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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. Just what I need to add to my collection of Monopoly games!!!! (I'm being serious too).
  2. Sand castles are the home of the king of jelly!!
  3. ^ Has always been very polite
  4. Wow...... I think I would pass out. Thats a speechless awe type moment. I think one of the only times I felt like that was when I was with my father in law helping him clean out his fathers house after he passed and we found an original 20's era thompson sub machine gun. We were able to crack off a few rounds before he sold it......amazing.
  5. I've got two hats from The MacKay, my first was the long john silver, and i've got a barbossa coming in the post. Amazing hats. I've also got my Boots from CA Boots on the way, which I am very eager to get.
  6. mike tyson's punch out
  7. Also...I just purchased my first set of boots for my now almost done attire. I bought a set of the Big Bell Custom Swashbucklers from CA boots, does anyone have any boots from this company, and if so, are they all they are cracked up to be????
  8. Diapers are fer sissies, real men sh*t on the floor!!!
  9. Where did you get your new hat from if you don't mind me asking??
  10. ARGH, It's almost as excrutiating as waitin fer me new hat from capn jack!!!!!!
  11. My wife thinks i'm crazy for wearing my tri-corn around the house almost daily. If i'm home I have it on most of the time. So I was woundering how often the rest of you wear your tri corns, scarfs, what have you. Am I really just crazy???
  12. I'm beginning to see a trend here........
  13. ARGH! HOW TRUE!!!! glue factory On a personal note, what an ominous page number we be on....
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