I got my garb from these sites, and I highly recommend all of them:
Hat: www.captjackspiratehats.com (I own three of these hats and couldn't stress the quality of this product enough)
Boots: www.CAboots.com
Pants: www.centerstagecostumes.com, or my second pair is from
Shirt: http://renstore.com, The shirt was very lightwieght and simple, all I needed to do to make it look perfect was replace the buttons on the cuffs.
Scarf and sash: Make your own, it's cheaper and you have controll over color and materials.
Baldric: http://www.blackbeardscreations.com/index.htm
Pistols: My non-firing replica's are from: http://www.aurorahistoryboutique.com/ahb_p...yStart=0&mySS=0
Firing models, I would recommend: http://www.dixiegunworks.com/
I think that is about it.