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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. the SoCal Ren Faire is having a new sea port theme along with the other usual stuff of an english sea port circa the late 1500s', early Elizabethan, around time of Sir Francis Drake, called Port Deptford. This will include treasures from all over the world with "Privateers, Cinese Lords, Morrocan Dancers, Indian Princesses" etc. "Swashbuckling" themed weekends will be April 19, 20 and 26, 27th. Pirates welcome....Arrrrrrrrrrr This info from email I received from them....
  2. aye, what sorry news steerin this sober pirate once agin ta be off destroyin 'is castle o sobriety wi' another bit o rum....down the proverbial hatch I say....n the whole world a goin ta hell in a handbasket wi' another good man n pirate n drinkin mate bitin the dust n surrenderin ta that fairer sex...n sex it must be the reason but ye knows what tyin that knot does to yer sex life do ye not mate? ....ah well, here's to ye both....I had met ye at faire n I know she be a most gorgeous creature... ye must 'ave the anatomy of a horse, but why else wouls she be givin the likes o ye the time o day Ha!..... cheers to ye both n I be waitin fer me invite by post, smoke or pidgeon carrier.... n of course I be buyin the rounds!.......
  3. appropos said topic: regardless of whatever we choose to wear at any time this much be true: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, tho 'is undies be cotton twill, n 'is sword be plastic or steel. Lao Tzu, the Tao says: "We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see, but these things are only the effects of something subtle. When we see beyond the desire to use names, we can sense the nameless cause of these effects."
  4. aye now thar be a motley lookin bunch o briggands if ever thar be one to be sure..... ere's hopin ye all consider ol humble dirty mick ere in the best possible light n n finds it in yer heart to know hisself as a valuable ally n not any way at all an adversary in all yer quests n he be offerin 'is modest services, lacking tho they may be, as fellow bretheren....now i be buyin the first round from me small purse cheers
  5. well, well, well......if it ain't the old scurvy dog hisself, washed up by the ocean's tides floppin round like a drunk fish, threatenin to horrify the rest o us lowly ones by 'is shaken about wi' 'is impressions o what constitutes dancin....o merciful gods take pity on us...spare our eyes this ghastly o sights, or bless us sinners wi' a new cask o the best rum, the better to not see this flailin about like a fly stuck on a needle, .... aye, but mister richards it does warm the very cockles o me own heart to sees that scraggly quagmire ye calls a mug in the pub agin..... so what mischief are ye abouts now?..... n doesn't ye owes ol mick 'ere a drink?....n none o that cheap swill ye doles out to the women or those losers most in desperate need of stern sobriety. Ray, my man, get me a jar o your best n ye can be puttin it on mister richards here account.....
  6. Pinot Noir....but I like the Port idea.... vintage Port is heaven especially when it's cold out... cheers
  7. Aye!, now there be a right brilliant idea from a no doubt spectacular mind! ....well said Ms. Pearl ...a little Zacapa 23 year old (but the Pyrat Reserve does as well. it does) goes a long ways towards making the world a might better place to subsist in I tell ya... n maybe ye might like to share a wee dram with meself some lucky day, eh Ms. Pearl? oh, Ransom........ are ye listenin........? as fer punishment I maybe 'ave a more....shall we say "interesting" idea 'stead o floggin'.....ho ho ho ho ho
  8. "M" ....MICK MICK MICK MICK MICK Damnit
  9. Avast!!! That be DURTY , D-U-R-T-Y Mick Moon ..... I be bathing at least ever couple o weeks whether I be needin it or not.... !
  10. aye, red handed Jill and the Tales of the Seven Seas be a first class outfit all the way...ifn ye gets the chance to meet up with them they be some o the finest pirates ye'll ere be meetin....the next mornin I be 'avin me own hangover and blurriness due to the vast consumption o Jill's rum cake the eve before (course the shot or two or so I be avin along with it probably contributed)....ouch, but it be so tasty.... ye can just stick a straw in it and suck out the rum if ye likes, no wonder Ms. Jill be walkin round with a twinkle in 'er eye.... 'eres only a few pics I took, more when I can figure out this damn camera....cheers mates : Them be virgin wenches for sale, alas me silver were depleted Tales o the Seven Seas, as fine a crew as ye'll find Red Handed Jill herself Ransom n her mate, a fine gent n me own self, the very picure o sobriety I is I be frequently checkin me shadow to sees if I were up or down I be postin more later.....
  11. aye, help out an old pirate n keep ye best eyes out for this homely ol mug as I be lookin for ye...me eyesight ain't the best specially after me first grog in the mornin ergo the shades (they are period, just a different period )....n I'll be buyin a round for sure....high noon it be saturday at the Tales site...
  12. Flamenco!......Ole
  13. there be a lot of us there, Hand,... bring yer flintlock so's we can play with it.... i'll give ye a shot o rum that'll make the heavens part n all yer wishes come true....cheers
  14. well, i'm a little concerned over the sinking level of the cazadores bottle....it's gonna be a tight race between which is gone quicker...it or the limes...well, c'est la vie....
  15. aye, ye may ave heard o these, if not, drop what yer doing, collect a pile o yer silver cause either o these be dear in cost, but drink either one n ye ave a spiritual enlightenment, but for god's sake don mix em, they be sipping rums.... Zaya Rum or Ron Zacapa 23 yr.old Rum worth every bit o coin...ave found both on interent for less than $30. cheers
  16. aye, n ifn ye be still, gentle one, n becalm them thoughts that lead astray, ye can feel in yer own heart of hearts the magnificence n courage that be always there as part of yeself.... know yer own strength lass n ye be admired for it....for the more fiercer be the battle the much greater be the plunder... .
  17. well now would ye be lookin at what the old cat be draggin back in..... ol Durty Mick's been sailin o'er those seven seas searchin fer that ever elusive treasure they keep talkin about... but by chance I be pullin into port fer a swig at the old pub n there he be his old righteous self but Mister Arthur Richards hisself n me be nurturin a most terrible thirst ...so what'll it be ye rusty ole scallwag?.... am I to be buyin first or are ye gettin the first round? I seems to remember ye owe me one... n how be that old bastard Life treatin ye? ....still got your sea legs mate? will it be a pint o the stout or ye be wantin a short one o' Jamaica's finest? n how be the rest o ye scurvy bar flies? Ha!
  18. the next workshop will probably be next Spring sometime.......
  19. sorry...the .pdf file schedule at this site has wrong class schedule....have notified appropriate authorities.....Rum workshop is Saturday...now where's me damn drink...
  20. aye it be kind o late notice but there be pirate school this weekend Oct. 21 & 22 at Crossroads Park in Corona, CA.....there be classes in things piratical including a workshops n cannon firing, pirate history, language n me own class “Rum 101: chicken soup for the pirate soul”, its history, making and of course we be tasting some fine examples o grog in such.... here be a shortcut to info and schedule... ifn ye be docked in the area schlep on by....click: Pirate L.O.R.E. workshop Cheers mate!
  21. Rumba, it were most sorrowfull for me own heart to see ye not feelin so well and be off..... not to be contradictory to ye most respected self but me n mates had a rollickin good time, the smoke was too far away and high up to be botherin the likes o us, though maybe we be used to it on account o all our cannon fire we be swallowin down....anyways, no problems for us n we be goin back up again today (sunday) as long as the guinness holds out... cheers n hopin ye does feel better soon...ye are one o mine favorite pirates n I be looking forwards to seein yer own self, n Boats too, agin....
  22. Re: Fire situation....just spoke (12:00 noon friday) with a person on site, working at Lake Casitas where faire is....right now the sky is blue, they can see no smoke and temp. is in mid-eighties. the fire is a good "three mountain ranges" away, he said, at least about 15 miles.....there are people at the faire site now setting up..... there is the possibility of winds tomorrow that may or may not cause some smoke to drift in their location.....no one is sure....but I'll be there!
  23. aye, they be always runnin a bit late....since when ave ye known a pirate to be on time anyways?
  24. so, alright now mates, dear tell, where and when might we all be gettin together at the faire?.... n it be lookin like the weather be fine n no smoke or fires burnin near unless it be o our own makin...so, someone enlighten this miserable excuse for a pirate for which direction he be stumblin.....
  25. aye, ol Mick'll be in port shoulderin' the weight of a mighty thirst n a cask o devil rhum lookin out for 'is ol mates who mightin be wantin to share a dram or two and a story o adventure.... aye, that n the cleavage that does make me howl like a long travelled sea wolf....pirate petee, oderlesseye, and mister richards and rumba an the rest o ye sorry excuses o scurvy wags..... Dirty Mick will be lookin fer ye, so don't be hidin' the rum ye greedy bastards cause Mick's got a nose like the hounds o hell a huntin for lost spirits.....(pun intended)
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