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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. Dorian wait! :Bunny puts hand on his shoulder: Don't be steppin off the deck that quickly! I'm nay threw wit ye yet... :turns Dorian around and pulls his head in gently for a solid kiss and wraps a pie encrust'd arm around him waste to draw him in closer: Mr. Lasseter, I am a pyrate... I don't give up that easy! :Backs Mr. Lasseter into the room, with a devil'sh smile upon her face: Ye have a choice t' leave, if ye really want too.......
  2. :Bunny hugs Matt and the muds cracks and chunks fall off of them: We better go get wash'd off. How about the deck hose? You pump and I will spray! Or is that, I will pump and you will spray? ((Bunny Blushes))
  3. ((Good form PEW)) I have other problems t' worry bout at the moment! Grammercy fer yer graciousness. Mr. Lasseter, care t' explain? :Bunny, taps foot in anticipation of the answer:
  4. Sex-itary....no just kiddin.. Earthquake!
  5. Oh, good so now ye can push me into the cold water instead o' the hawt mud, no thank ye! I will go alone. Who knows maybe I can meet someone who will chisel me free! hmmm, What ifin I harden on me way to the shore? What ifin ye find me a statue solid by mornin? Stuck solid like this....:Bunny poses in a walkin stance: Would he a shame to be stuck and have any passer by pick me up and walk off with me n'er to be heard from again!!!! Would ye miss me? "Bunny bats very muddy, and crusty eyelashes" Tee hee....
  6. Freshly baked Chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk. Got melting chocolate all over my fingers. :)
  7. Oh... no wonder ye aren't that excited about it. Sounds excitin' tho what ye are tryin to accomplish! ::Bunny thinks mud is starting to dry:: Matt, me matey.....ummm is there a place to wash up here? Me thinks the mud is starting to harden!
  8. Grammercy! This first room shall be fyne, jest fyne! There be a bigger tip in it fer ye, ifin ye bring me yer fynest wine and some bread! :As P.E.W. makes his leave down the hallway: Dorian, don't suppose ye wishes to come in and share some wine with me fer a bit?
  9. What ye be doing at yer J.O.B? Come on, I am happy that ye got one! Tis a good thing, isn't it?
  10. Oh huzzah, I have got pie.... errr, frostin.... errrr rhubarb where it jest wasn't meant to be! Me poor bodice, think it needs to be soaked right away! :Bunny looks down and wipes pie from her chest and sees just how stained her clothes really are: Oh Bother....
  11. Ummm, could name a few things actually... Mr. P.E.W.... Don't be supposin ye could order me up a room t' clean up in? Do be a dear and see what can be done!
  12. :Bunny looks around the room at everyone all tired, cover'd in food and hardly standing: Aren't we a bunch to look at! :she says as pie pieces fall from her head:
  13. Ifin ye find lettuce and carrots ye would make me a hoppy Bunny!
  14. Well, back t' chattin... So, how be the new job... tell me about it lad?
  15. She left... that can't be a good thing fer you! I don't think she recogniz'd us maybe. We are covered head to toe!
  16. Wishin t' get up? Or stay ther? (To Dorian) Don't be thinkin' I'm e'er goin t' be gettin' that room... Anyone got a hoist?
  17. Swabby me friend, ifin ye need to be sellin, sell to me and that way ifin ye need it back, ye can wear it or use it whenever ye like! I think I can fit int' ye clothes and Frisky be needin weapons. At least with us, they won't go far. I will call you and we can discuss things.
  18. E'eryone all right? Will, we should have someone look at that dagger wound!
  19. Nay Naught! I jest don't be wishin t' have any man at the moment. I need a wee bit o' a break from them! "AH HI SCARLET ME LOVELY! MATT AND I WERE JEST TALKIN!"
  20. Tis Fyne! He can watch me beatin' ye up! Alas, I just be havin' a wee bit o' fun... and that is all. I will be a lone Bunny fer awhile to come, per me own doin'! :Bunny leans on ledge of the spa:
  21. (to Dorian) Want to go get clean'd up? Yer choices are the deck hose, walkin' t' yer ship or me nice warm tub in me room!
  22. HA, Ye let go first! I WINS! Cyder... thinkin spiced and warm. Darn, there went me feathers on me hat!
  23. Oh, sorry... ye do the same! :Bunny hugs Matt and Matt hugs Bunny and they stop: Hmmm, think we be at a bit of an impass! Do ye yeild?
  24. All right then...:as they circle in the Mudd: Let's see how ye handle this! ::Bunny sweeps Matt's leg as he tries to counter...both being so slippery they just seem to keep sliding off each other::
  25. ::Bunny giggles:: SEE WHAT YE DID! WHAT HAPPEN'D T' BE NICER, YE BIG CONFRONTATIONAL MEANIE! :Bunny creates a Mud ball and tosses it at him: CANNONBALL! :)
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