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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. my settings are set to receive a notification of pms but I am not actually receiving any via my email....?? thanks for any help
  2. I'm a lot late and all the more sorrier for it... Hope ye had a grand time!
  3. I actually NEED her, yer just in love with her...
  4. ...anywhere that I want? (begin evil laugh track here) Hell no! He's Archangel's SAILING MASTER and she's MY Apothecary... aye, I bring my own chemist with me ....
  5. http://www.pewtertankardsflagons.com/index.php?p=1_7_British
  6. ah, fwiw, haven't read it myself... sorry will let others set the table...but perhaps this might be of help... http://www.archive.org/stream/pewterplatehisto00massuoft/pewterplatehisto00massuoft_djvu.txt "Domestic pewter of 17th century England - A Historical Re-enactors guide to the Industry and it’s products" (ISBN 1 85804 199 6 ..... Published;Stuart Press) and a few samples from the Queen Anne's Revenge excavation and Whydah
  7. Animal is correct, I am very stingy, especially where cookies are concerned...BUT I would not claim I was holding Nick hostage... I keep him tied up for the safety of all on board the Archangel... now to them what are in different crewes... well t'is a whole other story... I have been known to cut that cord...
  8. Many happy returns of the day, I hope it was a great one.
  9. Ah William the voice of reason every time... couldn't agree more. And welcome to the pub. Good to have ye about.
  10. Thank ye and no cookie, but I will keep Nick tied up for Christmas
  11. Can anyone tell me which gun crew Caribbean Pearl served on during the battles?
  12. sniggering... t'is great to have fantastic photos and Mission's commentary... the best.
  13. Omg... I love ye... um.. wait... thanks for sharing the link!!
  14. Do add the the Merriweathers and Constable Heartless to the Archangel crewe as well....
  15. **whack** come to yer senses man! Vampyrates, nonsense... the term vampire, supposedly, does not even appear in England till around 1734... long dead, by then...
  16. Aye t'is true enough. That I did and well worth the gamble... I shall continue to turn a blind eye to yer antics..carry on Bosun...
  17. Wouldn't miss it, besides t'is the only way I get to find out what really happened in Barcelona.
  18. Well ye may not be black like a pot but ye sure can be as thick as...ahem.... oh look at that....
  19. OMG... t'is spreading... the Cross disease... ack...
  20. Hell no and it won't be until we make a proper one...
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