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Everything posted by BatSpell

  1. Dawg This site seems to have several too...just have to page forwards and back to see em all I think...
  2. Try this...it has some... Frank Langella
  3. Ahoy Mates! I tried both games... The willy one was easier... Arrrg...lol -Deadly Drucilla
  4. Uhhh...No Thanks..!!!
  5. Really SUCKS!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  6. Woo Hoo!!! I Loves the sound of cannons going off!!! It gets me blood pumpin!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  7. Ahoy Mateys! Who'da thunk...Puttin' Pyrates to a MAP of all things... It be a Darn good Idea! -Deadly Drucilla
  8. Personally, I'd like to see a movie about Anne Bonny, Mary Reed, and Calico Jack! That'd be just ArrrrrrrrSome!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  9. Ahoy mate! Here be somethin' ye might think horrid..sometimes the ship's carpenter had t' be th' ship's surgen...only because the tools they used were similar! Imagine havin' a venerial disease an the carpenter whips out his tools.....Ouch is all I gotta say! So's ye see...sometimes crew members had several duties upon a ship...especially if the ship were short handed. Deadly Drucilla
  10. Ahoy Mates! It be lookin' better an better fer the chances of us (Deadly Drucilla & Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz + his mum), that we be goin'!!! It'll be th' first time we gets t' interact with our guild! I be one excited Pirate!!! Always knew I were a scoundral, now it be me first time t' show I be a scoundral!!! Can't wait t' meet all ye bretherin' o' the Sea!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  11. Ahoy! I fer one have been going to Ren fairs fer years and have hated wearin a tight bodice and uncomfertable dresses! Thats one reason I switched to Piracy. I kin dress likes a man if'n I wants to! Er that is wear pants and comfertable clothing!!! I hated not being able to wear anything comfertable. At Renaissance fairs, yer restricted (if'n yer a woman) to wearin Bodices and dresses and skirts and bloomers and all sorts of layers of clothing that weighs ye down! I HATE that! especially at really Hot fairs. Also Piracy is way more fun!!! besides... Restrictions and rules and fair nazies are for Ren Fairs...not Pirate fairs...or pirates- which I am at heart!!! Deadly Drucilla
  12. Ahoy! I likes to watch that video...I'm sorts o' mezmerized by it (for some reason!) . But the only problem I gots is that I dunnot like country music...At all. But, for some reason........................hmmm....Cap'n Jack Sparrow is worth googlein' an droolin' at!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  13. Ahoy! I likes the look of it! It's real nice. So's ye cannot fight with it but a small wooden toothpick. At least ye has it to show off! and t' look at...and carry...and touch...and fondle...wait, this ain't turnin out soundin' good... But anyhoo...Congrats on yer newest aquirement! - is that a word? Aw, I'm a Pyrate, who cares on real words or even spellin' fer that matter!!! Deadly Drucilla
  14. Ahoy Mates! I have a cool picture of my mother standing in between Hook and Smee...it was taken about 18 years ago. I was 12 years old...and now i'm 30 so yeah...18 years ago is right. I always have loved Disneyland....but i've only been there like 4 or 5 times unfortunately. the last time I was there was when I was 15 or 16 years old. My favorite rides are POTC, The Haunted mansion, and Star Tours, and...one I think they took out a long time ago...does anyone remember the ride where as you rode it you were being "shrunk" ? while you waited in line you could see people riding it that were shrunk to the point that they were passing through a small tube(not real of course)...I think there was a huge needle or something too...I really miss that ride....I also miss the submerine ride too... Deadly Drucilla
  15. Ahoy! We would like to attend. Alass......(have driver will travel) but in need of driver. We do own a car...just no license yet, only lerners permit...how sad....30 with no license. We are in Merced, CA. Hope we can go this time around! Deadly Drucilla and Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz
  16. Oh! Now I gots t' have me one 'o thoes mates! I likes the more serious one. I jist wish I knew what all they said!!! I want some preview lines from the dolls!!! Just t' keep me sated until I gits me one!!! Jack Sparrow...Be Warned...Ye be Mine!!! Well...the doll anyways... Deadly Drucilla
  17. I heard that if you have dreds the only way to get rid of 'em is ta cut 'em off......so if'n ye gets tired of 'em ...beware...for ye will have short hair after that!!! -Just me two Doubloons... Deadly Drucilla
  18. Ahoy! I really like the look of that coat...and the hair is cool too. Methinks I'd be wearin' a coat like that weather r not I was going to a pirate fair or not!!! But this's just me humble opinion... Deadly Drucilla
  19. Ahoy! I like the eyes!!! Deadly Drucilla
  20. I picked Bloomers.... Deadly Drucilla
  21. Merced, CA Daedly Drucilla
  22. Well mate... Listen to me carefully so's ye don't get it wrong... At midnight on the full moon in the month of may.... go to a secluded place in the woods and where the trees meet the horizon....Locate and gather three red feathers from a rare bird know as the elusive Peeping Tawm...but don't let it see you or you could be peeped by it. Hence forth, return to your place of pots and pans...enter the dwelling backwards...take and place the feathers in a shallow pan and turn the oven to 450 degrees...add lots of pepper and talcom power to your newly aquired feathers, then place the pan into the oven...bake for 13 minutes...then remove and let cool for 13 minutes...next, take the feathers and rinse them off in cold water that has been browned with tea...after that...take the feathers into the ajascent room ...light an incense and dance in a circle three times to ward off any evil you may have caused yourself...once this task has been compleated...take the shirt you wish to dye and lay it on a concave surface...rub the feathers of the elusive Peeping Tawm into it continuously for about three hours...now by this time...if you don't feel like a complete fool yet...then you may go to the store and buy some red clothing dye for your shirt. Have fun!!! *Note: These instruction were meant to be humorous and in no way were intended to cause any mental anguish. Please take this with a dash of humor! Thanx for reding my silly post! Deadly Drucilla
  23. Ahoy! Thoes be some fine shots o' the event! I too wish I were there to enjoy it in person. Dang it all to hell!!!!! Me hats off t' ye Lads an Lassies!!! Deadly Drucilla (someday I will actually be able to attend Tales o' the 7 C's events and the like)
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