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Everything posted by Caraccioli

  1. Oy. There's a reason that stuff got cancelled... The early 80s were the era of the half-hour product placements disguised as cartoons. It looked to me like was a vast cartoon wasteland until '93 when the Animaniacs premiered. And things didn't really get truly good until Pinky and the Brain were spun off and Freakazoid and Batman the Animated series appeared. (IMO, of course.) The Smurfs were ok...but they were just ok.
  2. "Some years ago, the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with men today? The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, 'Men simply don’t think!'" -Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret I never want to be guilty of that. I'm paid to think. It's also my hobby. I haven't a lick of Italian blood in my veins. So I called the only Caraccioli I could find in the phone book and they said it as Car-ah-chi-oh-li. Only the chi-oh were kinda merged together, almost as one syllable. I should join a cartoon club. I never knew they existed. Has anyone ever seen the much reviled Coal Black an' de Sebben Dwarfs? How about Der Fuehrer's Face with Donald Duck? I'd like to see them just to see if they're worth all the fuss that's kicked up over them.
  3. I had a main point? Paris Hilton has the weirdest looking eyelashes. They've got to be fake or something and wouldn't be period. You know, I used to subscribe to USA Today. I can't remember why... I know it wasn't to read about Paris or Josh Holloway. I'll have you know that Caraccioli was Captain Misson's spiritual and amoral guide. He was an ex-priest. Sah there. (Besides, it sounds a little like a dessert to me.)
  4. I have personally never liked the term "nerds. " I rarely use it. Just imagine trying to write poetry and rhyme that one...
  5. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Speaking of which (somehow these two movies are linked in my mind...): "And now my friend, the firsta rule of Italian driving. [Rips rear-view mirror out and throws it out the window.] What'sa behind me is not important."
  6. Yep. Your turn.
  7. No, but that's a pretty good guess. Here's a whopping big hint (that you could probably figure out on your own): the writing team includes a well-known Brit.
  8. First off, if you think being labelled a geek is an insult, you probably shouldn't read this. It'll just irritate you. Personally I think it's a badge of honor of sorts. It means you don't quite fit in and that is something for which I believe we should all strive. Fight the power. So we're all pals around here, right? Even if pals isn't the term, we at least maintain a healthy respect for each other as many of us are known to carry long sharpened implements on our person as an expression of what we believe is good wholesome fun. Yet a bunch of us (me included) who post in this particular forum are what would have traditionally been defined as geeks. Am I right or am I right? But it's cool now - at least it seems cool (Nobody's told me differently, so I am either ignorant or right. Perhaps I am ignorantly right. Or rightously ignorant. Possibly both.) Look at the sort of topics do we have floating around in here. There are some on Star Wars fans (definitely geek chic), Star Trek (off the scale), D&D playing (You do what?), LOTR (the new g-c movie), a movie quotes game that I should be embarrassed to know so much about, Bond, Conan, Indy, chaos theory and particle physics (ok, those last two are mostly me talking to myself. Hey, I figure if you can't entertain yourself, you're in trouble). This isn't the kind of stuff Paris Hilton does. At least I don't think she does. (If any of you are actually Paris Hilton, fess up.) Not that I'm recommending that we act like Paris Hilton (keep your home movies to yourself, thanks), but she's apparently cool. (This is the sort of notion you get when you read the purple section of USA Today for four days running.) Even if she's not cool, the media wants us to think she's cool and they should know what they want us to think. So I'm wondering a couple of things. First, are we pirate fans (including AF collectors, GURP players, miniture-makers, Disney addicts, costume detail fanatics and pop-movie fans) just the sort of people that just like this stuff and hanging out here is a natural extension of ourselves? Second, is the coolness implied just a function of the web, where all the chic geeks can gather and discuss such notions while all the 'cool' people (at least that's what they probably think they are) are off doing whatever it is they do and are unaware of the pirate web communities? (Although I did read in the purple section of USA Today that Paris has a Blackberry.) Third, is there a significant shift going on in society and we're all becoming so fascinated with such things that it is now what's cool and I just didn't happen to notice since I started out on this road anyhow? Fourth, now that I no longer have to read USA Today, can I go back to not giving an flying flip about Paris Hilton?
  9. Hey, hey...I wasn't offering a new quote, I was just free associating again. Crud! I had a good quote before I went to Florida and now I done gone and forgot what it was... Alas. "*Excised Character Name*, do you have any idea what it's like being English? Being so correct all the time, being so stifled by this dread of, of doing the wrong thing, of saying to someone 'Are you married?' and hearing 'My wife left me this morning,' or saying, uh, 'Do you have children?' and being told they all burned to death on Wednesday. You see, *Excised Character Name*, we'll all terrified of embarrassment. That's why we're so... dead. Most of my friends are dead, you know, we have these piles of corpses to dinner. But you're alive, God bless you, and I want to be, I'm so fed up with all this. I want to make love with you, *Excised Character Name*. I'm a good lover - at least, used to be, back in the early 14th century. Can we go to bed?"
  10. "I know what you're thinking: 'Did he fire six shots, or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement, I've kinda' lost track myself. But, being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?" (Ok, that's a different movie from the same series, but still...)
  11. To post a photo, it has to be on the web first. Then you can post a link to it, biker. If it's only on your hard drive, you can't put it directly into a post as far as I know. (You can put it in as your avatar or in your user profile, however. (You can see this by clicking on the "My Controls" link near the top of the page. It's kind of awkward for referring people in a post, tho')
  12. Wot?! Kids, don't post yer phone number and name lest ye be damned fooles. Do I have the right of this? Does anyone care?
  13. Have you ever read Timeline by Michael Crichton, Christine? It contains a very interesting look at the medieval period and is as entertaining as any Crichton novel. (The movie was a pretty poor representation of the book, though.)
  14. Oh, if you only knew, Diego...
  15. But, of course! A shared inside joke is a high complement IMHO.
  16. I got interested when I saw my first Pirates of the Caribbean Zap Action! models in the local five and dime in nineteen ought eighteen. Dead Man's Raft, yo ho!
  17. Ok, I haven't seen it, but is it...Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? If not that, then how about Attack of the Killer Diegos?
  18. Come to think of it, the drink of the series was Gin and Tonics, wasn't it? Although I hear the movie deviated quite a bit from books in places.
  19. I'm gonna take a wild, swinging guess and say, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
  20. Primarily because the previous occupant was dasypygallist, no doubt. No, that's not it.
  21. I saw Harry Potter tonight. It was pretty decent. They left huge chunks of the book on the cutting room floor, though. Had to be done... Fred and George get more screen time, which is good. Moody's eye is vastly different than what I had imagined. I was thinking of something like Ragetti's wooden eye, only blue. I hope they don't cut Luna Lovegood or the Thestrals out of the next movie. (They could cut Cho Chang right out of the next one, though. I wouldn't miss that part at all.) The music was fairly enjoyable, although it wasn't Williams...doubt I'll be purchasing that CD anytime soon.
  22. According to various studies, 60-70% of a conversation is conveyed through body language, 20-30% through tone of voice and less than 10% through the actual words used. Irregardless. Yet another word that doesn't exist - well, at least it doesn't make any sense. Regardless covers all the ground that needs to be covered. Of course, in America, home of frave, land of the bree - we'll allow it. Awright you word geniuses, if you're so smart what does this one mean (without looking it up - I trust in your integrity, ya' bunch a' pirates): vagitus (Ooh, but I'm asking for it on this one.) I tell you this much - it sure doesn't mean anything like that which you're likely thinking. ________________________ 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mame raths outgrabe.
  23. parrhesia (puh-REEZ-i-uh) noun 1. Boldness of speech. 2. The practice of asking forgiveness before speaking in this manner. The pirate made a point of using parrhesia with the taken ship's captain before verbally assaulting him with his parrhesia.
  24. hitman, no one could get it the first time, that's why we moved on. The topic sort of dies when no one can get the quote and the poster isn't here to reveal it. How about another quote?
  25. No, not Sherlock Holmes. Actually, I've never even seen a Sherlock Holmes movie. (Read it carefully...it's actually complete nonsense. )
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