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Everything posted by Caraccioli
The Duke! "Hey Yank! I'll count three. And if you're not out of the house by then, I'll loose the dogs on ya." That's from The Quiet Man with John Wayne going back to Ireland to reclaim the family heritage. What a fun film. Did you see him in Donavan's Reef with Lee Marvin? I quoted that one way back in this thread but no one could get it. So I gave up quoting classics. So, since we're doing classics.... "Ridiculous!" "I will decide what is ridiculous!" "Monsieur, you surely don't believe..." "I believe everything!....and I believe nothing. I suspect everyone...and I suspect no one. I gather the facts, examine the clues and before you know it...the case is solved! Hmm!"
The accurateness of the axe that the original Gamorrean Guard figure was holding has been debated endlessly by Star Wars fans... On occasion, I used to just sit in the forums at TF.N (back when there were 10 or 12 forums instead of the dozens or possibly hundreds they have now) and wait to see what they would come up with next to argue about. I say go ahead and change it! What the heck? They should incorporate EU characters like Mara Jade and Corran Horn while they're at it.
I'm like that when I am drinking in a place with a lot of people. That's why I don't generally enjoy going to bars or big parties. Apathy describes the final state quite well. If I'm really exercising my capacity, I eventually wind up sinking so far into myself that I want nothing more than be by myself in my little spinning world. That's why I'm pretty cautious about how much I drink. Thanks, Mick! I try, surely I do...people - particularly the reasons they do and think things - fascinate me.
Ok, first off (and I expect I'll wind up repeating this) I'm not talking about your fantasy about 69 virgins and 3 slim llamas. Please save that nonsensical guff for The Way to a Pyrate's Heart forum. I'm asking what you do when you've a skinfull of the stuff. Are you playful? Belligerent? Coy? Dippy? Obnoxious? Dancing on the tables? I was dining with friends this eve and watching a couple sink slowly into intoxication. At the start of the dinner, She had a scarf on and her arms literally in front of her and He looked distracted and worried about something. By the end of the dinner, Her hair was down, the scarf off and the elbows were splayed on the table while He gazed directly into her eyes (or possibly down her gaping shirt). It was like watching those time-lapse photos where a flower opens. Me, I get more obnoxiously philosophical and start asking increasingly odd questions like, "What are you like when you're drunk?" (This is why I generally tend to drink with my fellow (alleged) philosophers.) So...what are you like when you're drunk? The PG answer. (Not even PG-13.)
I think I know my Leslie Nielson "stupid" comedies pretty well and that doesn't quite sound like something from them. It reminds me (vaguely) of the Tim McGraw monologues from Up the Creek, but I know that movie quite well too and I'm sure it's not from that. (shrugs)
? Do you mean, "You'd think..." I get the impression the smurfs had a different view of things. There was originally no female smurf at all and had she not been created, would never had existed. We should email Peyo and ask him (or possibly her) from whence Smurfs sprout. (Say...what the hell are we talking about? Sorry, I've drug us off way topic for a joke that either nobody else got or thought was funny. Onward, McDuff.)
Oh, do go on! It's snowing and sticking here. I'm looking forward to visiting you folks in your chilly 74 degree weather next week. :)
Smurfette was originally a brunette created by Gargamel. Somehow she became the only female Smurf and a blond to boot. Somewhere, long ago, there was a joke in here, but it's not funny anymore. Overkill.
Yes, "...who's the fairest of them all?" Lucille Bliss was Smurfette...but I'm sure that's not what you're referring to.
Lucille La Verne? (Ok Christine, let's see how well you know your stuff. )
For $9.95, I can get the Mancini's Ultimate Pink Panther cd downloaded right onto my computer without having to mess with purchasing/waiting for the physical CD which I was just going to upload to my computer anyhow. That's pretty cool. Now I need an iPod so I never have to be concerned with CDs again and I can lose all my music in one good nuclear blast.
Yep. The other quotes were from the movies we were talking about. I suppose I should spell this out better. Your turn.
No. That's a pretty good guess, though. "Ma'am, I'm sure there are a lot of ways I've gone that you haven't."
Wow, someone got an old pirate movie quote! For a bunch of pirate afficianados, we seem to be notoriously bad at getting quotes from old pirate movies.... Johnny Dangerously What a fun movie! "I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of the panel: You lousy corksuckers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes... like yourselves." Oh, let's see, we need another quote...this one's easy: "I uh... I don't like my job, and, uh... I don't think I'm gonna go anymore." "You're just not gonna go?" "Yeah." "Won't you get fired?" "I don't know, but I really don't like it, and, uh, I'm not gonna go." "So you're gonna quit?" "Nah-uh. Not really. Uh... I'm just gonna stop going." "When did you decide all that?" "About an hour ago." "An hour ago... so you're gonna get another job?" "I don't think I'd like another job." "Well, what are you going to do about money and bills and..." "You know... I've never really liked paying bills. I don't think I'm gonna do that, either."
That is pretty cool. Did'ja notice the flying spaghetti monster 'map' (or whatever) in the lower corner? I'd use it as a screensaver except I find them annoying.
"Good stong name, no doubt named (by) your father, eh?" They forgot Marcus Aurelius. My da used to call me that. I should be so wise. (In retrospect, I would have liked the cognomen 'Marcus Aurelius'. At least, not having to have it trail me through grade and high school, I think I would have.)
The Great Bleedin' Scow! (It's from a really dumb story I wrote. I always liked that line... I should buy a rowboat, just so I could put that name on the back of it.)
Information Transit...it has to be from Brazil. (Brazil is a good friend of mine's favorite movie. Myself, I don't completely get it...it's complex and bizarre to the point of being very weird. Sort of like my friend. )
Thought 1) Cats have a fifth "thumb" claw a ways up on their front paws. Why? What's it good for? And while we're at it. what is that other skin pad about a 1/4 way up their front paw for? Thought 2) If you print "This page intentionally left blank" on something, then it no longer is.
What a small world. I work with a CJ. Her hair color is just about the same as yours. My name's Pod. Pod Clock. No, it's Mark. So's Mission's. (Not to be alarmist, but I feel I would be vaguely remiss in my moderatorial duty if I didn't warn folks, especially those of you under 18: Please be thoughtfully cautious about just how much info you put in such a public place.)
As I was walking back out on the forest path I noticed that nothing seemed the same as when I had walked in. "It must be be- cause I am seeing it differently," I decided. "Perception." I mused to myself. But the forest didn't listen. It was too busy dealing with other travellers. The dozens of mammals moving, The hundreds of birds flitting, The thousands of branches falling, The tens of thousands of insects shifting, The hundreds of thousands of leaves falling, The millions of grains of sand stirring by the riverbank, The billions of grains of dirt moving along the ground. No it was not just my perception of the forest that changed, you see. The forest found only one more disturbing element in me and went about changing regardless constant- ly.
That's definitely a John Williams composition, but I don't know the movie.