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Everything posted by roytheodd

  1. Hell's Bells! I didn't know B&N sold 'em too. My local one never has them, hence my buying at Borders (which is further from home). I know of a store manager needing a long walk down a short plank!
  2. So what's the trick to keeping Fugawees from being so slippery underfoot? I just got some Concords delivered and I'm wearing them to the office to break them it, but the tile floors are like ice skating rinks to me. Should I sand the soles or cut them or is there some other prefered method?
  3. Yeah when? The guy at Borders book store thinks I'm a kook for checking as often as I do.
  4. Alas, I just bought one a couple of months ago. Should I need a second I now know where to turn. I really like the mottled look you create and your leatherwork straps.
  5. blackbeard_nc's link: redux
  6. I think $10 is a reasonable price considering where the money is going.
  7. If might be easier just to list the motifs that the good Captain likes and allow the designers to lay them out somehow. So far I have read star, moon, pitchforks, monkeys, skull with horns, skeleton, chariot wheel, et al. That's a lot for a designer to work with if allowed the flexibility to pick and choose from that list. But I do understand if the Captain has something specific in mind.
  8. I considered finding a blade maker to forge me a blade similar to what Angus McBride illustrated: I would love to have a bayonet with that curve of the blade on the left. I've looked for stilettos like the one above, but stilettos are either too medieval or too off-hand-dagger to fit the bill. If you could settle for a knife instead you'd have a much easier search.
  9. I got the "#C. European plug, early 1700's" plug bayonet from Loyalist Arms and I'm looking at getting the Pirate Plug Bayonet from Swords of Honor. The Loyalist bayonet is really honking big - like half the size of a cutlass big. Here's a picture of the Loyalist blade laying on my forearm for some scale:
  10. On a different message board, Tall Paul has just posted a few PDFs that explore authentic swords of the GaoP plus a little before and little after: handy link.
  11. Argh! My order for a bayonet plug just shipped from them yesterday. Now I gotta consider if a coin is worth another order. Also, I found another period correct coin at Dorchesters that I missed on my first sweep of the site: 1705 Felipe V 8-reales.
  12. I'm on a quest to fill my bag with coins. I've discovered that very few replicas exist for the GaoP and those that do exist are mainly repros of English coins, and of those no one seller has a good selection. The online stores that sell coins that definitely fit GaoP include: PewterUK.com sell a 1685 threepence. GGGodwin.com sells a 1689 gold guinea. Dorchesters.com sells two 1689 William & Mary halfcrowns, a 1693 W & M shilling, and a 1713 Queen Anne gold guinea. Jas-Townsend.com sells a 1705 crown and a 1718 half penny. Grunal Moneta sells a 1300-1700 Venetian ducat. The online stores that sell coins under the guise of piratey but not necessarily authentic include: Piratephenalia.com sells "small gold coins" and an assortment of pirate coin replicas. TreasureCast.com sells "Pieces of Eight" in a set. WestAir.co.uk sells "20 Mixed Pirate Treasure Coins" but only wholesale. With all of that in mind my question is what are the earliest coins worth collecting? What's a reasonable cut-off for coins? I understand that there are 500 year old coins in existance today, but they're not in normal circulation. In other words, if I'm portraying a pirate in 1700 are coins from 1650 too old to have in my hoard? How about 100 year old coins? While I'm at it, anybody know of any other sources for replica/inexpensive coins?
  13. Gerard Butler sprang immediately to mind for the role, although any bear of leading man material would work. If he weren't in his 50s I would suggest Jonathan Frakes for the role.
  14. Yer a convincin' lot an' so I'm gonna see if that Godwin fella can fit me hambone.
  15. Me calves be too stout fer garters sold by sutlers an' their ilk, so I had me the idea of usin' leather dog collars to keep me stockings in place. Besides the diff'rence in buckles, be there any diff'rence 'tween garters an' collars?
  16. One affordable and really prolific swordsmith is Baltimore Knife & Sword. They typically have a good supply of swords in stock (approx. $100-300) and can custom make anything. Here is a sampling of their work as posted across the internet: the end (until 2009?)
  17. Cutlass 1800’s, $700 For really high-end, high-fantasy cutlasses check out JodySamson.com. Swords begin at $1000: Del Tin: 17th Century Dussagge without Scabbard, price unknown CashenBlades.com: Cutlass, price unknown
  18. Armour Class: Shell & Ring Guard Hanger without Scabbard, $300 Popinj: Black Cutlass without Scabbard, $240-360 Popinj: Brown Cutlass without Scabbard, $240-360 Popinj: Green Cutlass without Scabbard, $240-360 Popinj: Red Cutlass without Scabbard, $240-360 MedievalCollectibles.com: Marto Boarding Sabre, $357 Starfire Swords: Cup-Hilt Cutlass without Scabbard, $425 (scabbard available for additional cost) Darkwood Armory: German Baskethilt without Scabbard, $500 Fabri-Armorum: Cutlass Baroque without Scabbard, approx. € 232
  19. KultOfAthena.com: Ritter Steel Pirate Cutlass, $158 Weaponmasters: Dusagge Cutlass & Scabbard, $162 KnightsEdge.com: Stage Steel Pirate Cutlass, $178 KnightsEdge.com: Ritter Steel Pirate Cutlass, $178 KultOfAthena.com: Windlass Scottish Cutlass, $200 KultOfAthena.com: Windlass Pirate King Cutlass, $200 GG Godwin: Hunting Sword & Scabbard, $215 SterlingArmory.com: Sterling CS Cutlass, $215-315 Reliks: Windlass Dutch Cutlass & Scabbard, $230
  20. Bladematrix: Cas Iberia Naval Cutlass without Scabbard, $95 1ABCstore.com: French/Pirate Cutlass & Scabbard, $99 1ABCstore.com: Pirate Boarding Cutlass & Scabbard, $120 1ABCstore.com: Classic Pirate Cutlass (in gold or silver finish) & Scabbard, $120 Loyalist Arms: Shell Guard Cutlass & Scabbard, $121 Stanley London: French Naval Cutlass & Scabbard, $122 Stanley London: Pirate Cutlass & Scabbard, $129 ILoveSwords.com: Captain Jack’s Cutlass, $132 Reliks: Windlass Pirate Hanger & Scabbard, $155
  21. About a year ago I started a thread here that was nothing more than a list of swords that fit our genre/period. I did it because at the time I had conducted a search of my own for just the right cutlass and it seemed I had compiled plenty of sword links. Well I’ve now committed to my first swordsmith and I hope to receive my blade sometime this summer. However, in committing I had the usual cold feet response of “what have I gotten myself into?” so I conducted a new sword search to prove to myself that I’m getting what I want. Therefore I have decided to update the list of swords and sword sellers. In order from least expensive to most expensive (with a few that I don't know prices for), I give you the cutlass list: KultOfAthena.com: Windlass Pirate Sabre, $45 KultOfAthena.com: Windlass Black Pirate Cutlass, $45 Bladematrix: Buccaneer Cutlass & Scabbard, $60 Bladematrix: Pirate Cutlass, $60 Bladematrix: Denix Brass Cutlass & Scabbard, $89 Bladematrix: Denix Nickel Cutlass & Scabbard, $89 Loyalist Arms: Dutch Cutlass & Scabbard, $90 Muskets.net: 1742 British Infantry Sword & Scabbard, $90 Musket.net: 1751 British Infantry Sword & Scabbard, $90
  22. That looks mighty sharp!
  23. I thought it was more than I wrote, but I was working off memory and thought I'd err on the conservative side. Irwindale is the nearest Ren Fair so it'll likely stay on my list of things to do even when gas prices are unthinkable.
  24. willie wobble posted to the right thread. There is a picture on page 2 of the thread, about 1/3 the way down the page. As it turns out, I've received a PM from someone making repros in the near future so I think I'm going to buy one from him. Sloth wins over industry yet again.
  25. Apprehensive. Got my Fugawees last night and they're too tight in every way. I'm concerned they won't have a fit for my really wide feet.
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