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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. chocolate with a sting that goes straight to my blood? Oh yeah....I'll take two.
  2. forgive me tardiness in welcom'n ye Capt'n Bo and Blondiewench. I be Scarlet McBayne an I heard tell there were cherrybombs in yer thread....kinda jest wondered in. wink, wink. Now do ye folks like te dance? we got some fine dancin here on the Pub...er I mean in the Pub. :) Welcome te ye both and ifin ye need anything, ye jest ask fer lil ol Scarlet.
  3. Silkie darlin, I be Scarlet McBayne an it be me pleasure te be the first at the pub te welcome ye. Now dear I'd luv a pint o raspberry cider, ye jest pull up a stool an we'll share a tale or two.....
  5. sorry Bunny "dear", but Cannon Jack already promised the first dance te me. didnt ye dear? as I batts me big baby blues at you.......
  6. Way to go Jonathan!!! I'll be lookin fer yer hansom face on the T.V. :) Heres a big kiss sent out to you....muah.
  7. Scarlet saunters over te Cannon Jack testin the firmness o his "cheek" with her right hand, leans up te nibble on his earlobe as she whispers..... "Bunny isnt the only one with Big Blue eyes darlin"..as she batters her Big Baby Blues at the lad.
  8. there ye go again Bunny!! Tryin te increase yer male harem....do I ave te arm wrestle ye te get a chance with jest one? Cannon Jack, welcome te the pub luv, I be Scarlet McBayne and VERY glad te make yer aquaintance. wink, wink. Now hows about ye come over and sit next te me, closer....closer.....I dont bit lad. Well, ifin I do, I'm sure ye wont mind :) . Now how bout we share a nice tall glass o something intoxicating :)
  9. Huzzah!!! Another lady pirate be joinin our fine crew o misfits! Welcome te ye Foxmorton, I be Scarlet McBayne and ifin yer buyin????I be havin a pear cider this fine mornin. Grammercy M'Lady Now dearie, be ye of a mind te dance? We lasses around here do so enjoy kickin up our skirts and whirlin te the sound o music. Enjoy yer stay :)
  10. I can not beleive I missed that!!! too cool! :)
  11. Ladies, de ye mind if I start playin with Mad Matt first? tehehehe hahahahaha....my oh my yummy Matt.... OH MY!!!!
  12. oohhh, chocolate and plunder me cherries??? yum, yum, yum! thank you so much Siren. this is the life :)
  13. I want to see Will "shake"!!! yum, yum.....anyone else feel the need for Godiva Chocolate today? :)
  14. woohoo...here we come, to cause mayhem and madness...to cloud the minds o men....to steal there coin purse an their hearts....to..... well, te have fun fer goodness sakes! Ye can all plan te see Scarlet McBayne in AZ this here weekend with Lady Dev and Bunnycutlass. Huzzah :) :)
  15. Scarlet steps thru the looking glass, or falls down the rabbit hole or clicks her heels 3 times and says" there's no place like a slumber party, etc.."......have I died an gone te pirate lass heaven? well, ifin ye have room fer another wench, I'd gladly join ye ladies on the pillows with the blueberry tossin....?pretty please
  16. Personally I beleive in miracles and will keep her and her loved ones in prayer. God Bless all
  17. freedom to.......? ? ? :)
  18. a great place to stay is at the Howard Johnson next to the airport. I stayed there last year and it was minutes from the faire grounds and Cheap! It was something like $149.00 for 3 nights...course 4 of us girls bunked together and made it oh-so affordable. I'm still planning to go to Vegas ...only hell or business will keep me away! Oh and Matt, the link you posted looks like its for last years date....I have heard it was moved from the 1st weekend in Oct. to the 2nd weekend. I'll let you know more as I find it out. See y'all there!
  19. well......we are pirates. We would have to disarm first....or risk injury. And while we are disarming, we might as well remove some un-necessary clothing. You dont NEED that coat do you? And I dont NEED....well, how bout we leave that line for you to fill in Mr. Blydes. :)
  20. I'd like to see a list of things you'd like to do naughty!!! wink, wink :)
  21. Diego, you know I'll help when and where I can...unfortunately only Sundays fer now. I just had a thought....a friend of mine as an easy up that she has created a cover for. Its Samiah, she makes those gorgeous coats..anyways. she has made a cover for the top and sides out of squares of tapestry and it looks gorgeous! what if we look at doing a simple easy-up and make something very opulent and dramatic...after all we all be successful pirates and have much loot to contribute to our "home base". so we make a cover for the top and sides, display our plunder and treasure with lots of pillows and or benches for the patrons to sit upon while they hear tales of our adventures ( stories ). This would be easy to do and easy for a smaller number of people to set-up for the smaller faires.....just an idea.
  22. Biker me dear...tis glad I be that yer not planning on sellin any pix of me cleavage or otherparts. Me question be....how did ye get any pix o me? or were ye plannin te take some pix at Escondido and jest wanted to cover yer arse ifin ye wanted to sell them? hhuummmmmmm not to worry dear, I jest couldnt help but tease ye a bit when I read me name in this topic
  23. Jack please know that I will keep her and your family in my prayers. If there is anything I can do, please dont hesitat to ask.
  24. only in my dreams darlin, onlyin my dreams!
  25. YES!........ er I hope ye are
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