in ma profession. Mebbe she'd like ta come by ma shop if she finds the time". Maeve delicately dobbed her sweat beaded brow with a kerchief she produced from her waistband. "Mr. Brand, yer truly a remarkably forward thinkin' man. Yer crew must be quiet loyal to allow so menny women aboard without problems, and the women more remarkable still fer choosin' such a life." Her eyes flickered to the wine shop where Mr. Lasseter and 5 other men were just coming out of the door, and she noted that the shorter, surly looking one had purchased a bottle of overly priced wine.
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