A footlong BMT from subway on italian herb and cheese bread with double white american cheese, toasted, with lettuce, extra tomato, black olives, green peppers, mayo, oil and viniger (heavy on the viniger).
Pickles! Don't ask why I don't know....but whole not spears, preferably garlic dill, but def. dill. Sweet pickles make me gag. BUT!!! If you made a pirate ship out of food, you could USE pickles as cannons!!! HAHA!!!!!
I just picked up and watched Captain Kidd with Charles Laughton and Randolph Scott, I found it at Walmart for 1$ and was very satisfied. For a buck it was a steal, I also saw a PIRATES! movie pack at Best Buy for 9.99 the other day but didn't pick it up, does anyone have it or know if it's worth the money????
Aye, the parrot in Treasure Island was John Silvers and his name was Capt. Flint. I was telling me wife just the other day how they should make a GOOD remake of Treasure Island. Me thinks Russell Crow would make a good Billy Bones and I always thought Sean Connery would make a good silver. Any ideas??
"Pieces of eight, Pieces of eight!!!!"