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Everything posted by roytheodd

  1. About a year and a half ago I wanted to fashion myself a belly box, but thanks to my natural inclination to do little or nothing I still haven't made one. In the thread I started then asking for advice I was told that a cartridge box was found on the Whydah. Does anyone have any pictures of it or any idea of where I can find out more info about it? I'm inclined to buy one but the earliest I can find is the 1750s: The Quartermaster General Pepe's Possibles C & D Jarnagin Company I really like the idea of making a fabric one like was found on the Whydah though. Every time I look at period pictures of the famous captains I see their boxes and I wants one.
  2. I've never been one for road tripping to events, so I've always limited myself to within a couple of hours from home. As long as I can attend the show and get two admission tickets for all less than $100 I'll travel to events. Lessee, I think the farthest event I attend is Ojai and that’s $30 entry for me and my wench at six gallons roundtrip, so as long as gas is under $11 a gallon I’ll go to that event. Irwindale is at, what, $21 a head? So for two salts its $42 add in four gallons of gas roundtrip and even if gas prices are in the teens I’d attend. One day I need to get myself to Corona.
  3. What's the length of the sash, and can we get a better photo of its tassles?
  4. I did not know that. I'm all over these then.
  5. Yeah, if they didn't have holes drilled and were otherwise filled so as not to be made functional I'd be all over them.
  6. I’m in the market for calico fabrics, preferably block printed. I’m not necessarily looking for period authentic, but it’s always a plus where I can get it. I have found the following three links for calico fabric here on the Pub: Calico Jack's calico fabric and bandannas Museum of Printed Textiles of Mulhouse museum shop Calico Corner Online This morning I found the Saffron Marigold website. They’re a company in India who block print the old fashioned way. They don’t make anything really up a pirate’s alley, but of all things their 27” square cushion covers seem like they could be easily fashioned into a bandana or neckerchief. I know that some pirates traveled far in their careers on either side of the law, and I am looking for an opinion on whether the cushion covers would seem too out of place as part of a costume if modified for head or neck wear. Would they be too garish even for a Hollywood pirate? Anyone know of any other good calico shops?
  7. The search function was my primary means of research. There is a lot of good information on this site and others and there are some incredible vendors out there too, and some clever searches will yield nearly all of it here. When I couldn't find something I simply asked and the answers were courteously given. This site and its member is quite a resource.
  8. If there is a site that hosts such information I am not aware of it. I have had to research every item singly before deciding on what to purchase. Quite a few of my items are simply being made to order rather than bought ready made from a store.
  9. I got nothin'. Methinks it'll be a custom job all the way. I checked Flying Canoe, Goth-Store, Painted Lady Crew, Pirates-Cave, Twin Roses Designs, and Center Stage Costumes. No luck.
  10. Have ye a picture fer comparin'?
  11. Put my check in the mail this morning!
  12. Do you make them with handles, and if so how much?
  13. He doesn't presently make the Nav Charts, but I'll bet some prodding could get Indy Magnoli to make them. He already sells a few PotC prop replicas (banadana and ring, Royal Pardon and Davy Jones' key, Aztec coin). I have personally bought one of his Goonies keys and Goonies doubloons and I can tell you it's the highest quality imaginable. His stuff is pricey but reenactors are probably used to sticker shock (the Goonies key was about $100 three years ago). Also, he doesn't always have all of his merchandise in stock. He seems to make a batch, then sell through, then make more and there can be some lengthy waits while he's sold out. I'm not trying to pimp the guy, but his stuff is good and I'll bet he'd have an inside track on seeing the actual prop to duplicate it.
  14. Not exactly. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting and from where, but in my "researching" of what to get I find a lot of things that look sort of piratey and then I have a hard time telling if it can pass or not. I'm not getting anything from Jas Townsend (not even a hat blank), but I've been to their site so many times looking at those vests and trying to figure if they could pass that I finally needed to ask. Mid 18th century looks sufficiently piratey to me that it challenges my perception of good garb. P.S. I can't wait to order a shirt from Mary Diamond - they look awesome in the photos.
  15. A ditty bag is what was used to carry all of your ropework and sewing stuff. So technacly, unless you were working on something, why would you be carrying it? But... In a discusion about where to carry a tankard ... You wouldn't be walking around with one on your belt, but at a Faire or something a tankard looks better than a plastic cup...) or where do you carry the non-period, but handy to have ....camera? So carrying a dittybag would look OK, just slip the lanyard through your belt, and it will (sorta) stay there... Yeah, it's really for lack of pockets that I'd want to carry one. If I can stow my keys and wallet elsewhere I would.
  16. So I find myself looking at Jas Townsend's 18th Century Mens' Clothing and much of it is labeled "1750s" or "1770s" and then some of it is labeled "18th century". Will any of that garb work with a Golden Age pirate costume? Is the 1750s Waistcoat really that different? How about the 18th Century Workshirt - Blue Check? You know, how much of their merchandise fits? I'm really just wondering how much fudge there is when shopping for Jas garb. Keep in mind that I'm not going for strict period but I want to come close to proper. If you all are wondering why I'm so full of questions recently, it's because my tax rebate and economic stimulus check are going towards a full set of garb and arms. I want to get this close to correct because chances are slim I can spend next year's return in such a manner.
  17. AHA! In this thread in Capt. Twill I found the following picture showing a 19th century British sailor. While I understand the period of the picture is wrong for what I'm going for, would having a ditty bag like the one hanging from his waist be implausible in the GAoP? I don't recall having ever seen a picture, painting or woodcut showing pirates (or sailors for that matter) carrying any personal luggage such as sea bags, chests, or ditty bags yet we know they hauled their swag in something. Would having a ditty bag or a small pouch designed like a ditty bag fit or would it ruin a good costume?
  18. A wallet like that is period correct? I've never seen one of those before. I think I might make one just for walks to the grocery store and back.
  19. Having solicited peeps at the Ren Fair, the sword maker, and two baldric makers I have received the following options: Wear two baldrics (matching or not) Wear a baldric and a frog Get a custom made baldric that crosses one shoulder and hangs to both hips Of these options I really sort of like the notion of wearing two baldrics. I'm a natural lefty and I'm going to wear my sword left-handed no matter the fashion of the time. With that in mind it wouldn't be ridiculous for me to steal some poor sop's right-handed baldric and blade. However, that's not what I'm actually going to do. What I'm going to do is to go ahead and get my sword and lefty baldric and see how it wears on my person. Once I've tried it on and gotten used to it a bit I'll decide if it's worth getting a second blade. I think the bit that's clouding my judgement on this issue is that I really like the sword I'm getting, so much that I want two of them, but I can't really see having a matched set of swords work with my character and if I'm not getting two swords that I really like then I should stick with one. I think by ordering one at a time I'll be convinced that all I need is one.
  20. In The Arts of the Sailor: Knotting, Splicing and Ropework and The Marlinespike Sailor Mr. Smith details the making of a sea bag - a rucksack large enough for sailors to keep their kit in and to sling over their shoulders. Does anyone know if these sea bags would be period correct? I'm under the impression that sailors had sea chests rather than bags, but I suspect that impression is because of the long standing association of pirates and treasure chests. If I were to make a sea bag with period correct materials would it fit in?
  21. I'm getting ready to order me a pair of slops, but the tailor I'm buying from seems to have really long inseams for standard sizes. She can customize for an additional fee. How low should slops hang: top of the shoe, mid-calf, just below the knee?
  22. I've written to a baldric maker to solicit their advice. For all I know they've thought about this too. *shrug*
  23. I work for a public utility company. We make money no matter the economy.
  24. I'm in one of those lousy, enviable positions. I live about 4 miles from work so even though gas prices are high it's not killing me. I bank at a credit union that is rock solid. I'm about six months away from being debt free, and I have a government job that is in no jeopardy. As much as the economy is pinching people I feel somewhat immune to it so far. I know it'll catch up to me as prices on everything go up, but so far it's smooth sailing. I'm going to use my economic stimulus check to buy pirate garb.
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