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Everything posted by Caraccioli

  1. "Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?" - Coleman Cox Me, I decided to purchase and put up Christmas lights on my house for the first time. (I figured I had been enjoying everyone else's lights on my early morning walks, so I was due.) You?
  2. Spam? How so? From wikipedia: "There is no universally accepted definition of spam, but most definitions are based on the e-mail being both unsolicited by the recipients and having bulk quantities of substantively the same e-mail being sent. In other words spam is usually defined as Unsolicited Bulk E-mail (UBE). This e-mail is usually also unwanted and sent by automated means." Doesn't seem to fit the definition to me. Personally, I didn't post in the initiates forum until about 6 months after I'd joined (and was already a mod). Even then it was to ask a question about how something worked (the other, more useful function of the initiates forum.)
  3. No? Here's another quote from the same movie: "You know they say that there’s still six to twelve minutes of brain activity after everything else is shutdown. And a second of dream consciousness, right, well, that’s infinitely longer than a waking second. You know what I’m saying?" "Oh, yeah, definitely. For example, I wake up and it is 10:12, and then I go back to sleep and I have those long, intricate, beautiful dreams that seem to last for hours, and then I wake up and it’s … 10:13." "Yeah, exactly. So then six to twelve minutes of brain activity, I mean, that could be your whole life. I mean, you are that woman looking back over everything." "Okay, so what if I am? Then what would you be in all that?" "Whatever I am right now. I mean, yeah, maybe I only exist in your mind. I’m still just as real as anything else."
  4. We need a chat thread around here.
  5. Uh...National Treasure? Sahara? Hmm. I don't know. I want to resurrect this chestnut so I'm going to post a quote. Feel free to call me out of line here and I'll just give up the source and let you proceed. "Crazy old bastard." "That guy's all action and no theory. We're all theory and no action."
  6. Does anyone else remember that episode of Laverne and Shirley where Lenny left Squiggy and got a jacket that said "Lone Wolf" on it, only the "L" fell off and it said "one Wolf?" (Sorry, I don't know why I brought that up. No reflection on you Matt. I'm pretty much a one wolf myself.)
  7. Nope. If you really want to a new name, go ahead and change it. All you'd lose is your post counts. Unless you've reached the skull symbol (which is sacred in MIssion's book of things), worrying about post counts is for gits. (IMHO)
  8. I have also frequently found myself retreating into myself. But since that's pretty much who I am, I'm good with it.
  9. Oh, yes! I had just watched that a year or so ago based on your recommendation. A really interesting children's movie I saw recently was The Neverending Story. The puppetry was a tad hokey, but the idea behind the story was really cool. (Not unlike the idea behind A Wrinkle in Time, actually.)
  10. Mr. Smee? No seriously, I still don't know. I feel like I should... "Shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza? That ain't good form, you know." "'Good form,' Mr Smee? Blast good form!"
  11. Probably more hit than miss. A friend told me that some seasons of Red Dwarf are better than others, so I've been considering trying a different season of it. Something about an episode with a mail ship in it. I suppose it's a perception thing - I place more value on your recommendations than Netflix. (Although their recommendation tab has shrunk to less than 20 movies for me, so I think they may be non-plussed as well. The C-3PO sitting in the Ewok throne chair is the best C-3PO I've seen yet. It has jointed knees. I primarily collect protocol droids these days...
  12. My brother-in-law wanted to keep the Thomas trains mint, but my sister put a stop to that. (She made him watch Toy Story 2 16 times in a row.) I still pick up some of the Star Wars stuff on occasion. The figures are so much better than they used to be!
  13. Actually there is one major theme and several minor themes in the body of work that is "Mission's Avatars." The minor themes include skeleton pirates, Yosemite Sam as pirate, Jack the Monkey, animals that have entertained me, self-portraits, random strange sh*t and famous fictional pirates for $1000, Alex. The major theme is: weird things that interest and/or entertain me.
  14. And the last of them...
  15. Oh, ah. I forgot that there is a limit to the number of images you can put in a single post. Here are some more.
  16. Continuing the effort to rebuild the Beyond Pyracy forum after the great thread clean out of 2005, I am restarting this thread. My current avatar is a group of monkeys examining a bunch of hooks and latches on a wall. It seems monkeys enjoy exteral stimulation for its own sake, according to my Psychology book. (Actually, I just thought the picture was funny.) And here is my Mission ID's current (and probably forever more) avatar: Now, I used to have a list of all my/Mission's avatars and what they meant, but that was long ago and far away. Here are the pics, but you'll have to guess what they mean for now. If there's a hue and cry for it, maybe I'll explain them (although, for the life of me, I can't figure why there would be a hue and cry for it):
  17. Huh. Perhaps I should see it then. Duchess appears to have wandered off somewhere, so no one is currently feeding me movie recommendations. (Except Netflix - they're quite hit and miss - they don't quite seem to get me yet.) The avatar thread appears to be no more. Gone with the great Beyond Pyracy forum cleanup it seems.
  18. Chick hicks? Is this from that movie Cars? Or is it like a Hotwheels thing? (Edit: Oops. I didn't look closely at the title - it's clearly a movie toy thing.) Say, who's your new avatar?
  19. I'm currently taking a college class in Psychology and the gist of what I've read about dream meanings is that they're highly personal. If you believe dreams are symbolic (some psychologists believe this and others don't), the symbols are believed to be based on meanings relevant primarily to you. Some "often universal" symbols have been identified, but even these are not considered to be absolute. (So you can all throw your Dream Dictionaries away unless you wrote them yourselves.) Your best bet is to figure out what the figures and events in the dream mean to you in light of things that have happened within the past 1-4 days. (Nearly all the studies suggest that dreams are related to very recent events in your life.)
  20. The current state of party politics reads like the Roman bread and circuses policy. Take a philosophical stance and eschew the parties entirely: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism (Note, I am not advocating for the Libertarian party, which is just sort of wacky; I believe the libertarian philosophy is probably what you're describing, though.)
  21. Boy, does it. I bought a gallon of liquid latex 7 or 8 years ago and it was $45 then... plus it stinks to high heaven. (And when you combine it with rabbit fur. Yuck. The monkey prop smells like he's actually decomposing.) Still, latex gives you that rubbery feeling. It freaks people out.
  22. "What are you, darling? Where's your costume?" "This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else." ~Wednesday Addams and guest I'm going to go over to my friend John's house and sit with him and his philosophical brother Rick on the front porch, drink wine, discuss life and watch all the kiddies extort candy. Then I'll wander down to the haunted house and get my skeletons and monkey the hell out of there before someone decides to see what happens when you take a hammer to an artificial skeleton. Pretty much what I do every Halloween, actually. Ah, tradition.
  23. Wow, I thought it was just me. Ooh, ooh, here's one of mine from the haunted house: ...and a gratuitous pic of the monkey! (I love the monkey. When I get him back, if he's in one piece, I'm going to put a grey wash on him like Patrick suggested. I think it'll even out some of the inconsistencies.)
  24. He looks so proper! Nice. Hey, for those of you who need pirates skeletons (and who doesn't?), K-Mart's having a sale (available on-line only): http://tinyurl.com/ygptvq http://tinyurl.com/ygm8ju They look pretty neat to me. (Of course, I make my own, so I wouldn't know what to do with them.)
  25. Why? The first one was more than enough. If they want to rip off Indiana Jones (who ripped off the old serials) they ought to make another Dirk Pitt movie instead. I liked Sahara much better than National Treasure.
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