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Everything posted by Caraccioli

  1. Why? (Why do you have to admit it, not why do you find him sexy. Although you may get further ahead in life if you don't. Admit it, that is.)
  2. What happens at 106 Rs? Just because 105 Rs produces no hits doesn't mean that a greater number of Rs might not produce results. His data may be incomplete - he needs to continue to the length limits of the Google search function. The research may not be valid. (Who has the patience to type in 100 r's for a search?)
  3. Look at it this way...now you've gotten many bad experiences over with and learned a lot about your boat...so from here it should get better. Plus you now know that carrying a cell phone when taking your boat out is probably a good idea. Bad experiences can either become depressing ends or learning opportunities. You get to choose which.
  4. Dungeonmaster? (Gawd, but that was a terrible movie.)
  5. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/casinoroyale/site/ Looks pretty good. I hope the trailer music is on the CD...
  6. This is my favorite pirate cartoon page. I'm linking to it because the picture is large which is the best way to view Purcell's artwork. He puts lots of detail in there that's worth checking out. (For best results, turn off your automatic image resizing if you're using IE - Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced Tab -> Multimedia Section -> Uncheck "Enable Automatic Image Resizing" Otherwise it will be dinky and imcomprehensible.) http://www.markck.com/images/other/samandmaxpirate.jpg Sam and Max kill me. That's from The Collected Sam & Max, Surfin' the Highway by Steve Purcell.
  7. Most of these aren't pirate related, but what the heck.
  8. Graphic creation in Powerpoint? Is it an object? Can you copy it using right click copy and then paste it into Illustrator? Or is it a screen? If it's a screen, RMs suggestion is the only option I'm aware of.
  9. Hmm...sounds a bit pessimistic... Are you one of those "How do we slice the pie?" people? I'm one of those "Let's bake a bigger pie!" people. ( <- My pirate dog Fydo is also a bigger pie philosopher.) When are you giving it? I've got to arrange a plane ticket, you know. (I'll be the heckler in the pork pie hat.) Has anyone ever seen any of the silly Return of the Living Dead movies? A very pale reflection of Romero's work, but there's something to be said for the goofy adsurdity. (And little to be said for the acting.) One of those movies featured a zombie that had been cut off at the waist and was still moving around - s/he could do this because they only need their brains to function of course. (I haven't actually seen this particular movie because -believe it or not- I am not generally a big fan of gore, but I came across a photo in Fangoria or somewhere in my Haunted House research. Yes, research. ) I've always wanted to make a crawling thing with no lower half. A friend was helping me to design the controller and we were going to build it on a RC platform with servos to operate various parts (eyes, movement, jaw.) I have a whole slew of plans I drew up in the early 90's and I revisit the concept occasionally when September rolls around. I noticed that somebody actually came out with one about three of four years ago, but it was a pretty lame latex things sitting on a Radio Shack RC car. No other effective movement. Mine was to be weighted with moving arms so that the arms pumped up and down with the movement and it rocked back and forth like a real person would do if they were crawling around with no torso. (I know, we actually tried it using an auto mechanic's crawler.)
  10. Like Marion Ravenwood! (Definitely one of the best movie heroines ever. Marie 'Slim' Browning in To Have and To Have Not is another one. But I digress...) Kwik Sew pattern 2990. (Google) http://www.thesewingplace.com/browseproduc...k-Sew-2990.HTML Now, assuming this is a pirate question (palazzo pants looking distinctly piratey to me), I'm going to move this topic into Plunder where the sewing questions are better answered. Here, we talk about your degree of strangeness.
  11. Moi? I kinda' liked Shaun...sure you're not thinking about Priscilla? (About which I have mixed feelings as we've discussed.) I like to see independent guys succeed in the movie business with reasonably good stuff. Shaun is a funny take on a really bleak idea without being overly negative. (Whenever I watch the bonus material, it's a pretty good sign I like the movie. Or I am curious about how they did something.) What I've always wonder about zombie movies is - in the time line of the Romero world - do they all take place within a year or two period or something? How does this explain the clothing style differences in the excellent Dawn of the Dead ('79 version) and the recent Land of the Dead? Because let's face it - if people were turning into zombies in the method presented , it would only be a matter of time before humanity was completely overtaken. (It's a pretty bleak concept, as I said.)
  12. What's I find kind of interesting is that the actor (Simon Pegg) co-wrote that movie with Edgar Wright. There's a pretty entertaining mini-film showing them storyboarding the movie before it was made on the DVD.
  13. tinyurl.com/z2trr (You've got red on you.)
  14. If you decide you want to upload photos, it's pretty simple for your avatar and personal photos. Go into "My controls" and select "Edit Avatar Settings" to change your avatar or "Change Personal Photo" to do that. Once inside those widows, you can pull them right off your computer by navigating to the file location using the Browse button. It's just like opening a Word processing document, only you're looking for a picture document. I've found it's best to pick a square photo with minimal details for your avatar. Putting photos inside of a post response is more advanced. The photos must be out there somewhere on the web and you must know the URL of the location. A lot of people use photobucket or similar free photo posting sites and then copy the URL out of their address bar on their browser into a post using the IMG button.
  15. Huh. I've never seen that page at IMDb before. Useful, that. Still, it compares apples to oranges. When Gone With the Wind was in theatres, the ticket price was probably well under $1. When Star Wars was out, I think it was $3 or $4 (maybe) and today it's north of $8. To understand the true popularity of a movie, you have to try to compare apples to apples. One reasonable way to do that is to adjust the Box Office take for inflation. That method has its warts, but it's much closer than just comparing the raw numbers.
  16. Good ol' Google: http://www.the-movie-times.com/thrsdir/all...v?adjusted+ByAG Dead Man's Chest is number 44. Titanic is 6. Star Wars is 2. And, of course, Gone With the Wind is still number 1. So the SW fans can take solace in that. (Curse of the Black Pearl didn't make the Top 50 list.)
  17. What is it about Titanic? I remember all the Star Wars fans were hopping mad when it was out because it had surpassed one or other of the Star Wars movies in terms of box office with no sign of letting up. (I wonder what the top grossing movie list looks like adjusted for inflation these days?)
  18. I'm going to unsticky this for a bit so those who ignore the sticky posts can see it. (Like me - I nearly always ignore the sticky posts. Whose idea was it to sticky this thing?) I'll put it back in a week or so. Use the link quoted above if you want to add yourself. -Mission/Caraccioli
  19. Hmmmmmmm......? Someone told me this weekend that they had heard they were already preparing 4. I told them until I read it around here, I was believing nothing of the kind. The same person also told me that 3 was done and they were just holding off until next year. (So which is it Bess? )
  20. Actually, it's the strange stuff like the fireplace kit that ends up being worth so much in 20 years - if anything will be worth much in 20 years. (It's a tough call when there's so much "collectible" stuff out there and people hoard these "collectibles" marketed as collectibles the way they do now.) You would be surprised how much one of those cheap plastic costumes from Star Wars fetched during the height of interest (late 90's, early 00's) You know; the kind of thing you (if you're about my age) wore as a kid that were basically 36" high advertisements. Or the Star Wars bedsheets or the Toothbrush holders, etc. It's not an obscene amount, but it was sometimes worth a raised eyebrow if in mint condition. Of course, as I hinted, nobody was really thinking of this junk as being collectible when it was in stores, so they didn't treat it as such. Still, a POTC fireplace set...it's kinda' neat in a way. Odd, but neat. What I find weird is the electronic POTC weapons. I understand the great need to make everything gee-whiz for the Modern Child of Short Attention Span...but electronic pirate kit? Odd, that.
  21. Maybe not so easy. I think we need a hint.
  22. That's about the way I'd figure it. People who live their lives on the edge frequently die on the edge. I knew a guy who loved high places; rock climbing, rooftops - I once saw him walking on the railing on the edge of a 21 story building just for a kick. He fell to his death while rock climbing without any equipment. If he had thought much about his death (which I think was unlikely), I suspect that would have been about the way he would have figured it to go. Those folks are like shooting stars - all bright and shiny as they enter the atmosphere, burning themselves up as they head for the inevitable collision.
  23. There's always a bigger fish? Nah...it's not from Episode 1. Sir Topham Hatt, huh?
  24. Didn't the Donkey in Shrek also say this? I don't know. But I do know Shrek was not filmed in Woodstock, IL. (Note, for some reason I thought Woodstock was in Wisconsin. I'm wrong. It's close to the border, though.) Your turn.
  25. I do that sometimes. When I answer, I know the movie and am either reasonably sure of the quote or being stupid. Clue: The movie is set in Pennsylvania (although it was not filmed there).
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