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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. awwwwwh... but Capt. Pete.... that is the style of "landsmen" not sailors (who pyrates develope from).... so it get much trickier than that......... I have two pair of breaches..... both with the "baggy butt" that is period..... one pair is(are?) slightly tight (well not tight, but stove pipe.....) the other pair are pettiecoat breaches........ with the pettycoat breaches.... dang.... I can scratch anyplace on my body that might have an itch......
  2. Wanted to let everyone know that I got home safe.... (but slip slidding through the foot of fresh snow was kinda interesting.......) I would have sent something sooner, but I just moved , and had to get a new internet server......... Had a great time at Pip, can't wait till next year (unless there is a work convention in Orlando or someplace there abouts with in the next year...) It was great to meet everyone, .... hey.... less than 360 days untill the next one..........
  3. ...couldn't help it....... I miss read th post, and it was the second thing to pop into my mind..... (the first thing was..... wot happened to my rum..... but thats another story....)
  4. hummmm.... wondering about the inexpensive Claymore ......... is the blade stainless steel? and what is the tang like? I'm pondering the idea of grinding a bar of stainless into the blade that I want ( I don't have the facilitys to temper a blade, so stainless will have to do......) I'm only interested in the blade.... I will make my own "fittings" will have to think about this a bit more.......
  5. Hey..... I didn't fall off the edge of the world or something..... just finished moving ....and going to Pirates in Paridise... and finaly getting a new server.... so I'm back........ Mary Sue ... someone listed a web page eairler in this thread ......I'll find it and post it again befor the weekend is over....... but it is a real good source on period clothing....... (its just as easy to make it right as to make it wrong..... if you have the time... why not make it right..........) That said...... I gotta go find the scallywag wot drank th last of me rum........
  6. aaaaargh..... rats..... I was hoping that this thread would be about buying and selling ( or setting up sorta kinda) on guns...... being the poor pyrate that I am, I have to go to rendezvous to look for gun parts.... (I have two extra cap locks (just the locks) .... need a flintlock and gun barrel... use to do "Mountaiman".... so have some good stuff to trade...... ) as an aside... I was looking at the screwbarrel pistol that Dixie was selling for about $150 ..... buy one at a time when I had some money.... but about three of them would make a nice "boarding" set up...... (Capt. Gary... I'd deal with the reloading later....... 8).... heck... I don't need a ramrod RIGHT now..... )
  7. I agree with Duchess on this one........ DANG.... it dosen't take that long to HAND sew any trim to a hat..... with a sewing machine you "might" mess up.... and with glue you might ROYALY mess up...... but hand sewing will get the trim exactly where you want it...... we are not talking about hand sewing an entire coat...... just a hat brim..... and best of all.... if you change your mind later.... you can cut out the stitching without any problems.............. Oh yah.... I use hot glue all the time on mascots, but I always handsew after..... hot glue has the nasty tendecy to un-melt when you least want it to.....
  8. I LIKE THAT ONE........ yah... I know piracy still does exist... and a good pirate like a good mugger is eaiser to just pretend they don't exist.... for example.... a mugger who just takes your money, but leaves you with your credit cards and drivers licence.... hey... whos going to call the police...... but if you get too blood thursty..... they will take a very active interest in stopping you.. sorry to use such a silly quote..... but from Princess Bride... "Once they find a pirates gone soft.... its just work work work" There is a delicate ballance to being sucessfull at such a career choice.......
  9. I am prabably totaly wrong about this...... but I always thought that the "ships Articles" were different acording to what ship you happened to be with...... they all had some things in common, but were not the kind of things you picked up at the local office supply....... I thought they were drawn up by some of the crew and or officers, and if you joined with that ship and signed; you lived by them.... if you disagreed... don't sign and go find another ship......... unfortunatly..... that is my "gut feeling" and I have absolutly no documintation about it.............
  10. Saw them playing it at PiP..... looked like LOTS of fun...... Dang... I gotta get a second job just to buy alla th cool swag I want..........
  11. Dang.... just wish I'd known about that one sooner.... I love me photoshop..... going to have to play with some ideas just fer fun........
  12. Dang...Dang....Dang...... I realy liked his Getttysburg game (deat the damnyankeys most of th time) but with Christmass comming up..... hummm just going ta have to scrape th' money up somehow to get it.......
  13. Is that another way to say..... "When ya got em by th' balls...thier hearts an minds will follow......"
  14. Yaaaaaaaa..... oops... Aaaaaaargh... I be leaving on the Dec. second.... gitting there at about five thirty....... can't waite to take my own pictures from PIP.......
  15. Hurricane.... but she has such nice blond hair... wonder why she dyes her roots black...... And remember..... beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.......
  16. I like that line.... Now if that line and "can't judge a book by it's cover" were mashed together........
  17. This would have been funnier if I posted it this morning after writting it...... I don't think you will get a straight ansewer from any ot the men (1) . We have learned that a question like that is so "loaded" that there is no single "safe" ansewer. The moment we say.... " I like ________" it will come back to haunt us. I'll have to look it up , but I think it is a violation of the "Official Rules of Men" to ever tell a woman what we realy think about woman's bodies (2) If I remember correctly it is right after the rules on toilet seats...... (1) I will also have to look up "The 'pick-up' and when to lie for maximum effect" (2) There are some exctptions to this rule.... but they are covered under 'Drinking'......
  18. What do I like in a woman......... RUM lotsa RUM....... Of course now everyone knows why I'm still single..........
  19. Like I always say... nothing like a low cut bodice to keep a pyrate on his toes..........
  20. Ashley's book of knots sounds interesting..... hummmm maybe an interlibrary loan to check it out...... Next time I get down to play with the Royaliste, I'll bring my camera and a measuring tape so I can get get the dementions.... thanks.....
  21. This is from "The Wooden World an Anatomy of the Georgian Navy" "Though there was no uniform for ratings in the Navy, seamen wore extremely distinctive cloths which marked them at once from any other trade. They themselves spoke of their 'short clothes' and the landman's 'long clothes'. Men ashore wore long coats and waistcoats reaching nearly to the knee, over tight breeches and stockings. Seamen wore short 'bum-freezer' jackets, generally blue, red waistcoats and checked shirts with a scarf or handkerchief loosely knotted round the neck..... Instead of breeches they wore a garment then quite unknown to landmen, ...'Trowsers, a sort of loose breeches of canvas worn by common sailors" For boat work they sometimes wore a canvas 'petticoat' or divided 'petticoat breaches' ...Except for disguise, seamen scorned to wear landsmen's clothes" I snipped a few bits... but that gives a good idea of what sailors wore.
  22. I re-read my post, and can see that I didn't explain what I ment very well. As soon as you entered the front door, it was very obvious that a lot of effort and hard work went into putting the Buccaneer's Ball together. What I was trying to say is that something outside to set the mood as you walked to the entrance. The Skull and crossbones above the door were cool, but I was trying to figure what else could be done (and something simple....) I am sorry that my post sounded like I was critisizing The Buccaneer's Ball, I only wanted to offer a sujestion, and unfortunatly I didn't do a very good job of it. Once again, I apologize for not making myself clear, and causing any hurt feelings .
  23. Merchants iz nice....................... but I want the dementions/documentation.... I can make me own sh*t.......... That said.... I've been reading the "wooden world" ( or something realy close.. Don't have the book here in the same room) but the question of Sea chest.... I'm wondering..... was the bedding and sea chest..... "issued" to a sailor...... so far my reading seams to imply that it was.... but my reasourses are very poor.... was a (ok for the form of settting a "base") Royal English sailor "issued" a hammack and sea chest.... (dang.... on the hammock I can see the issue..) or did they have to buy it out of thier own pocket.. ( and what I've been reading lately,,,, as poor folk... sailors wern't doing that bad......) Me mind be bufuddled... (as most th time I post....) and Dang.... WRONG subject board.. should have been in Capt. Twill......( Other than I know Capt. Gary is here...)
  24. Pynch... you ever wanted to post something.... not dirty.. not bad... but it just (damn sounds likea dumb a** Bubba)... it just don't sound right........... wanted to ask you about how many request you have had to do "Jack Sparrow" tattoos.....
  25. Iron Bess...... th' guys an idiot..... he deserves to get his....... but...... there is something kinda wierd about pyrates "reporting" this ...... yah... I understand why it happens.... JUST WIERD........... (OK now will you tell us when casting for PotC is......?)
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