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Everything posted by BatSpell

  1. This Pyrate movie is rated....... ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  2. Ahoy! 'Appy Birfday Cap'n Fair winds and Happy plunderin' an lootin' an piligin' an all that wrot!!! Cheers t' ye Royalist!!! Deadly Drucilla
  3. Aye lass...I know how ye feels about yer hat! I Love mine and would not want it t' end up Lost 'r some other terrible thing t' happen t' it! I've not been to a Pyrate fair yet but, would be most agreeved if somethin' happened to it! I just got done removin' all th' dust off o' it th' other day!!! (truth). Deadly Drucilla
  4. Well mates...I got Jack Sparrow! I kinda knew it would be 'im! On th' other hand I'd rather Have 'im than BE 'im! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!!...but bein' LIKE 'im ain't bad at all!!! Deadly Drucilla
  5. Wow mates! I be a Traditional Pyrate tooo!!! What be wrong with us all bein' the same type o pyrate...???...we seem's t' all like takin' th' same Pyrate test!!! hehehe!!! (we gots that Pyrate curiosity)!!! Least I do! "Wots e got that I don't got? I needs t' look into it an takes it fer me own!!!" HA! Least we gots that Pyrate spirit an we knows it! Now everyone Join wit me: ArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  6. Ahoy Mates! I've got a few movies...they are either Pyrate or Pyrate related! 1- POTC 2- POTC 2-when it comes out (I know I will love that one as well-Johnny Depp...how could I not like it) hehe!!! 3- Cutthroat Island 4- Hook 5- Goonies 6- Muppet Treasure Island 7- The Count of Monte Cristo (Has Pyrates in it) 8- That Hamilton Woman - It's not a pyrate movie per-se, but it has a nautical theme to it- And, I really love this movie!!!- Note: It's a black and white. 8- finally, there is a movie with Bob Hope I think it is, that I like...it's either a pyrate movie or it is pyrate related...I really don't remember because it's been a long time since I have seen it...but if anyone knows of the movie I'm talking about, then I would apriciate to know the name of it...It was really funny...and I would love to see it again... Thats about it fer now... Deadly Drucilla
  7. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg!!!!!!!!!! I hav'ne seen the movie yet! Or read the books..... I be needin' t' get on the ball about all that!!! Deadly Drucilla
  8. [/quoteWhat's this with the cactus and Keel Hauling, dear? seems ya gots a fetish wit' the spiney thangs and discipline. Hmmmm.... ] That's funny stuff........I'd not thought o' that! Well, seein' hows I'm a Pyrate and all...I guess I would like torturein' and harmin' now wouldn't I......Now fer the spiney thangs, I guess if it's sharp...then use it! Wouldn't hurt none now would it?....Well...I guess it would! Deadly Drucilla
  9. Funnt stuff Stinky...I likes the Flamin Marshmellies remark... Keep 'em commin'!!! Deadly Drucilla
  10. I was Jist wonderin' who perfers what weapon over anyther...and possibly why that is so...? I myself Like 'em all! Deadly Drucilla
  11. Hows about these suggestions laddy: Keel Haul Cactus Keel Haul Cactus Critters The No Port Petes Underwater Tumbleweeds Dusty Flag Far From The Boat 1 Desert No Ship Too Dry To Drown The Rusted Barnicles Sunburnt & Sandblasted Well...I hope these will help you... Deadly Drucilla
  12. Thanx fer the advice...I am also having trouble with seizing the fort on foot after I take it down with me ship....I wish I could save after me ship blows up the fort...so's I can take it by foot.....Just so I don't have to take the for by sea again and again...it sure does take ferever! Deadly Drucilla
  13. I chalk it all up to one of me favorite sayings that I usually say to someone who is ponderin' questions about movies that they cannot figure out......like "why does this happen?"...or "why didn't that happen"...or even still..."I don't get it"...... To all this I says: "It's in the Script!" LOL Deadly Drucilla
  14. I have the game on x-box. I am stuck at the part where I am supposed to take over the greenford fort by sea and daniella taking it by land....I can't seem to beat the fort...and I have a warship...and two other ships I own...a 2 and a 3.....how oh how do I beat it?...is there some trick to it?...I am stumpped!...but other than that...I love the game....I have been saving often...and my bad saves seemed to go away after turning the game off and then back on again...and I too have had an occasional "White screen of Death"....other than that too...I still love the game....but am stuck like I said...and need help....Please, does anyone have advise for me? Blackheartedly, Deadly Drucilla
  15. I had too see if it were true....about the guy in the white cowboy hat and sunglasses...so I went to me Pyrates Of The Caribbean movie on DVD....and damned sure enough...i paused and zoomed in...Viola!.....editing at it's perfection!...LOL...they obviously missed this cowboy gone a pyratin'...Very funny stuff.....actually...I wanted to zoom in on Captain Jack Sparrows' the real reason I put the movie in ...::Wink, Wink:: Tis' true, Thar be Cowboys in Pyrates waters....but you know...I never seen a cow in the ocean in me entire life...Really! Deadly Drucilla
  16. Ahoy mates! I be havin some bad news mates. Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz and I will not be attending the Ojai faire do to dastardly circumstances. We hates that we has t' miss it, but hopes all of ye have fun there! Cause some mistchief in the name o' us mates! Perhaps we'll be thar next year. Fair winds, Deadly Drucilla
  17. Ahoy! Glad ye liked me idea! I definately want my name added! I also thought perhaps if he was to have a Pyrate movie(age appropriate of course!) and perhaps some Pyrate music...that would be nice.~Even some sort of Pyrate game (board game or other).- This way, he will have plenty to do as well... How about(if ye have a video recorder) Sending him a videotape of ye and yer hubbie(and all who could make it fer the taping) dressed as Pyrates sending him a message in full Pyrate garb....wishing him well! Well...thoes are a few of me ideas... Fair winds, and Warm wishes fer the lad!, Deadly Drucilla
  18. Ahoy! These are some Pyrate or nautical related movies that I love!: Pirate Of The Caribbean! Cutthroat Island! The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - This movie is great...it doesn't have a pyrate in it per-say...but it does have a dead sea-man. I highly reccomend this movie fer thoes of ye who 'ave never seen it!- This movie is an older one-If I remember correctly, It's a black and white movie. That Hamilton Woman- This also does not have any Pyrates in it but does have a natical theme to it-the main love interest of a young girl is a Naval captin (movie is based on Heratio Nelson)- This movie is a black and white...and is from the 1940's.- I also highly reccomend this movie as well. Deadly Drucilla
  19. Ahoy Mates! I just got through reading the latest book in the Anne Rice- Vampire chronicals called- Blackwood Farm. There is just one more book due to come out in October. It will be the last book in the series. ~I'm an Anne Rice fan...can ye tell..????? Anyways... Fair winds, Deadly Drucilla
  20. Perhaps you could make up some sort of pyrate ships articles and have all our names here at the Pyrate Pub on it (thoes of us who would like our names on it), and Put his name to it as well naming him an honorary member of our crew! Deadly Dru...
  21. Ahoy Thar! Here it Monday an I gots nothin t' do. An Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz has t' go t' work! Ah well... Same ol' same ol'. -Bloody bored Pyrate here. Fair winds t' all o' ye Salty Dawgs! Deadly Drucilla
  22. Ahoy! I be wishin' ye a happy one 'oer thar mate! I hopes ye gets all the plunder ye can carry! *Raises 'er cup t' ye!* Fair winds, Deadly Drucilla
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