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Everything posted by Caraccioli

  1. Ah, so there is someone as immature as I'm.
  2. Buttered toast! (I'll bet no one but me is immature enough to understand that.)
  3. Yep. (This topic has more fits and starts than my old Ford Fairmont on a cold morning.)
  4. That could be a lot of things, but I'm going to guess you mean Muppet Treasure Island. Tish...what the heck is your avatar? "Please, I like America! Fancy schmancy! What a cinch! Go fly a kite! Cat got your tongue! Hill of beans! Betty Boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams... I say can you see! I say can you see! I... I say..."
  5. Oh, c'mon...that's too easy. Star Wars (Episode IV for you revisionists) Oops, new quote: "If you think I'm going to sit around watching Picasso take on the public transport system, you've got another thing coming."
  6. Check in on Fort Jefferson. I heard bad things about it. It's an impressive place, sitting out there in the middle of nowhere, slowly disintegrating...
  7. Impressive as hell if it's true. Doesn't it just put a chill in you to think of thousands of tons of metal lifted bodily into the air by old mother nature?
  8. Somewhere I have all the engineering drawings for the Fitzgerald. We were in the UP when I was a teen visiting the museum where much of what's been brought up is kept. It was fascinating; I started researching the whole thing feverishly and collecting info. (I've always done that with things that take my fancy.) She should never have gone out, of course. The theory I remember reading is that the big ore hauler was raised up on two large swells in Superior and she cracked in the middle under the weight. Alas.
  9. The holiday was over last week. I was ready for it.
  10. My ex- sang choir and that was one of her favorite songs to sing, so we got to listen to it over and over and over in the car. Not too long after we broke up, my friend John's stubborn brother stumbled across it and insisted upon playing it repeatedly for us during Halloween. Fortunately, I'm made of stern stuff. It is very impressive music and I can imagine it's most rewarding to sing, or, at least, to have sung. tish, according to Douglas Adams, the Earth is a giant computer of sorts, run by mice to determine the ultimate question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything, which is: 42. If you're going to be a proper computer/internet geek, you really should read the Hitchiker's 5 part trilogy. (Although, personally, I do not find it to be very cohesive...it's more like a stitched up series of vignettes. Quite clever at times, but not very focused.)
  11. That's plumb nice work! Do you do commissioned work?
  12. You know, someone could spend a month of Sundays trying to explain this virtual round thing to me and I doubt I'd get it. When I created this alternate ID and no one knew it was me, Diego sent me a pm asking me to buy a virtual round or risk being ignored. Guys...no offense, but...it's just plain silly. <---Fydo, my pyrate dog And anyone who goes into schools, even in costume pirate garb, is more of a re-enactor than I can claim to be. Cheers to ya' country pirate. I'm looking forward to that slice of dialogue.
  13. Oh, I actually agree with GoF in the main, I was just impressed that our authoress came back and responded in good piratical fashion. Of course, it's always wise to remember that, as our pal Poor Richard put it, "A spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar."
  14. Another good piratey one (which, for a long time, I had thought meant something else): temerity (tuh-MER-uh-tee), noun - Unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger; rashness. The bold pirates fought with a temerity that their prey never dared match, to their everlasting peril.
  15. Kudos to country pirate for not being a one time poster. I might buy her book just because she has sass. (Plus writing a book is no mean feat and publicizing it is even more difficult.) Post a sample of dialogue!
  16. I was looking for a picture of dinosaur with a pirate hat (I honestly don't know why. I sort of like my new avatar, so that can't be it.) when it occurred to me that someone should create toys that combine a three to five year old boy's favorite things: dinosaurs and pirates. If it were riding Thomas the Tank Engine, you'd really have something.
  17. Sometimes when I'm not sure of the spelling of a word, I open a new window, go to Google and type in the word. So you could go there and type: subtial. If you spell it wrong, Google will often offer you suggestions in the first line of the window. (Unfortunately, in this case, it offers you subtidal. So much for that suggestion.)
  18. If you read the thread (and article link which Bess notes) that I refer to above, it sounds more like they are creating an alternate path at night that will be different and more movie based. The original ride will remain the same if I remember the article correctly.
  19. Ah, but our own lovely Iron Bess, she of Disney employ, has verified the alternate version of the ride is to be created. How soon we forget: Update to POTC ride at Disneyland..., Anything is possible I suppose
  20. There is some proof that red flags were used before black ones by pirates. However, the Jolie Rouge/"pretty red" origin has not really been proven from what I've read, it's just one theory.
  21. While I have waded amongst it, I had never heard of the word "riparian" before today. However, a similar sounding word that I have always liked, is tangentally appropriate to the site and which I have actually used in conversation is: riposte (rih-POST), noun 1. A quick thrust given after parrying an opponent's lunge in fencing. 2. A quick and effective reply by word or act. Gregory McDonald's Inspector Flynn has an agile sense of humor making good use of odd connections and punchy ripostes.
  22. No kidding? Do you have to learn backflips and such? "Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained."
  23. Then what's the ultimate question?
  24. Oh, Patrick... You either really have to see The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and have your mind completely blown, or avoid it as if the devil were offering it to you. You'll never be able to comprehend Agent Smith or Elrond again.
  25. My, but haven't a smattering of organizations and a couple of books been devoted to that question? I honestly don't think we can know the meaning of life. (Although, by implication, I believe there is one - otherwise, why not just fall on our swords and be free of it all?) Having no real guidance, we each ascribe our own meaning predicated on our preferred proclivities. Or, for the joiners, we subscribe to philosophical ideals or the philosophies of organizations of our choice. (This question just might deserve its own topic. If it gets enough attention, I'll split it out.)
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