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Maeve O'Treasaigh

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Everything posted by Maeve O'Treasaigh

  1. Maeve couldn’t help but stare a little at the woman she’d briefly met at the docks a few days previous. She was completely transformed from the girl in men’s clothing, to a creature of stunning beauty. She smiled at Treasure, and both BriarRose and Maeve couldn’t help but laugh at her disdainful display of wearing a head covering. “Please sit”, she said to Treasure, gesturing wearily to a chair. She did so, glad to sit after so much walking in town today. BriarRose poured her a cup of tea, but her eyes kept flickering restlessly to the door. “At least let me write up a note and have it delivered to the Captain, so he at least knows what’s happening and that we aren’t responsible”, she pleaded suddenly. Maeve regarded her, and Treasure merely nodded and spoke. “I understand you are feeling badly about his departure, but such a thing isn’t entirely unexpected from the likes of Preston. I can assure you that the Captain will hold nothing against you. He’s well aware of Preston’s temperament”. BriarRose still looked unsatisfied. It was upsetting to have an unwell patient you’d been charged to care for up and decide to leave, when you have someone else to answer to them for. Maeve put a light hand on Briar’s arm. “How about simply writing a letter, briefly informing the Captain of what has happened and letting him know as well that a member of his own crew is out and about, looking for him as we speak. Perhaps Treasure here would be so kind as to give the letter to the Captain…unless you are not returning anytime soon?”, she questioned, looking now at Miss Tribiani. Treasure looked thoughtful. “I had no plans to return straight away….perhaps we could find a boy to deliver it straight away?”, she suggested. “Aye”, BriarRose said, looking more satisfied. With that, she moved away from the table to find paper and writing utensil.
  2. A very weary chirurgeon stepped into her shop and closed the door behind her. It was nearing 4:30pm, and she was laden with items and receipts proving payment and promising delivery of those things she couldn’t realistically carry. She set all that she was carrying upon the nearest counter as Briar stepped out of the kitchen, which smelled of something heavenly cooking. “Maeve!”, BriarRose exclaimed. “Ya’ve been gone all day”, she exclaimed. “And you look so pale!”, she reprimanded as she came over to grab her friend’s arm. “Are you alright?”, she asked. “Aye”, Maeve replied with a tired smile. “Just weary. Been on ma feet a bit too long, and I’m parched is all”, she said, though she accepted Briar’s assistance to the nearest chair and sat down gratefully. Briar clucked her tongue as she went to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen. When she returned, Maeve was smiling at her, though it was tinged with sadness. “Maeve. Whatever’s wrong”, she asked, setting down the glass of water, eyes flicking to the pile of purchases that were surely the things BriarRose had asked for. Briar drew up a chair beside Maeve and waited. “Well, I supposed you will be happy ta hear that I have managed to procure ya safe passage as far as La Margarita. It was the best arrangement I could find. The ship is called La Esperanza, an’ they'll be settin’ sail tomorrow evenin’”, she said in a rush. BriarRose looked surprised. Before she could say anything, Maeve continued. “I managed ta find almost everything ya needed an’ more. The majority of it’will be delivered here ta the shop by noon tomorrow. We can pay them extra when they arrive ta deliver it ta the docks. I would have had them do so already, but I wanted ta make sure you were ok with the arrangements before I presumed too much”, Maeve finished. She regarded Briar, trying to gauge her mood and reaction. BriarRose folded her hands on the table and looked at them. “Briar?”, Maeve asked, leaning forward. “What is it? Is it not a good arrangement? It’s quick I know, but works perfectly for a quick and safe escape for ya…before ya can be found and followed”. She placed a hand on Briar’s arm.
  3. Maeve hummed quietly as she made her way slowly back towards her shop and home. She was quite pleased with herself, having finally managed to procure the promise of passage for BriarRose aboard La Esperanza. She had spoken with the Quartermaster of the ship, a Mr. Castillo, who had promised that he could take her companion at least as far as La Margarita and see her comfortably arranged their. He hadn't seemed too concerned that Briar was obviously English. Maeve had felt reasonably assured of Miss Kildaire's safety aboard ship as well as her safe delivery to the island. It might not be as far away as Briar immediately hoped to go, but it was the best she could arrange for. Maeve had spent the rest of the morning meandering through town and shops, both for pleasure, food, and for the various items that BriarRose needed. She ate a delicious slice of papaya as she wandered ever closer home.
  4. Maeve continued slowly down the docks, meeting with disappointment and discouragement. Several men turned her away politely, some not so politely. Many were vague and seemed untrustworthy, especially when she got to the part about the passenger being a woman. A few were greedy and asked far too large a price. So far, those that had agreed they would take Briar on board as a passenger gave her a queasy feeling. Briar’s safety would be dubious at best. Mostly, however, she continually ran into the problem of sailors’ superstitions about having a woman on board. They were reticent, and some were downright adamantly against the idea. It made her wonder how the situation worked on the Watch Dog. What a truly unusual arrangement they had. Indeed, what a truly unusual captain and crew to seemingly not bat an eye at the idea of having so many women on board. Maeve was becoming so discouraged that she toyed with the idea of returning when one of the captains was available to perhaps ask if they wouldn’t mind taking aboard just one more woman. This one didn’t know the way of ships, but she could certainly pay for her passage. Sighing, the chirurgeon, continued down the docks, her eyes settling upon a rather friendly looking ship named La Esperanza. Perhaps she would find luck there.
  5. Maeve smiled politely at the two boatmen. “Good mornin’ ta both of ya. Would I be correct in guessin’ that this is a boat belongin’ to the Watch Dog of Captains Brand and Lasseter?”, she asked. The two visible men looked back at her, and she was surprised when two more men popped up into view, looking for the voice that addressed the men of the boat. She noted that all of them were carrying fire arms. Luigi answered. He was very direct and brief. “Aye. What’s your business with d’ Capitans?” “I’ve made the acquaintance of both captains by way of taking care of Mr. Pew”, she explained. “I’m wondering if either one of ‘em might be about. I would question them about the best way ta go about findin’ passage on a ship, and if they knew of anyone in particular or had trusted contacts here in port with whom to inquire about such”. Luigi regarded her and the others seemed to content to allow Luigi to take the lead in the matter. “Our tenks for taking care of Mr. Pew, but Capitan Brand has already gone ashore for d’ day and Capitan Lasseter es aboard the Heron and likely too busy to be bothered with such a question as could be answered by talkin’ to such as d’ merchant ships here”. Maeve was taken back a bit, but also not entirely surprised by such an answer. She was about to open her mouth to say “thank you” when Luigi gestured, pointing further down along the docks. “You might try one of d’ merchant ships d’er. See if one of d’em is bound for a nice place like New France or even Spain”, he said with his first smile of the entire interchange. “My thanks to ya sir”, she said politely and moved off down the docks.
  6. Maeve woke with a start as she nearly fell out of bed. Heart pounding, she started laughing as she barely caught herself from taking a spill. Somehow, in the middle of the night, she had edged closer and closer to the precipice of the bed as, uncharacteristically, Briar’s person took over the whole of the bed. Briar did not stir as Maeve grasped the side table and lowered herself onto the floor, sliding completely out from beneath the blankets. She shivered in the morning cold. Her companion seemed content to sleep in, especially after a previous nights’ disturbed sleep, so Maeve grabbed her things quietly and crept downstairs. She peeked in on their patient who stirred as she entered the room, but did not come fully awake. Some of his regular pallor seemed to be returning. She smiled at this, drew the blankets back up around Mr. Pew, and stoked up the fire in the room. Upon dressing and making a reasonable arrangement of her messy hair, Maeve set about stoking up the fire in the main room and in the kitchen stove as well. She set out a large pot of water to gently boil, and then brought a glass of water, weak spirits, and a few cold biscuits into Mr. Pew’s room for him should he wake while she was out and about, or before Briar awoke. Maeve grabbed a sack of money and Briar’s shopping list, tucking both securely within her skirts, and headed out into the cold, damp morning. Besides buying the items on Briar’s list, her additional goal this morning would be to ask one of the Watch Dog crew on the docks for recommendations on how and where to find reliable and safe passage for Ms. Kildaire. Much to her frustration, she had utterly forgotten to question Mr. Lasseter about such when he had been there the night before. It had also failed to cross her mind while having a conversation with Mr. Pew yesterday. So, she resigned herself to taking a nice walk down to the docks. The fresh air and exercise would do her good.
  7. ^ Do new maternity clothes count as an exciting Fall wardrobe? < It's a good thing maternity clothes are getting more stylish, but highway robbery for what they charge if you don't want to look like a tent. v We're going up to Bear Lake for the weekend with family to a nice couple of lakeside condos one of our family members got. Anyone else got anything fun planned for the weekend?
  8. Maeve strings up the party lights: and passes out the party favors: (Vinyl finger puppets) and gives the birthday boy his own special pin to wear:
  9. Carnitas (I REALLY miss the carnitas I had in Waikiki...best Mexican food I have EVER had).
  10. Aye, Syren and I are attempting to put together a cookbook with sections of both period and non-period food. As for hot chocolate, if you want a truly amazing cup of hot cocoa, may I recommend brewing a cup made with evaporated milk. You will NOT be sorry. And for some amazing chocolate, Lake Champlain makes some of THE best: http://www.lakechamplainchocolates.com/Cho...-Chocolate.aspx I have tried the Old World, Aztec, and Organic, and all are amazing and well worth the price for a sip of "sin".
  11. Mmmm... *after blowing her nose, Maeve crumbles crackers into the soup and curls up to watch something mindless while enjoying yummy soup *
  12. You know...speaking of Frank Lloyd Wright: He built some really cool things, but I ultimately hate what his architecture "did" for the last half of the 20th century. Maybe it's more like I hate how architects decided to interpret his "form follows function" idea, but since the 50's, some of THE UGLIEST and most BORING architecture (in general) in history has ensued and I hate it. What happened to pride and aesthetic appeal? Artistry? The ability to slap together something more lovely than a box? Sorry...that's always been a soapbox of my since interior design school....
  13. I just need some good old fashioned chicken noodle soup today. Got any back there in the kitchen?
  14. Shouldn't we be havin' a Speak Like a Pirate Day party in here??!! *Tosses dark chocolate foil-wrapped dubloons around the room*
  15. Gettin' ready to head off to Hawaii EARLY tomorrow morning...hectic and exciting !
  16. Maeve helps Jenny carry in a large chocolate fountain and yummies for dipping for Silkie's birthday party:
  17. dress made of curtains:
  18. Getting tired, Maeve moves off to the kitchen for some "real" food...
  19. Maeve makes a desperate grab for Jenny but loses her balance as well. They both go toppling into a sea of pirates who seem all too happy to catch the falling lasses....
  20. Maeve pulls Jenny up onto the table, insisting on an improv dancing duet. "Keep the music and candy coming!"
  21. Smiling, Maeve steps over to the musicians and interrupts them to ask if they could play something appropriate for her dance. Stepping atop the table, Maeve loudly announces that she will dance for candy as tips and begins dancing with relish...
  22. Maeve sits back and grins at the mad rush for candy, while she calmly continues to eat candy out of the extra bag that didn't make it into the pinata...
  23. I'm cheating with some fattening but yummy Marie Calendar's pot pies...too busy to cook tonight.
  24. *Maeve starts a cha-cha "bunny train". "Come on everyone!"*
  25. *Maeve makes a run for the pinata candy and the little squirt gun.*
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