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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. ^Cannot fool the one who cannot be fooled.
  2. Mmmmmmm.....avacado.......drool
  3. Yes but remember, you must always pick the lesser of two weevils!
  4. ^Lives in a state I used to reside in
  5. Here, but don't ask me for anything else I have.
  6. Apart from the local news, I personally think network TV is repulsive.
  7. So much to do, so little time. The thought remains stuck in my head as I survey the arriving stores. We were incredibly lucky in the way of food here. Among the usual amounts of salt pork, dates, currants, Suffolk and Cheshire cheeses, and local soft tack, was a small array of local meats which, while not lasting long, would make many fine meals. The small amount of fresh deer and bear meats had already been deposited onto the ships meatsafe overhanging the stern. I luckily acquired some live ducks to add to the live stock whose livers will be quite suitable for a fine dinner and, I had also bartered with some local fishermen for a supply of fresh wild catfish and eel. As I go about my duties my head is already full of ideas and images of boiled ducks smothered with onions and the like.
  8. My DVR is going to be very busy in March with this and the movie on National Geographic.
  9. If they're really going to make pirate cereal, it should be "Honey Bunches of Hard Tack".
  10. While I LOVE Captain Morgan Reserve, and always keep a bottle on hand, If you are looking for a rum's rum I side with joshuared on the Gosling's Black Seal.
  11. Here be the last bottle o'rum I have.
  12. Walk the plank! (yes I know there were very few instances of it actually happening.)
  13. Johnny Cash- Hurt
  14. My deepest condolences on this sad day. -Lazarus
  15. Spicolli!, I ordered the fish!
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