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Everything posted by Caraccioli

  1. "Am I right or am I right or am I right?" That's my quote. I was in the city when and where they were filming it. (In a state Duchess once lived in...)
  2. Google. I think Google knows nearly everything - or at least it can point you to places where you can find out. Hm. Except in this case because you're so far off. I had to at least get close by removing extra syllables. (Sound it out.) Here's what happened when I took out a syllable and plugged it into Google: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&saf...iscombobalating
  3. The name sort of gives it away...it must be from Dead Man's Chest.
  4. William - I was about to ask you if those shots were from the Keys, then I re-read your post and saw that they were. There's something distinctive about the shape of a key. This is PG-13 rated, so I'll just post a link. (My poor photography skills sort of mess up the detail, but there you are): http://www.markck.com/images/art/surfer.htm
  5. Are you thinking of Miss Congeniality? I believe Red Bess has it right. "You'll meet someone. Someone special. Someone who won't press charges." (from the same movie)
  6. No, but God's holy trousers, that's a good guess. "You mean he's piled up a fortune of sixty cows out of her infidelities?" "And thirty-two goats." "She ain't a wife, she's a going concern!" Peachy and Danny, marvelling
  7. That's the one. Starring Redford and Newman. The stylistic link is the fedora. (I own several fedoras. )
  8. Huh. That hard? Ok, three hints: 1. It's from the 70s. 2. It starred two of the hottest actors in the market at the time in their second movie pairing (that I know of). 3. It shares a stylistic link to my favorite movie ever: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  9. I was jussst looking at Delorean artwork today. (My kitchen will be Delorean themed and I need something with the taillights in it to tie the red paint for the non-stainless walls into the theme.) Here's something from one of my favorite movies. Ever. "He's not as tough as he thinks!" "Neither are we."
  10. Knowing you as I do... Conan? (Probably the first one. The thief was in the first one, wasn't he?)
  11. "I've quit better jobs than this!" (That is not for guessing, just a follow up.)
  12. Legally Blonde?
  13. I first saw him in a movie called I Capture the Castle. He didn't make so much of an impression upon me, but the movie did. It was a neat movie about a girl growing up. (Nighy played her semi-crazy author father.) Nah, I have a pretty good idea about Jones' fate, Norrington's seems like the potential wild card.
  14. Which is sort of an invitation for that person to respond and rebut. Thus we get into an endless loop of increasingly angry discussion over...a movie. As you said, "Yeah, like it, don't like it." List your reasons and wander on to another topic. I have yet to convince anyone to see things the way I see them, especially by becoming upset. In fact, if I take a moment and try to get a glimpse, a mere glimmer, of the situation from someone else's POV, I learn something. Look at the discussion Captain Enigma and I were having over the soundtrack to Muppet's Treasure Island. Turns out he was right! (And I learned something.) Very zen or something. From my observations, one person's truth is theirs alone. No two people see the world in the same way. Everyone's outlook is built upon their experiences, principles, outlook and focus (among other things). No one shares those things in common, so everyone sees things differently. (Sorry, waxing philosophical again.) I like Norrington, myself. I expect great things of the man. (Although he may also just get tossed aside as a company man and thrown to the wolves. I hope not.)
  15. Yeah. Have you gone back and watched it again and realized how simple it actually was, Patrick? It's still the best film of the series. It had the right mix of stuff and enough of a "gee-whiz" factor to get me interested. I liked the second one - it was well written, I think. But I hated being left on the hook for three years. That sort of spoiled Empire as being the best movie of the series for me. It's a little more acceptable these days, having been done in several movie series. I still don't like it, probably a residue of feeling cheated by George so long ago... Again, some of the writing was pretty well done IMO. (Not the romance scenes...uck.) And we were given the explanations in a nice, neat package. Plus the story wasn't quite the downer I expected it to be, for some reason. (That's good IMO.) I think for me it was being left on the hook again, missing some of the novelty of discovering an interesting new world and the points I raised on the first page of this post. (No sense in reiterating all that.) I enjoyed the movie too. Just not enough to see it more than once in the theatre. (I won't even admit how many times I saw the first one in the theater.) I expect Terry and Ted will comport themselves nicely. They are pretty good writers and I enjoy their movies more than a lot of others that Hollywood churns out. As for shutting down this thread...why? Some of the discussions the last two days have been close to the edge in terms of flaming, but most of the people are behaving. If you're getting hot and bothered by what's being said, step away from the topic for a day or two. Forums are all about people agreeing and disagreeing about trivialities. And Bess, God love ya' (I do), but the end product is all we can judge the movie on. I understand your point about all those involved, but when a movie works, everyone involved celebrates. When it doesn't, they go onto the next movie. Based on the take to date, this movie works, all critics (including me) aside. So they should celebrate. To paraphrase Lincoln, "You can satisfy all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't satisfy all of the people all of the time."
  16. Absolutely. The first part of that quote's been rolling around in my head for a week, although I couldn't remember the whole quote or the movie. So it occurred to me that this would be a good opportunity to figure it out and a great place to expunge it. Your turn, sir.
  17. The Princess Bride Next quote: "Well, the new Miss Galore. Where do you hide your gold knuckles in this outfit?"
  18. Now now Caraccioli you know better than to make that general a statement. This is especially true given the fact that I have quoted Hatari and The Enemy Below (my two favorite films) several times here. Although seeing as how nobody got those I can relate Yep, you're right. Among others, Blackjohn also stretches his cinema habit I believe. I was just sort of responding to the comments Hester made about The Seventh Seal. (BTW, anyone who has not seen Casablanca is really missing a treat.) Hatari, eh? I should go back and watch that again. My favorite Duke movie is still Donovan's Reef with Lee Marvin. (Nobody got that, either.) Black Bess, you got that quote right. Plow ahead.
  19. You danced with Christopher Lloyd! Wow! (He was the lead hero, right? If it wasn't the Delorean, it must have been him.)
  20. I'll pass that along. Woo hoo! My POTC collection will be complete with the life-sized undead monkey. (That, 18" happy Jack, every undead toy they've released and...well, that's it. Besides my old 70s POTC models, of course.) I have forever been working on a life-sized model of the Brain Gremlin that is massively complicated by the fact that the only life-sized gremlin model they've made is of Spike. So I have one that I am converting. Slow work, especially when I put it off so often. (I have this dream of articulating the thing - resin is hard to work with, though.) I wish they'd just release one, then I can comfort myself in having wasted $200 on a model I'll never finish.
  21. Is that the international total or something? (I got my number off my favorite movie site - Rotten Tomatoes.) I thought the monkey was named Jack. Or was that just one of Barbarossa's little jokes? Or was it one of his jokes that can no longer be considered a joke because of the fan-base and is now canon? Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!
  22. Nope. Older than that.
  23. I am afraid that you have been misinformed. The Muppet Treasure Island OST and the POTC2 OST are very different from another and they have practically nothing in common. Ya know...hearing it alone, I think you're right. They are very different. I still find some similarities between them, but not nearly as much as I had thought when watching the movie. The Muppets soundtrack has a little lighter touch. It is definitely distinct from the POTC soundtracks. Point to you, sir. On another note, my iPod tells me that Jack Sparrow is my favorite song these days - it's at the top of the Top 25 Most Played, followed closely by Bad Dog No Biscuits from the Cowboy Bebop CD. (See the pattern? Me neither.)
  24. Aw, it can't be all that bad. The movie's already taken in $379.7M and the only thing that's edged it out of the top spot the last two weeks are new movies. Miami Vice beat it last week and then fell below it this week. That's pretty good staying power. I have my complaints (listed in nauseating detail on the first page), but it's tough to make a movie like POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl when the expectations are so high. And it is nice to see the pirate genre get a leg up, even if there is precious little actual piracy going on in this movie. Better this than nothing, eh?
  25. Fine, fine. Nobody watches movies that are older than they are besides me, is that it? Too bad too. Some of the best movies ever made are b/w, foreign or pre-Star Wars. (Many are all three.) This is from Bergman's The Seventh Seal which is about a knight returning from the Crusades who winds up playing chess with Death. It's a great movie if you like discussions about the existance of God, the meaning of life and (rather dour) thoughts on the topic of love. Here's an easier, color, post-SW quote: "What on Earth's this thing I'm wearing?" "Ah, this, this is a radiation suit." "Radiation suit? Of course, because of all the fallout from the atomic wars."
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