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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. Actually the POTC Soundtrack.
  2. Dread Pirate Kidd (Huzza!) Woops, this damned machine's got the better of me again.
  3. <div style="position:relative; border:1px #320 solid; background-color:#c9b390; padding:0 10px; width:400px; text-align:center; font-family:serif; left:50%; margin:25px 0 25px -200px; color:#320;"> <div> Tis true, the names a bit used up I says, think I'll stick to me old one!
  4. Don't know the channel yet, but last night they replayed the Quest for Captain Kidd, and there was a new houur long show devoted to Henry Morgan. On discovery also.
  5. If the halloween trimmins are already out, means we only have a few weeks before der christmas loot be rollin onto yonder shelves, earlier every year seems like.
  6. Tis about time we start a crew here, I've been lookin for ages!!! Lets get to it!!! Contact me as soon as ye can if ye are in cincinnati and are needin acrew as I am!!!
  7. Thier stock does look rather good and I have heard nothing but good things.
  8. Tis on me to do list, i'll be updatin' soon.
  9. AGREED Ijust got me new Long John Silver Hat from The MacKay with the oil/wax treatment and I couldn't be happier, but if ye be lookin for one with feathers I would suggest the barbosa.
  10. Tis always hard to get that look that's just right.
  11. Good luck, burns are some of the most painful injuries, but no pain no gain savvy?
  12. Me wife needs a new bodice for her outfit, luckily the ren fair just started here in cincinnati! Off we go!!!
  13. I needs me a real one so as too shoot me neighboors out O' there house!!!!
  14. Grand ring indeed!!!! And a bargain at that!
  15. Would be mighty painful to sell yer legs with those boots. And I be supposing leather legs be a bit expensive not to mention hard to walk on, i'de go with yer typical peg leg if ye be wantin to replace yer legs someday.
  16. Just started me own sash, I hope both me hands don't get sewn to it in this damned machine.
  17. Just got me some new ink on me one year weddin' anniversary! Tis a grand pirate ship on me right leg, it looks amazing.
  18. Love that smell of black powder, tis a beauty mate.
  19. I still back up the hats sold by The MacKay at Captjackspiratehats.com.
  20. Aye pierce your ear lad, tis the only way to go, and get ye a tattoo while ye at it, I just got a grand pirate ship on me leg and it looks great!!!
  21. Tis a nice site indeed, I think I be gettin that pipe.
  22. Nasty way to use the Pub indeed. I'd be watchin out or ye might be gettin a black spot through the post.
  23. Great looking site. Love the coat.
  24. Can anyone tell me where I can find a good PLAIN great coat for my costume? All I can find are over adorned velvet crap.
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