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Everything posted by BatSpell

  1. Hey Bloody flint.....If'n ye don't watch yer step..then we'll be sendin' a FireShip yer way as a present!!! It'd be Bloody Fun... Deadly Drucilla
  2. Arrrrg! Blow th' Damned Pop-Ups out o' th' water!!!
  3. Besides...being a Pyrate is not sayin' that ye arrrr...It's more of a Feeling...You just know yer one at heart!!! And by th' way I agree with ye that ye shouldn't mess with the likes of a Female "Bucket-Neer!"...ar ar ar ....Way to go girl! (Pun Intended) Deadly Drucilla Disclaimer: That Sayin' "Bucket-Neer" was thanks to Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz! (Me Mate!)
  4. Ahoy Red Maria! Me mate, Jim be a member of St. Magadelene's he's been to two fairs with em so far. We live in the Merced area, but lived in the fresno area when he joined. Fair Winds, Deadly Drucilla
  5. Ahoy Mates! Here be th' list ye be askin' fer! ~ That Hamilton Woman (black an white 1940's movie) Cutthroat Island Pirate Of The Caribbean The Wizard Of Oz The Count Of Monty Christo Man In The Iron Mask The Mask Of Zorro Princess Carriboo Interview With The Vampire (also-most vampire movies ) Kitty (Old black an white movie from the forties) And too many others to list here ............... Fair winds, Deadly Drucilla
  6. Ahoy mates! This is why I wanted to quit ren fair! First off, I was tired of going to fair and always having to wear a dress...secondly, Like Claire said, I was tired of sitting in the encampment while the "Men" got to go and have their fun! So finally I said hey, why don't I start a Pyrate guild (because I already had a passion for Pyrates and Pyracy! I was starting a Pyrate guild and was getting everything in the works when Low and behold! I was told by a bunch of Fair Nazies that Pyrates wern't period! "Wern't Period??!!!"... Hell...at the least, it made me mad! I had done research well before this incident and KNEW that Pyrates were well more than period!...In fact, Pyracyis the 3rd oldest profession!!!!! Right behind Prostitution and medicine! They didn't want to hear that. And so, my Pyrate guild became no more. Before it even had the chance to get started! I'm sorry if I sound just a little peeved, but It's just wrong what some Fair Nazies do! Also, my two pence! Fair winds, Deadly Drucilla
  7. Ahoy Mateys! That'd be me in the flesh so t' speak! I'm donnin' me new hat! Guess that pretty much explains it all... Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA :angry: :angry:
  8. Ahoy Stinky! I'd love t' sea yer hat pics....It don't be botherin' me none to wait... Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  9. Ahoy Mateys! I be takin' a Lighter too....remember the movie Cast Away...??? I mean...even the dumbest of people could learn to fend fer themselves when it comes to food an wipin' yer backside an all...But Fire.....ye could clense many a thing with fire...in many ways...no Pyrate in thar right mind could go without fire.....especially if'n yer stranded!!! Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  10. Ahoy Mateys! I have a Question...and a statement... I be havin' a song that I came across by way of KaZaa...an I were wonderin' If'n any of ye ever be hearin' of it....AND what yer thoughts may be on it... Have ye ever heard of the song called : BARNICLE BILL[/color]...??? An If'n ye have...do ye knows the words to it? Fer thoes of ye who do....It's not somethin' fer the kiddies If'n ye knows what I mean... If'n ye wants th' words to it...let me knows so's I can add them on here later...'course I'd be puttin' *** in place of the foul language....jist in case any of ye be Offended by any o' it. Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  11. Ahoy Claire That be a great idea! It's so simple to boot... Fair winds, DEADLY DRU
  12. Ahoy mateys! I be waitin fer me hat from lady MacSnoods in th' mail and were wonderin' when it gets here, how I can shape it into a tricorn? Like what be the procedures and all so's I don't mess it up? Like be there a trick to it er somethin'? I have absolutely NO experience with these hats at all. (kicks meself fer that one)..... Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  13. Ahoy Mateys! That sure is purdy! And as always, I apriciate any info ye be havin' fer me! Thanx! Fair Winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  14. Ahoy mateys! Aye, it be Deadly Drucilla again! Been busy putting together me Pyrate outfit. Now it be lookin' a might strange If'n I shows up at th' Pyrate Fair with nothin' on but me Hat! Nevertheless...I still gots almost two months t' gets it all! I think the only thing that'd be costin' me an arm and a peg-leg is me boots! DEADLY DRUCILLA *I'd rather be plundering.....*
  15. [Please say the west coast please please please...... ]
  16. ahoy bloody jack flint... If'n yer on the west coast...I be lovin t' sail with ya at least once! Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  17. Ahoy Mateys!!! I gots a question about flintlocks. I be wonderin' where I can get me at least a couple fer real cheep. They don't have'ta be functioning...jist perdy! But I be NOT looking fer anythin' plastic...such as toys and the like! Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
  18. Ahoy! We be goin' as well...An with that guy guardin' the encampment...It'd be hard to miss...(easy to find)!!! I like the looks of him! He be an old member I takes it?!! And by the way...if'n any of ye be wonderin'...me Pyrate name is: DEADLY DRUCILLA If'n ye sleep with one eye open...Remember to take the eye patch off...So's you can see!!!
  19. ARRRG!!! Awnry Good Birfday to ye mate! Hopes ye be gettin' all the pilligin' -n- plunderin' (an rapein'?- in a good sense.) ye want on yer day of Birth! BatSpell... Now known as: Deadly Drucilla :angry:
  20. How about: "Arrg, Here There Be Pyrates!" "Honk If Yer Scervy" (with symbol on each side) "When Yer Freebooting, It's Sink Or Swim!" "This Grog's For You!"
  21. Thanx to all fer the warm welcome!!! BatSpell.
  22. Dread Pirate Cash Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!
  23. http://tothezone.com/quiz/Pirate.gif" border="0" alt="You Are A Pirate! I'm not sure if this will post right or not...It says I'm a Pyrate!!! BatSpell.
  24. http://tothezone.com/quiz/Pirate.gif" border="0" alt="You Are A Pirate!"><br>You Are A Pirate! <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Dawg/quizzes/What%20Type%20Of%20Swashbuckler%20Are%20You%3F">'>http://quizilla.com/users/Dawg/quizzes/What%20Type%20Of%20Swashbuckler%20Are%20You%3F"> <font size="-1">What Type Of Swashbuckler Are You?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com
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