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~Lady Pirate~

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Everything posted by ~Lady Pirate~

  1. I second that! I would love to be able to decipher things like that. <3 Swifty Morgan - I envy you. I don't know any dances. I'd love to learn them though.
  2. I really want to see this film. The trailer was great. And Johnny Depp is a talented actor. As is Samantha Morton.
  3. I'm sure it is. I'd like to learn more languages though. French, Spanish, Italian , Russian, Scottish-Gaelic, Latin, Ancient Greek. I've got a long wish list.
  4. I have to admit I was mostly referring to myself with the sarcasm. Some actually speak 5 different languages by the time they leave school. I only speak German, Dutch and English.
  5. They only mentioned this particular sword because it is the same sword in your banner at the top of the page.
  6. Scary. Very scary. Honest (although foreigners use the word rude), straightforward, down to earth, thoughtful (before me do something, we think of the consequences and whether the action will be worth it), intelligent (we're all at least trilangual), sarcastic.
  7. Tito - I have Dance with Me on DVD. Save the Last Dance too. Shall we Dance with Richard Geren and Jennifer Lopez I love. I've also got Flashdance, Salsa, One Last Dance (With Patrick Swayze as a ballet dancer), Billy Eliot (hehe), Stricly Ballroom and a few others (unknown ones). I've seen Michael Flatley live twice. It was amazing. Mad Matt - Wow. I thought you seemed Dutch. Capt. Morgan - I didn't know that bridge is American. oderlesseye - Thank you. blackjohn - That's neat! Noviomagus indeed. We celebrate our 2000th anniversary this year too.
  8. Thank you for the poems. I was very young in 92. I'm only 19 years old today. I didn't even know Latin existed back then. I've done a bit of dancing before. A bit of Irish dancing. It's good practice because you learn to do steps (we didn't tap, unfortunately). It might sound silly, but at first, it takes you a while to be able to get the steps right. After a few weeks, you start learning new steps faster and faster. You just get used to it I guess. Our group also did a few demonstrations which was fun. I'm new to Latin dancing but I listen to it in my bedroom and just move my hips and arms to the rhythm. I saw a demonstration at that workshop. I was impressed. Our teachers had been dancing for years, that was obvious. I was like: Where do I sign up? I love dance films as well. What about you?
  9. Salsa is my favourite. I took a workshop the other day. We also did some Merengue basic steps. It was a lot of fun. I liked it. I'm also considering taking Flamenco classes. I like many dances. I also really like the Paso Doble. I have some dance music on my computer. I can't remember latin becoming popular here. We had a show here though, Dancing with the Stars (I know America, the UK, etc have that show too). Because of it, dance is becoming more popular at the moment. So that's good. It didn't have any salsa. But Rumba, Tango (also a favourite of mine), Walz, Cha Cha Cha, Jive, etc. It was great to watch. Some dance with such joy. I love that. I think dancing is about expressing yourself. Some worry about rules too much they seem to forget to have a good time and actually enjoy what they're doing.
  10. Gracias, Tito. That was very inspiring. :) P.S. I love latin dance too. Which one is your favourite?
  11. Wow. Chuckle of the day, I'd say. Thanks. :) Nice pic too.
  12. I like that title. :)
  13. Thank you. Dordrecht is a beautiful city indeed. Although it isn't nearly as impressive as my hometown, Nijmegen.
  14. Wow. That's very interesting. I didn't read anything about that in my local newspaper. Then again, I don't read newspapers. *blushes* Perhaps I should.
  15. I'll see King Kong Saturday. Hopefully, they'll also show the POTC trailer. :) I've seen it on the internet. But to see something on a huge screen with surround sound is quite different in my opinion.
  16. There are 3 sides to my personality 1. Well-brought up lady. Polite and kind. Patient and compassionate. 2. Adventurous girl who is sick of playing by the rules. I want to see things and experience things. 3. Impatient, sarcastic bitch who doesn't like to admit she's wrong. I don't forgive easily either. So yes. There's a bit of insight into my soul.
  17. What's false hearted about it? *arches eyebrow*
  18. WOT!!!!!!! 'ew in the 'ell 'ould do 'at Bloody 'ell . . . An actor would. To work on their craf. :) And to explore the other side of their personality.
  19. To pretend to be someone you're not.
  20. You're not supposed to take everything I say seriously. The first post was a serious introduction. After that, I thought it would be fun to roleplay my replies. That's what you guys are doing. I'm single. And loving it.
  21. I am a lady pirate in my mind. In my mind, I have my own ship and crew. In my dreams, I am not a lady. No responsibilities. No laws to abide by. In my dreams, I am free. As free as you are. Free to get drunk. Free to end lives. Free to live life the way you want to live it. That is what I want. But, it is not easy to achieve. So much is expected of me. They have already made arrangements. Respected men of wealth are being interviewed on a daily basis so they can pick my future husband. But it is not the kind of life I want to live. Am I to become a housewife? Raising the kids and climbing in and out of carriages? Disgusting. Where is the fun in that?
  22. Good point. I just thought, being new and all, I'd pop in here and introduce myself to the locals. I won't be spending a lot of time in the pub. I am not allowed. My father is very strict. He won't let me mingle with drunks or criminals. I think they're pretty amusing and funny though. I wouldn't be here now if I didn't like your lifestyle. In a way, I would love to be a pirate. Being a lady is difficult and boring. All these rules. All these tedious people you are forced to entertain. I'd much rather roam the seven seas and go treasure hunting. But I know piracy is not as glamorous as it is made out to be. I am not that naive and foolish. I just wished I could lead a different life. All that is expected of me is to marry into a wealthy family and raise my future children. But I want to meet people and explore the world. Do you understand?
  23. *watches pirates come in* Well, thank you all. I sure feel welcome now. As for the drinking, I'll make sure I'll stay away from taverns. I'm a lady after all. I do not consider drunks good company. Nor do I enjoy alcoholic beverages. *runs fingers through hair* It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. But if my father were to find out I befriend pirates, I'd get in trouble. So I'd better take my leave. *bow* Night!
  24. Thank you, Mad Matt. Are you really mad? *takes a few steps back* I know there are pirates here. But I'm a skilled fencer. I'll be fine. *unsheaths sword* They'd better not bother me or it'll be the last thing they'll do. *evil laughter*
  25. I saw the trailer a while ago and thought it was awesome. Jack was hilarious as usual. Will was funny too. I hardly recognized Elizabeth in that pirate outfit. I thought she hated pirates. A change of heart, eh? I've yet to see Narnia and King Kong. But I love going to the cinema so I'm sure I'll see both soon enough.
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