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Everything posted by roytheodd

  1. Any chance you can let me know when they're available? I have one right now just like this but with a hickery handle. A few questions for ye then: How long is the sword? Does it come with a scabbard? And much are ye asking? I was going to PM you but the forum didn't let me.
  2. Any chance you can let me know when they're available?
  3. Nuts, is that this weekend? I was going to spend the days at estate sales and the Pasadena flea market looking for steampunk kit. If I make it to the fair I'll certainly visit the booth.
  4. When I went looking for calico I coudn't help but notice that actual block-printed fabrics skew very heavily toward feminine prints: http://calicojacks.freehomepage.com/catalog_6.html http://www.saffronmarigold.com/catalog/dir...php?cPath=28_38 http://www.calicocorneronline.com/cgi-bin/...product=Fabrics http://www.musee-impression.com/gb/boutique/default.html Also, try contacting odettelabelle<at>sugardog.com who sells under the name Chien Noir Trading Co If you're female that's all well and good, but as a dude it was really a bother. My solution was really more of a stroke of luck than anything. My gal and I went to Little India in Artesia, California for unrelated reasons and there I stumbled upon a wall full of block printed calico sheets and pillowcases in a store named Cottage Arts. Their selection suffered from a similar fate as the websites above: a bit too feminine. The prints were really nice, really affordable, and really in front of me (rather than on a distant webstore) though. I struggled with the notion that perhaps these prints weren't period enough, but ultimately decided they were close enough to some of the prints I've seen. I found a sheet with a color palette that I liked and bought it regardless of the flowers. As it turns out, against a masculine look the print works just fine. I've since converted the neckerchief into a bandana and it can be seen here in all its blue and yellow finery: I know your question was really more about finding one that is period correct rather than what my diatribe addresses. More to your question then I suggest you choose a print you like that isn't too busy, that doesn't use too many colors, that isn't overly paisley, and that looks period to you. There are very few eyes discerning enough to know what a true period calico would look like, so get something that you think works and just rock the look.
  5. Tis a shame they sell only by the dozen.
  6. Booty "worth over 100 million dollars" and they're going to let it close down in a week and a half? I would think this is one of those things that pays for itself.
  7. I have a scabbard that needs a design tooled into it, anybody know any good sources of simple period patterns, motifs, or artwork? I ask for simple because it'll be my first time tooling anything. I'm picturing sea creatures, shells, ships, anchors, detailed letters or initials, or anything sort of nautical or period themed. I've been doing Google searches and I've found a few things I like, but I'm hoping to find some sort of motherlode of designs. It seems that most of what I find is Celtic and I'm trying to steer away from that.
  8. I'm still in the market for a few more additions to all this. I'm hoping to get a rifle, a belaying pin, and an actual knife or two.
  9. Me favorite pirate tortures be tying a swab t' the mast and hurlin' bottles at him and the practice o' ridin' on the shoulders o' friars 'til they drop. As fer corrective measures fer me mates, I favor maroonin' wayward souls.
  10. I finally hired me the blacksmith 1stMateMatt t' forge me a billhook. We mets face t' face in Studio City whereby I took possession o' the blade. Says I that 1stMateMatt be a fine swab. Once I had the billhook in me grasp I was o'erpowered by the notion that there weren't no ways to affix the blade to me person, 'cept tuckin' in into me belt. Tuckin' works fine fer some some places, but others want steel t' be "peace tied" so I knews I needed me a way to secure the thing. Me solution were to consult with that ol' salt Hervey Garrett Smith. With The Marlinespike Sailor in one hand and leather cord in the other I proceeded to fashion a plaited sennit as a belt loop and secured it to the scales with a common 3-strand cockscomb, an' fer good measure I clapped a runnin' turk's head on either side o' the cockscomb. I'm puzzlin' out if I want t' fashion a sheath cover fer the steel so it looks e'en more peace tied, like I has fer me axe. Don' knows that I will though. Anyhow, that be thought fer later. What I want t' be doin' here is t' show ye me solution fer fixin' a loop onto me billhook so I can haul it on me belt. Enjoy.
  11. I seen 'em three or four times in the flesh an' I bought one o' their recordin's. I find 'em to be a fine band when on stage and not so fine recorded. I ne'ev miss 'em when they play.
  12. Here I be at the Ojai Faire in September 2008. The fuzzy thing by me knee be me shrunken head wot was camera shy.
  13. I've been tryin' to choose me own pirate name fer some time now, an' I has a list o' four that I still be trying to narrow to one: Roland Thunder - me high school nickname Solomon Pearce - a name I really like the sound o' James Embry - an historic play on me real name Benjamin Breedlove - the name of a feller I knew once upon a time and what sounds real piratelike
  14. Wow, that's an incredible turn around time! I have a guy making me a sword who quoted me 6-8 weeks, and that was 12 weeks ago (and he still doesn't sound like he's nearing completion). I look forward to seeing the progression on this blade Matt. Good show.
  15. How long does it take to make a cutlass? Suppose my wench wanted to surprise me with a blade for Christmas, when should she have the order placed?
  16. Got my shirt today! The picture makes it look sort of night-gowny but in fact it's a great fit, I just didn't bother to tuck it in. Great shirt. Satisfied customer.
  17. Hey Matt, have you got any... uh... girthy blokes you're trying to dress? I have a pair of pants that I bought at the Ren Fair a few years back and they're really large in the saddle. They've been doubling as my slops until just recently when I got a much more period-correct article of clothing. I can give you lots more detail but first I want to make sure you got someone who might wear something so large, like a size 40 - 50 waist.
  18. Substitute the word "cur" with "dog". If you don't call enough people curs then you need to step it up.
  19. I'm presently reading The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard. He discusses Jacobitism and how many pirates and colonists were part of the cause. I'm thinking I might want my pirate persona to be a Jacobite too, but I want to read more about the subject. Anyone know of any good books about it? Double bonus score if the book helps me to approach the subject from a Caribbean perspective instead of an England/Scotland perspective.
  20. I'm thinking of attending this - anyone going in garb?
  21. Lots of places to wipe crumbs - I like it!
  22. Not yet. I haven't played RPGs in about five year but I am eyeing 4th ed and I'm seriously considering it again. The problem I face is I have a favorite CCG that is trying to make a comeback (the manufacturer officially killed the line a year ago and now someone new is making it) and it looks like it'll be a lot more expensive than it used to be. So between piracy, RPGs and CCGs I don't know that I have enough money to spend on all three hobbies. Maybe Santa will bring me the books this year?
  23. I've typed out my thoughts here. Heh, you've got a strict censor on your site so that "documents" became "do***ents". :angry:
  24. I have a sterling silver poison ring and I'm having its adjustable band replaced with a permanent, fixed size band. The jeweler warned me that the antiquing on the face of the ring would likely become mottled or go away all together. Plus, the band will be like new as opposed to antiqued. So I'm inquiring if anyone here knows how to antique sterling silver. Is it as simple as applying a store-bought product or is there more to it? Is there anyone here who can educate me?
  25. I like Flying Canoe Traders in Quebec. Bilgemonkey reviewed some of their wares on his site and pretty much sold me on them. I now have their slops and their vest and they rule. Really heavy-duty material, probably a sort of canvas. Period enough for the likes of me. Although a six week waiting period may deter some peeps.
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