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Maeve O'Treasaigh

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Everything posted by Maeve O'Treasaigh

  1. Did I mention how much it is that I love you?
  2. Like a punching bag....6 more weeks to go!
  3. = the definition of my last boss.
  4. Maeve was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected arrival of a small crate full of wonderfully scented beeswax candles, courtesy of their former patient, Mr. Pew. She was rather surprised and most grateful for such a treat, as tallow candles were usually all that she could afford. She set the crate on the counter, and a moment later, BriarRose appeared at the bottom of the stairs, blinking her eyes sleepily. She looked at the box. “What’s that?”, she asked. “A box of lovely beeswax candles sent as a thank you gift from Mr. Pew, if ya can believe it”, Maeve said with a smile. “Tis a very thoughtful and generous gift indeed”, she added. “Yes indeed”, Briar said with a wry grin as she noticed their latest patient, Marie, sitting near the fire. Marie’s eyes glittered distantly, and her once snarled hair was now pulled back into an immaculate braid. “Briar, can ya stay with Marie while I go out ta purchase some more food fer our larders? I’ll need ta hurry as the sun will be settin’ soon”. “Aye, of course”, Briar said. “Oh, and Marie will be needin’ summore of yer ointments fer her bruises”, she added with a smile as she donned her cap. A moment later, she was out the door and on the streets of Martinique
  5. My real name is Tracy. Apparently it can mean a couple of different things: Origin: English Meaning: Thracius' place Origin: Gaelic Meaning: Warlike, fierce The Gaelic meaning is much more interesting than the English meaning.
  6. Maeve brought out a bowl of thin stew to give to Marie, and a cup of cool ale to wash it down. Marie seemed grateful enough of it, but her eyes kept glancing furtively to the front door as she ate quietly. Maeve was curious to know this woman’s particular story, but was too polite to pry about information not freely proffered, so she kept herself busy, sweeping and cleaning the front room as her patient ate. Maeve finally broke the silence. “If there’s anyone that I might send for ta help ya from this place, just let me know. Yer well enough ta leave if ya want. Ya’ll just be sore for a while is all”, she commented.
  7. Maeve just gazed at her friend a moment, and then shook her head. “Honestly, yer reasonin’ doesn’t make much sense ta me. What will cover yer tracks and movements the best is ta book yerself passage aboard a ship in a way that won’t be traced. Ultimately, I don’t think it would matter much what ship ya chose ta take. No one searchin’ for ya is gonna know that The Watch Dog is a privateer, when the point is that they ultimately not know ya boarded a ship at all, let alone which ship that was in harbor the day ya set sail.” She shook her head again. “I’m goin’ ta have ta just believe that ya have changed yer mind over an uneasy feelin’ an’ leave it at that” she replied honestly. After a moment, she continued. “Our patient has woken, and her name is Marie. She’s bathin’ at the moment, and I feel that she’ll likely be ready ta leave today if she wants to. So go lie down and take that nap. She won’t be hard ta handle by ma-self”, she said with a smile. With that, she stood, kissed the top of Briar’s head and moved to head up the stairs and back to Marie.
  8. Maeve sat down her cup of tea. “Of course I’m delighted ta have ya stay. However, I truly don’t understand or feel the danger ya feel that yer putting me in, and I don’t quite understand the loss of yer sense of urgency in the matter. Up through yesterday, ya acted and spoke as though ya couldn’t leave soon enough. I’m just confused is all. But yet you still DO seem anxious ta leave, suddenly preferin’ a privateer of questionable standing over passage on a safe merchant ship. Of course ya don’t have to speak of your discourse today at the docks, but ya certainly can understand my confusion?”, Maeve stated.
  9. Damn this cold. I'll take a couple of "period" sudafed and a cup of hot cocoa w/ one of those fabulous homemade marshmallows...
  10. Maeve paused in her ministrations when she heard Briar call her downstairs. “Do ya think you could finish bathin’ yerself?”, she asked Marie. This actually seemed to make Marie more comfortable with the situation, and so she temporarily took her leave of the patient to head downstairs. She could smell the tea as she entered the main room and came out of the stairwell to see Briar sitting at the table waiting for her with steaming tea and some biscuits. BriarRose herself looked quite composed and ready to talk. Maeve smiled at her and somberly sat herself down in a chair near her friend. “I take it yer ready ta talk?”, Maeve asked quietly.
  11. When she had returned from the docks, BriarRose had seemed in no mood to discuss anything. Aside from a cursory acknowledgment of Maeve, she had said nothing as she hung up her cloak and moved to the kitchen, vigorously renewing her efforts of scrubbing down the entire room, floorboards and all. Maeve had wisely given her friend space, and by 12:00 noon that day, all of the remaining parcels that Maeve had ordered delivered for BriarRose had come. During all this time, Briar never once came out of the kitchen. La Esperanza was scheduled to leave at 2:00 of the afternoon. Maeve was tempted several time to remind her friend of this, but somehow could not bring her self to do so. Again she wondered at her friend's panicked and urgent need to leave a mere three days ago to her sudden recalcitrance to board the ship she'd fought to get her passage on. At the moment, Maeve couldn't seem to reconcile her conflicting feelings of extreme irritation at Briar's seeming willingness to brush off yesterday's exhausting efforts on her behalf, with the selfish happiness it gave her to think her friend might not part her company quite so quickly. Sighing, Maeve went again to check on their patient, a bucket of cool water and a sponge in hand to give her a good scrubbing.
  12. The girl, despite her protests and seeming desire to leave, was now resting comfortably, albeit reluctantly, in Pew’s bed. Maeve had thwarted her attempt to rise and leave earlier, insisting, now that she was awake, that she reassess the injuries. Upon re-examination, Maeve discovered that the girl’s ribs were not in fact broken, but there was massive and deep bruising in the area, causing intense discomfort. There was also bruising on her arms and some small contusions on her face. Despite the severe abuse, the girl was going to be fine. For the moment, she slept again thanks to a weak dosing of laudanum and some leftover biscuits. While the girl slept, Maeve brushed out the snarls from the woman’s long, dark hair.
  13. Maeve closed the door as the boy, now paid, ran off. She turned her gaze back to Briar. “Why didn’t ya talk ta me about it last night?” Maeve asked, confused. “You want me ta believe you have a better feelin’ about takin’ passage upon a privateer rather than a merchant ship makin’ an honest livin’?” Briar seemed not to know what to say to this. Maeve handed her her cloak with a mixed expression of worry and consternation. “If the boy has made a mistake here in the translation of his message, he’s likely made a mistake at the Watch Dog as well. Best you be off ta find out what’s happenin’. Be careful ta hide yer face now”, she said more kindly as she urged her friend out the door and into the bustling morning streets of Martinique.
  14. Maeve sat at the table sipping a cup of after-breakfast tea as she contemplated their latest ward. The mysterious woman dressed as a man lay sleeping deeply by the fireplace with the lazy black kitten snuggled in the crook of the injured woman’s arm. She would have shooed him off, but she was too tired to bother. Sounds of water and scrubbing and humming came from the kitchen as BriarRose cleaned up after their morning breakfast. Preston had seen himself out, again, no doubt on some errand of his own choosing. Not knowing what else to think, she assumed his bed was likely permanently freed up and debated moving this latest patient to his spot. After a moment, she decided it could wait until they’d had a chance to change the bed sheets. Maeve pursed her lips in some annoyance at having yet another patient who was likely unable to pay her, and couldn’t help but feel a bit miffed at how caring for this person might cut into her recently received funds. Any cut into those funds made her inevitable hardship likely to arrive that much sooner, and it frightened her. She tried to repent of this attitude, but it was slow in coming, even as she reminded herself that tomorrow she was schedule to donate more of her time and skills at the church. Just then, there came an unexpected knock at the door. Maeve rose and went to the door. Opening it, she found a teen-aged boy, looking both tired and hopeful. His eyes darted past her as though looking for something or someone, even as she asked how she may help him. The boy looked past her one more time before answering. “Mademoiselle, I ‘ave a message for Mademoiselle Kildaire…”, he stopped, uncertain if he should continue. Maeve looked at the boy. “Who are you?”, she asked, guarded. “Gervais, Mademoiselle”, he said, looking a bit agitated. “I ‘ave a reply for ‘er from Capitaine Marque from Le Chien de garde…”, he said pausing. Maeve was perplexed a moment before her tired mind translated the meaning of his French. “Oh”, she said suddenly. “You mean from Captain Brand of the Watch Dog?”, she asked. “Oui!”, the boy replied, smiling. “Ee sez that ee wishes to speak wiz ‘er about marrying ‘er aboard ze, uh, Watch Dog, later zis evening”, he finished, beaming. “Marry her?!” Maeve exclaimed, eyes widening significantly. She frowned again, almost immediately repeating the word “marriage” back to the boy, only in French. “Oui”, the boy said again simply, although he seemed a bit uncertain now over the woman’s obvious shock. Maeve turned away from the boy and called out “Briar!! I think ya’d best come here….now!”
  15. Here's mine: http://www.myspace.com/bellydgirl
  16. Preparing to go in for a root canal. >.< Thank heavens for "happy gas".
  17. Thanks everyone for all the "play by play" posting. It was great fun. Misson, I especially loved your witty and poignant posts, and appreciated hearing the stories of the day as William was mostly too busy, or actually catching a few z's, to tell me himself. I can't wait to hear the details when he returns. Sounds like everyone had an absolute blast and I've been informed that I'm attending next year "come hell or high water" :-P
  18. Well, for those concerned with the Mercury camp, the camp site has been chosen! You got the site you wanted! It's fully shaded and located south and west of the fort with a southern and western view of the Atlantic and a northern view facing the battlefield. You will have access to the BBQ pits, open fire pits and picnic tables. So Patrick, William wants you to know you will have more than your pick of trees to choose from for your hammock. One significant snag though. For those who MUST have electricity there is none available by the beach where the Mercury Camp is. They will make an attempt to run a significant amount of power cords out that way but it may not be possible. SO you may also have to be willing to relocate to the fort or the modern camping area.
  19. The Bone Island Crew is there and they are painting signs and building exhibit stuff for events such as a knife throwing contest and other things. They are also working on the tavern setup. The weather has gone from balmy to sticky hot and the air is very still. The crew of the Sacred Heart has 6 members currently in attendance. Mission had arrived from the Detroit area. The Callahan's have already gone around town on bicycles, delivering posters and flyers for the event to advertise. All of the benches and the stage are set up for the Anne & Mary trial. The Mercury Crew camp position has not yet been determined. At this point, when you arrive it is advised that you seek out the Callahan's or William or Harry to find out exactly where the camp will finally be located. All in all, things are progressing nicely.
  20. Hello all. William is dictating events to me by phone as I type this. He departed at 12:59am this morning and arrived at 5 minutes to 11:00am in Key West. It rained earlier this morning and is now a balmy 72 degrees. The Callahan's are already at the fort and are setting up tarps. The supplies that people ordered are stacking up in Harry's office, ready for them when they arrive. William is currently being picked up by the Callahan's who graciously offered to give him a ride from the airport. They'll be picking up supplies at Home Deport today and William will continue to make updates and reports on those arriving as he can. He is looking forward to meeting everyone and is very enthusiastic, despite his severe lack of sleep (awake for 41 hours finishing the Mercury draughts, which he has with him).
  21. Well, after a slightly tense emergency landing and a swarming of 8 emergency vehicles after they landed, William has made it safely to Key West...well the airport anyway. He's attempting to find a lift from the airport to the fort as I type this. I hope everyone else arrives safe and sound and has a blast at all the events. :-)
  22. Making some yummy rice in my lazy (and favorite) rice cooker...and waiting for William to come home. I'm hungry!
  23. A very bone weary Maeve groaned at the sound of another knock on her door so soon. All of the walking and shopping she had done today had taken an unusually wearying toll on her body. Maeve was at the table, enjoying her 3rd cup of warming tea, and looked over at Briar from where she sat. Briar laughed softly, reading her look and returned it with slight concern as she got up to answer the door. “Oh! Why Captain Brand!”, BriarRose exclaimed. “Please, do come in…and rest assured that Mr. Pew has been returned and is comfortably back on our care, sir”, she said quickly. The Captain chuckled as he allowed himself and his companion in through the doorway. “I see”, he said simply. “Thank you Miss Kildare”. He began to remove his coat, and BriarRose made to take it, hanging it on the hook near the door. Maeve unwrapped the blankets around her person and stood, smiling, pretending that fatigue had no grip on her person. “Welcome Captain Brand…and friend”, she said. “May we offer you a cup of tea, or, perhaps something stronger?”, she offered.
  24. It was with no small relief, and checked annoyance, that Maeve received Mr. Pew upon his return with Mr. Flint. She said nothing more than to simply say she was glad for his safe return, and thanked Mr. Flint for finding him and returning him safely into their care. Briar remained where she sat, arms tightly folded, saying nothing. Miss Tribbiani stood and went to Bill’s arm, exclaiming how glad she was also that Bill had found him. Pew merely gave everyone a weary smile and excused himself and his packages to his room for the evening. Maeve called after him, just before he shut to door to the surgery, telling him a warm dinner would be brought to him soon. Bill, however, did not look as though he took any pride or joy in returning Preston. Instead, he looked reflective and as though much weighed on his mind. Treasure seemed to notice this, and with regret, thanked the two doctor for their hospitality and advice, and left with Argus and Mr. Flint, intent, or so it seemed, to have the latter's thoughts once they were alone.
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