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Everything posted by Blackbead

  1. Hint time! This line was given by a guy that played Captain Kidd to a guy that played Blackbeard! Ho's THAT for a piratical hint?!?
  2. A sad reminder that in life, we are in death. But, I truly believe that within each of us there is something eternal that goes on and like a ship that slowly sails beneath the horizon, I know that this soul hasn't gone away, he's simply sailed beyond our sight. Dying doing what he loved, however, means that the ship was feted from the harbor with much fanfare, bands playing, and skyrockets. If ya gotta go . . . that's the way to do it. God bless him and give him fair winds for his journey! God grant his family and friends the strength to wish him well on his way and to endure the sadness at their parting. I never met Mark Priest here but maybe I'll meet him in the New World. Blackbead
  3. Here's one from a movie that comes from a book and it is the book that seems to be a potent seer of the way our Country is moving. "You and I have a tendency towards corpulence. Corpulence makes a man reasonable, pleasant and phlegmatic. Have you noticed the nastiest of tyrants are invariably thin?"
  4. I only saw the movie a couple of times but with all of the "v's" I'm going to guess "V for Vendetta".
  5. I'll be celebratin' this special day by vending at the opening day of Middlefaire Renaissance Faire in Hillsboro, Texas! Me pirate fort needs some repairin' but we'll be ready for business that day ... and the business be Talkin' Like A Pirate! After all, its' in me blood . . .
  6. Thanks, mate! It's beginning to grow on me as it is but I still think I'm going to add a verse from the narrator's perspective. On the other hand, I don't want to get TOO obvious since it is supposed to be a poem.
  7. It's In Me Blood The pub were full the night we met, Ol’ Benny Hawkins and me. The crew was rowdy – we were sailin’ next day, And the rum were a’flowin’ right free. I sat and I watched Ben drink all night And drunker and drunker he became. Sailin' together, we became good mates, ANd I saw Ben’s nights were all the same. I’d seen the drink kill a man a’fore And I hated to watch it take Ol’ Ben down; So I waited for a night when he weren’t so in his cups And there were no other crewmen hangin’ ‘roun’. Hearin' me out, he answered, “I know I should stop drinkin’, I should! But I fear it’s in me blood, boy,” he said, “The Devil's thirst, aye, it’s in me blood.” The deck was hot as we all stood to, Me and the rest of the men, To watch Ol’ Ben take a lashing, For he had been fightin’ again. He’d pulled a knife in the fo’c’sle, Near takin’ another man’s eye. The ‘master had warned him ‘bout fightin’ So they beat Ben till he come near to die. Later I tended the cat’s scratches, With bits o’sail covered with lard, And I asked, “Why must ye be a brawler When it makes your life so hard?” Grindin' his teeth, he answered, “I’d stop me fightin’ if only I could! But I fear it’s in me blood, boy,” he said, “The red madness, aye, it’s in me blood.” The ship was a’burnin’ like Hades, We were fighting to win a new prize, And that day Ol’Ben become a hero; I saw it with me own two eyes. We were havin’ the worst of the battle When Ben charged the enemy crew! He rallied our men and he saved us . . . But he paid the Devil his due. I knelt by Ol’Ben at the last moment, As the light slipped slowly from his eyes. I asked him, "Why did you do it?" And the answer came as a surprise: “You men, you're all like me family, “And it’s me home, this ol’ bit of wood, And I guess it’s in me blood, boy,” he said, “A pirate's life, aye, it’s in me blood.” By Stephen Sanders ©2009 I plan on adding a fourth stanza and there are some rough spots in the rhyme. I know the meter is all over the place but I think that's the way they would have talked and so I can live with that. I do strive for some level of historical correctness and so I was wondering if anyone saw any anachronisms. Any comments would be helpful! Thanks in advance! Blackbead
  8. Hmm, how many of the boots do you get? WHo knows? Maybe they send you ten pairs!
  9. I've been trying out eBay as a possible venue for some of my wares. The very first to go up include "A Night at Devil's Tavern", the poetry/music CD; a couple of t-shirts, and Raising Black Flags. Here's where you can find them - "A Night at Devil's Tavern" Raising Black Flags T-shirt: "Raising the Black Flag" T-shirt: "It's In Me Blood . . ." Thanks for taking a look!
  10. Is it a comedy? I'm still at a loss but I'd have another guess if it was a comedy.
  11. Now that's one that escapes me . . . Is it from "Shaun of the Dead"?
  12. More than welcome, ye are, Syren! And more than welcome ye would be if you and your crew could make it out for what promises to be a grand time! Hope to see ye there! And if ye do make it, I'll recite for ye a poem that tells the tale of a pirate and a "syren" of the seas! It begins like this . . . The Siren and the Pirate An Excerpt Your throaty voice does fill my mind, Its timber and pitch sweet as wine. It follows me through wake and sleep Filled with longing enough to make me weep. Your visage I see afore my eyes Every line and form a delight divine. Those haunting eyes so deep and clear, Are to me worth more than gold so dear. By Kittye Williams Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Blackbead
  13. This year, The Texas Renaissance Festival will have it's pirate-themed weekend on October 24-25, 2009. This is one of the largest Renaissance faires in the world and on this particular weekend there will be thousands of pirates from all over the world meeting and drinking and carousing and partying from first watch to the last dog watch! With the camping area being so wild and wooly the party goes on around the clock! Dozens of pirate acts will be featured, the Court even takes on a piratical attitude, and there will be dozens of crews represented. One thing you won't want to miss is the pirate's auction - imagine getting a steel dagger, complete with sheath, for less than $10! Or you might even get one for free because they have door prizes and give-aways, too! As special guests for this year's event, some of the poets from Raising Black Flags:Original Poetry By and About Pirates and the new CD, A Night At Devil's Tavern, will be on-hand outside of Creative Life Booksellers to autograph copies of the book and CD. This would be an excellent chance for you to get a copy of the book, the CD or both! Are YOU going to be there???
  14. I enjoyed "Hatari" but I'm more of a Wayne fan. You should try it once, even if just for the animals and the soundtrack. Henry Mancini did some original music for the movie which is very good - this is where "Baby Elephant Walk" originated. Anyway, you are right on the money with the quote; which means you are up!
  15. Welcome to ye both! THis here be a fun crowd and a fast one! Stay up if ye can!
  16. Missed it, I did . . . shame on me. But to make up for it, how's about we make this coming year the best ever! Let's start by being a big success, you at PyrateDaze and me at the Texas Renaissance Festival! It's in yer blood! Happy birthday, shipmate! Blackbead
  17. The quote was from "Hatari!", a 1962 flick with an international cast. It was about a group of "cowboys in Africa" that rounded up animals for zoos. ANd Wayne and Buttons were also together in "The Longest Day." Okay, let's try this one - "A good body with a dull brain is a cheap as life itself."
  18. If you can find it, check out "Damn the Defiant." Excellent British navy film.
  19. Even more hints: John Wayne Red Buttons "Yes, Bwana!" A rocket propelled net and a tree full of monkeys. 1962 Got it?
  20. The rules sound fine to me. I can't always get back within 48 hours but a week is good. Hints: Africa. Rhino. French, female photographer. If you can't get it from that then you must never have seen the movie.
  21. The quote is from "Sin City" but I have no idea where Bond hid the check. And since I am 99.9% sure of that one, try this: "Oh this is gonna be great! The Indian is knocked off, I've got a woman photographer on my hands,now you and the Frenchman break out in monkey bites and we're a month behind already!"
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