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Everything posted by Caraccioli
Death Hunt? I don't think that's exactly right, but there was that scene where they were shooting the hell out of Bronson's cabin where it might have fit...
Haven't brought this up for awhile...
(I'll get out your algorythm. And your little dog too. (Wait...your little cat. You don't have a dog.)) Then I'll use to create an app and publish it on my web page and everyone will know. HAHAHAHAHAHA! (Maybe I'll call the app Bobblefish.)
It sounds more like a random word generator than a translator. What equations do you use to average translations?
We were given a fifty or sixty year-old theatre for use as a haunted house one year. A pack of loons...er, I mean...a group of ghost hunters came in and photo imaged the place or some such nonsense. Really put a cramp in the construction schedule because they wanted all the power off to do it. They found several ghosts hanging about which made for some nice PR, but scared the gullible...um... more spiritually inclined workers so that they wouldn't work certain haunts by themselves. I suppose the free PR was at least worth something. It was supposed to be a haunted house, after all.
carriogiola? (I need to go back to using my Mission ID so's not to confuse my pal Diego. ) I think you're talking about The Fabulous Baker Boys, but I agree with you, Diego. That isn't the right movie.
Thanks! You've given me inspiration for a new avatar!!! Huzzah! Uh oh. You know, I really like my current avatar. The skeleton is playing chess, but he also kinda' sorta' looks like he hunched over a scotch at the bar. So I have no plans to change it anytime soon. Well, since you're apparently not being truthful in yours (I hope), I can't say. Are we close in age? I thought you looked younger than I. (You'll have to go by memory; I removed my birthday info when it got near my DOB. I didn't want someone starting a "Happy Birthday to Mission or Caraccioli or Whoever the Hell You Are" thread. (or worse, "Happy Natal Day"...Natal Day? That just sounds creepy to me - like arriving amidst oozing, viscous fluids or something. I mean, it may be true and all but I'd rather not dwell on it. Humph. Yet here I am dwelling upon it.))
Well, yes. I have tried such and enjoyed it, but I was discussing this with a bunch of scientists and they would reject meditation as a form of knowing. Many of them would put it firmly under the heading of mysticism. Scientists want proof of causality. Proof, proof, proof. When you obtain understanding from meditation, there is no proof that you're right. But when you go and prove what you have understood, then you are using science and meditation falls under the heading of hypothesis and you are still using science. Young, huh? I'll bet I've got five years on you.
Get a book published. Raise award-winning minks. Build a life-sized velociraptor. Fish every river in Montana. See Africa. Effectively communicate with a teenager. Take up spelunking. Fly an Ultralite across Kansas. Comprehend economics in all its glory. Knit a flag. Make history - using terra cotta. Surf Canada.
Creating a haunted house room featuring a full-sized model of a velociraptor. Good thing, too. That was really bugging me. (No kidding, I had wanted to do that for five years running.)
Yeah, I remember that part succinctly. It really sucks. Don't listen to the radio...sad songs say wayyyyyy too much. (Although the radio problem does go away after a week or two - unless you're an Feeling type. Then it probably never goes away, but you're probably used to that by now.)
It pretty much goes like this: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance Someone told me about the 5 stages of grief at the outset and I didn't want to follow them, but it pretty much went exactly like that. You may even go back and forth for awhile (2-3-4, 2-3-4. 2-3-4). Just don't get stuck in any of them for extended periods of time and you'll be all right at the back of it. If you take the time to learn a bit about yourself in the process, it can even be rewarding on a certain level as several people have suggested.
There's a lot more to it than that. From that website I reference above: "One doesn't have to be a professional "model" to be eligible for a model release—anyone or anything that is the subject of a photograph is considered the "model" in this context. Similarly, you do not have to be a professional photographer to need or use one—anyone that use a photo of someone else under certain conditions may need a release to protect himself from being sued by the subject of the photo. And herein lies the controversy. What are those conditions? When do they apply? What do you do when the rights of free speech conflict with someone's right to privacy? Because of these complexities, this is probably the most misunderstood topic in the world of photography, which makes it ripe for misinformation running rampant. Whether it's verbal hearsay, or rumors that spread in Internet chat rooms, the mistake people make is trying to simplify into a few words a topic that cannot be simplified. Most legal cases that you hear about are too specific for one to draw broad conclusions about generalized behaviors." The paparazzi thing has at least something to do with public figures and attachment of the photos to a news story from what I read. If you're really interested in this, I highly recommend clicking that link above. The whole thing is very grey and pretty complex. I suspect you could even wind up with one ruling in one court and a different one in another, all depending on how they interpreted things.
I didn't realize this was actually a word. (Like me, many of you are probably familiar with its negative brother.) It's kind of cool: sipid (SIP-id) adj Having a pleasing taste or flavor. This addition of spinach to garlic cooked in olive oil gives the spinach a very sipid taste.
It looks to me like it's sort of a grey area. I think you might have a lot of trouble with "invasion of privacy" if someone decided to press charges. Especially since you're making money off of someone's image without their consent. You also could get into a whole thorny "commercial use" area of photography. This is a really interesting document on the subject by a professional photographer and writer on the subject: http://www.danheller.com/model-release.html However, at the core of it in my mind, when you know something is wrong on a basic level, finding a legal way to do it doesn't really make it any more right. It ultimately demeans you and your subject and benefits neither.
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I have not thought my point through well enough. Nothing is wrong with the scientific method proper. It's scintillatingly successful as a means for discovering. I have been properly busted in the chops on this one and am still trying to figure out where my train lost its wheels. I believe I have a valid point, but we have denigrated into discussion on whether "hypthesis, observation, sythesis" is valid, which is pointless. (Of course it is.) See, I think may be another, better way to understand things, but I don't know what it is. This is not to say it will supplant the scientific method for explaining the world, just as the scientific method has not supplanted mysticism for explaining the world in many people's minds. It just seems to me that there may be another way. Not being able to define it, I have been booed from the cheap seats.
When it rains, it pours. I belong to a movie music review forum at www.scorereviews.com. I've lately taken to an email/forum type thing called INTJ List or some such. You have to sign up and you start getting email. (You almost have to have gmail for this.) I have several now inactive memberships, like piratesinfo.com (where, for all I know, I may still be a mod) and theForce.net. I seldom visit - done with them. I have memberships at a dozen other forums for various reasons, but I do not post often. In fact, I do not really post at all on most of them, I just used them for info gathering on occasion. Among them are the forums at Rottentomatoes.com, imbd.com, raventheraider.net and, of course, http://www.tv.com/the-dukes-of-hazzard/sho...684/forums.html. (I had a question about the show - what can I say?)
Glad I could be of service! I try to entertain, I honestly do. Speaking of other forums, I have lately been discussing (and, often, arguing) the limitations of the scientific method and the possibility of proceeding from it to a better method (to be named at a later date) on another forum. It puts zest and zing in the grey matter, it does.
Yeah! Like dressing up as zombies and getting beat up with fake weapons. (Papa Romero would be proud.)
Kongaloosh! The Adventurer's Club is fun and the food at Raglan Road is excellent! Try the fish stew - it's a meal in itself. I heard that the two chess playing skeletons that I am currently using as an avatar are only in Disney World. (That may be wrong, but I heard that.) They are in the right hand line when you go to get on the ride. This alone made the POTC ride worth seeing for me. I recommend going with Captain Sophia - she knows all the secrets to getting the most rides out of a day at the park.
With nothing better to do, our group was watching Rugby at the airport hotel bar on the night we were leaving Oz last summer...they do have some great ads. (We decided we would root for the underdog Rabbitohs. They won. We take all the credit.)
What?! That was a complete and total pulling ideas out of the air guess! I cheated by putting up several movie names anyway. Give us another, Kendra.
Wow. That's as good a guess as any, Diego. That sort of quote could be from anything from The Whole Nine Yards to Lethal Weapon to Romancing the Stone.
It is and I would be wondering more why you picked that movie rather than say, African Queen. (What a great movie - Bogart and Hepburn.) Maltese Falcon - Art Deco. :)
Marcus Brody! IJ and the Last Crusade. Ok, here's a nice sentimental quote that'll probably be easy for Blackbead if he's still reading... "All we've got is that maybe you love me and maybe I love you." "You know whether you love me or not." "Maybe I do. I'll have some rotten nights after I've sent you over, but that'll pass."