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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I hand sew the ribbon to the edge of the hat..... using a running stitch.... that way, I can get the ribbon to fit exactly right.... I'm going to change the ribbon from black to yellow. (Foxe had a link to Marines, and well..... going to change the hat band.... 8) ) For the linning, I used some unbleached musslin, made a tube the same circumfrance as the inside of the hat....and about 6" tall. the top edge has a small casing for a cord, and the lower edge is turned under and handsewn to the hat.
  2. I used the Jas. Townsen hat blank for my hat.... I filled the brim with boiling water.... let it soak through, them stretched it over a coffee can to change the shape of the top... (you are soppose to use steam to stretch it..... but I've always had good luck with boiling water....) I then sewed 1" black ribbon aroung the edges, and made a cotton linning for the hat......
  3. Funny thing..... that IS what I'm doing......
  4. ... But I can carve wood eaiser than solderin tin to make one...... but thanks for the link......
  5. playing some "Happy Hippy"(does kinda date me....) music....... "Hair" by the Cowsills.... and "Age of Aquarius " 5th Dimensions...... OK not pyrate....... and not dancing (well sorta... but staying in my chair.....) But DANG...... kinda got me inna realy good happy place just right now....... And there are times when just being happy..... well that's good enough........
  6. Hummmmm.... and I thought it had something to do with dry rot or something.......... guess dumb luck is my friend.........
  7. Foxe...... A lot of interesting thought in your post... I'm not talking about dressing above their station..... (such as wearing a long coat.... Justicorp ... landsmen's long cloths...) but taking the good "going to shore" seaman's trousers or shirt..... when pirates attacked... I don't think the other crew was wearing their best "going to shore " clothing.... that would be stored in their sea chest (...) below deck..... next ..... arn't" Draws"....... underclothing...... I thought at the time.... well there wern't any..... your shirt tails acted as such..... interested in info about this....RATS..... can't copy and paste where I wanted it....... I wanted this befor the last part..... OH WELL.... . This is interesting..... I have about 6 pairs of black jeans (well they are not blue.....) they are about two year old... and all six pair are wearing out on the right thigh about the same..... I figure the same problem would happen then..... so have some "work" cloths..... then your "good " clothing..... (I haven't had a reason to wear my good suit in over three years... but I don't "go to shore " .......(didn't type out right...... hope you get the idea) Anyway.... as a pirate.... I have two pair of worn trousers...... (wondering if I'd have a sea chest with my good clothing in it....But we will ignore that for now..... ) and I now have the opertunity to get some new clothing....... Do I take his worn work clothing...... or his "good" stuff...... I copied and pasted the guote..... but where was that from originaly?
  8. Iv'e made tarplin hats (canvas) and painted them with oil base paint (used a chunk of foam as a brush....so there was no messy clean up....just throw the foam away.... ).... works good, and dries so you don't get any in you hair........ (don't get any smell tho...) but it is waterproof. I made an oilcloth ground cloth that I painted with linseed oil....(once again... using a foam chunk for a brush)(oh yah..... let it dry out of sunlight... not sure why.... but that is what I was told....). unfortunately.... after I let it dry, it still stayed "tacky" (picked up a lot of redish dirt..... so it "looked" right....kinda rusty....) but my friend mixed his linseed oil with about 50/50 turpintine.... painted it on the cloth...... worked better...... wasn't tacky.... and it didn't change the color of the cloth........ and it was waterproof.....
  9. Interesting concept .... standards.... some of the parts posted are just common courtisy.... (not using foul language in front of children.....not defacing other peoples property... etc....) At PiP, I prety much behaved..... (well I drank..... but didn't make much of a fool of myself....) at Ojai..... well I do mess up on Friday night.... get drunk... wonder off by myself.... but I don't start fights or that sorta thing.... and I'm NOT driving.... On one hand, it would be interesting going somewhere, where it was just a bunch of BAD pyrates...... so you could just go wild..... On th' other hook...... can't think of where that would be..... so using a line from the Northern California Rennisaunce Pleasure Faire..... "play Faire" (kinda like the Golden Rule ....)
  10. The only problem with that....... "Hey we gotta go on Pirates of the Caribbean again" "What.... we've already gone on it five times......" "Yah... but it's after dark..." They are not going to beleave me..........
  11. Awh..... I ain't seen that movie sence it first came out...... Can't remember much of it.... other than I wanted to be a pirate after seeing it ....... maybe it's time for me to watch some movies again .......
  12. WOW.... THAT IS COOL......!!!!!!!!!! When I went to rendezvous, I use to carry a "New Mexican tinder tube" for using when using flint and steal to start a fire...... there are some Major difference between the two .... but some simularitys.........(OK I can't spell) I'M GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE ONE OF THOSE......... (OK done with dancing about in front of the pewter).... that picture gives me all of the info I need to make one..... coool coool cool.... (I will post this .... then finish the "happy dance" without continuing to bother anyone else..... ) Sorry for being so silly..... but there are times when I see something.... and there is that "spark" ....... inspiration... whatever......... Thanks for shairing that Captain.....
  13. found this quote when I was looking up some history from the 17th centruy.... ended up on a site about the French wars......
  14. .... Hanky panky...... thats not ....... "You put your left hand in... you pull your left hand out....... you put your left hand in and you shake it all about....."
  15. I was reading in "The Wooden World An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy" (OK it a little late for pyrate, but close enough.....) and this part caught my attention...... " Except for disguise, seamen scorned to wear landmen's cloths, and their best clothes were more elaborate and fancy versions of their working rig, with white duck instead of canvas trousers, silver buckles to their shoes, brass buttons on their jackets, coloured tape along the seams, and ribbons in their hats" There are more descriptions of sailors clothing in the book, but I got thinking about sailors "best shore-going rig" Now this is speculation.... But as a pirate..... if my shirt was worn, and my trousers had holes in them.... and we just took a merchant vessle.... why not help myself to some of the clothing that would be stored below in the sea chests... and why not grab the more "elaborate and fancy versions"? Another question.... I read someplace that sailors would embroder their clothing ... but I can't figure what designs they would use (anchors...? Skulls and crossed bones would be interesting..... but I don't think very period...) I tried doing a web search.... but didn't find anything......
  16. Black Hearted Pearl..... What you are thinking of is the slowmatch.... slowmatch is treated rope that one or both ends are lit, and it slowly burns (but not a flame...) the glowing (burning) end is used to ignight a matchlock or a cannon.... The linstock (basicly a stick) is what is used to hold the slowmatch so you don't burn your hand when the powder ignights......
  17. not exactley side effects...... but interesting......
  18. OH GREAT..... sorry..... not merrydeath... it was paisley............... (and both of them babes.......) aaaaaaaaaargh.....
  19. No I mean not for children..... the first admendment covers that..... If we meet inna bar.... I'd ask you if you were offended by Adult drawings..... if so.. then I would not show my pictures.... If you had no problem with that... sure... here they be.. and I DO NOT show my drawing to children...... (funny asside... I had some women that wanted to see a male anthropolymorphic.... no problem.... did a drawing of a nekid wolf.... guys would see all of my nekid femail drawings... then this one male drawing..... then ask ... are you queer..... No.... just something someone wanted to see.... ( I can draw mostly anything))) gets wierd at times..... I happen to think my half nekid pyrate babes drawings are kinda fun..... may pi** some off... but what the hey........ to each thiere own. (like I typed eairleyer.... I do NOT flash my drawing at someone who dosen't want to see them....) violence.... rape... degrading...... I ain't into that.... do not draw that,....... And I did type that the drawings that I will do offa the "If women ran the world what whould rockets look like".......can't post them here..... if Merrydeath of anyone else wants to see them.... private e-mail...... not right to post here.....
  20. One of my other hobbies is drawing ....eeergh....."Adult Cartoons"..... now I'm going to have to use that for the title of the image that shot through my brain..... Unfortunatly... won't be able to post it here......... Th' dead cow's goinna take another two hours befor it's done..... (Joy of Cooking said to cook it slowly...) but my house sure smells yummy right now..... one of the cool things about being single.... I can cook dinner, and not have to worry that it wont be done untill 11:00
  21. Inna good mood tonight... Got the Tiger mascot done, and my boss is off to Orlando (she says that next time I can go.....) My boss gave me a huge chunk of dead cow, (pot roast) so I'm off to see what the "Joy of Cooking" sujest....... then experiment......
  22. Roman.... ick....... (this coming from someone who use to be a Pict.....) Hey ... I looked good in blue (woad)....
  23. Sheila looks different when she's not in her REAL cloths........
  24. WWWWWaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! My Boss just left to go to a convention in Orlando....... and I have to stay here......... (she did say that I might get to go next time........ so there is hope....)
  25. In that case, slowmatch would work the best..... (slowmatch is basicly prepaired cotton rope ) with one or both ends burning..... In a hurry, they could fire a flintlock very close to the powder... but if they "touch off" to much..... they will get a nasty burn as the powder flairs..... Thats why gunners uesd a linstock... (a stick to hold the slowmatch....) I've read about using a barrel of powder and a slowmatch to ignight it as an impromptu granade....to slow down boarding partys... timing of the whole thing could get tricky.........
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