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Everything posted by Matusalem

  1. FYI, listen to the late comedian Benny Hill, who was born in Southampton and grew up in Bournemouth, this is not a tue Irish brogue:
  2. The Robert Newton accent is generally from the southwestern England counties of Devon/Cornwall/Somerset, particularly around the city of Bristol. So-called "Rhotic English", see this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhotic_and_no...-rhotic_accents You figure it was probably typical for sailors to hail from the seaports, which are generally on the west side of the UK, sometimes south like Portsmouth. Incidentally, many Virginians speak a certain dialect that is a rhotic version of a British accent, particularly around the Tidewater region. Except the stereotypical pirate "arrr" sounds more like "Or" as in the famous Maryland dialectical expressions "warsh yer teeth" (instead of brush your teeth) Pirates came from all over the UK & Ireland, and I would suspect many did not suffer from Robert Newton-tongue.
  3. Yes, Manuel Shonhorn: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearc...486404882&itm=1 and also this: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearc...486276076&itm=2
  4. Anyone ever see this? http://www.antique-lace.com/Gentleman/2618/2618.htm
  5. ^If there is a swimming pool within eyesight, I'm in it. However I will take to an ocean over a lake any day. <My Rhode Island childhood experiences has given me one very important information for all you pyrates out there: swimming in salt water is are more buoyant and easier to stay afloat than fresh water....that is a known fact. V Dog? or cat? ...or exotic animal (parakeet, monkey, iguana, etc?)...or are you just plain allergic, you wuss.
  6. Yes, smartest way indeed. FYI, I am also flying to Ft. Myers in 3 weeks from NJ....$220 r/t from Newark via Jetblue.!! I would, however, listen to other folks on this board , CrazyCholeBlack for instance, but don't forget my experience (as it may-or-may not be for you).
  7. You are departing from where? OK, I have one "unique" approach to arriving in Key West, that is the Ft. Myers ferry. if you book early, like more than 3 weeks before departure, I say fare would be in the neighborhood of $120 R/T. , maybe less. just go to seakeywestexpress.com, now I think they now depart from Miami as well. Those who arrive at Key West by plane must surely know what the restrictions/permits involving any type of firearm/swords, as the ferry has the same TSA screening on the ferry as the airports I chickened out last year as I only own a replica Queen anne flint pistol and I didn' feel like dancing with screeners so I left it home. That being said, your choices of cheap airfare using Key West ferries instead of flying direct into KW, give you the options of flying whatever airline that goes wherever the ferry departs from. I flew into Ft. Myers last year since I couldn't avoid stopping by at mom's house in Pt. Charlotte first. The cheapest airlines to Ft. Myers are Jetblue, Southwest, Airtran,US3000. We got cheap cheap airfare on the gulfside. Folks, don't just take my word for it. If you're going to PIP with a load of gear, tents, weapons, whatever, then maybe it just makes sense to cheap airfare into Miami or Ft Lauderdale, then rent a van or car and drive on the causeway throught the keys, then do it. but the ferry between KW and Ft Myers is 3 1/2 hours and you don't need a car...and you get hollywood-quality picturesque romantic sunsets on the boatride home. ......ust to let you know.
  8. I just ordered 3 books on piracy from Barnes&Noble online...done deal, one of them being' General History of Pyracy' by Daniel Defoe (same author as Robinson Crusoe)...anybody have this book? and without giving away too much, just say no more than three words of what your impression of this book is. I just thought that an author of the GAOP era would have an interesting take. Plus, I'm filling the ol' living room with pyracy&nautica themed ephemera.
  9. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner (I'm listening to Warren Zevon right now m, just in case ya didn't know)
  10. Normally I would just send a private message but since this is a pretty big event, I figure if I would ask if the Royaliste is going to be there at the date of the Newport Tall Ships? http://www.tallshipsrhodeisland.org/ships.html I'm trying to figure out how I should get my time-off days from work, normally I'm up in Rhode Island for 4th July festivities, but the Tall Ships event is a week before.
  11. Tide detergent.....I'm actually doing laundry as we speak.
  12. ..to our family members who were alive and present during the 'Golden Age of Pyracy'....for without them, we would not be here. yeah, corny post, but I though it be worth toasting nonetheless. We are, after all, what they left behind.
  13. Hmm...very interesting. I know of one very large thatched roof inn in Cape Cod. Somewhere in the vivinity of the Sagamore bridge or Bourne bridge, can't remember which. I'm not in New England anymore, so I can't jump into my car and drive there. Incidentally, a guy in my town in northern NJ started an Irish pub and built an ornate thatched roof with his own hands.....it took him about 6 painstaking months to finish the job. Very pretty though.
  14. ^Coca-Cola....goes with rum(a k a "Cuba Libre")...and I don't drink Pepsi. <I do everything vintage...I have a 1949 rotary dial telephone< i have plenty of vintage clothes between the 40s and 50's, My pride and joy is a complete 1946 suit which I wear once in a great while, however I have only one pyrate outfit, and it is period. VWhat outside of Pyracy, do you take interest in?
  15. ^The fact that my job is like the emergency room at a city hospital at certain times. <Hey, I love sushi. I have been persuasive to get my employer to pay for sushi for late nighters, that makes up for my disgruntlement during the emergency room environment. V Have you ever met a celebrity?....or at the very least been up close to one?
  16. Welcom aboard m'l ady!
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. Pacific Norhwest Tree Octopus?......thank God someone mentioned this, I was getting so bored with my bonsai cat.
  19. Royaliste, I looked at your website, but I did not see any schedule of events....or where ya headed next. maybe I didn't look closely enough.
  20. I was fanatical about CSI:Miami for a while till I realized Horatio Caine shoots more people in a season than the entire Miami-Dade police force does in a Decade. Mythbusters..yes, How It's Made (shows you what a boring geek I am), VH1. That's about it. My DVD player has rewarded me a hundredfold, compared to tv. Incidentally, I made the financial commitment to cable tv last year , when I saw that the History channel was doing it's docu on Blackbeard. If there ever is a pirate reality show, which I think I've heard...then I surely gonna do an Elvis on the ol' tube.
  21. ^I put up an illuminated fake christmas tree on my enclosed porch so I could spend xmas weekend witht the folks in MD, I live in nothern NJ unfortunately. <Advice to meat-eaters: eat fish (good cholesterol and your heart will love you), advice to vegans: relax! V Ever been outside your own country, please elaborate.
  22. Dang! I have to wait till middle of April to escape NJ for south florida sun. I guess it's memorial day for me to see AWE.
  23. Matusalem


    Matusalem....l'il on the spicy side.... tastes ok, no complaints really, though not significantly remarkable as the others as I have tasted. My name comes from the French Canadian pirate flick ( which is my ethnicity, not the rum). i would have to agree with Mr. Hand about brandy....it is a pretty significant 18th century spirit....and not to be overlooked. Me French Canadian roots have gravitated me towards the Unibroue Corporation, which makes some pretty highly potent hand-crafted beers.
  24. I, a native Marylander, will also be attending Lockhouse...that is, if it's the event, you speak of, in Perryville. Dinner 7:10 EST Baked wild cod (from frozen bulk bag bought at BJ's ), broccoli, sald and La Fin du Monde (unibroue beer) to celebrate the beginning of the weekend.
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