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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. I take care of mrdd pateints who have behavioral issues at a state run residential facility.
  2. I have been playing Sid Meyer's Pirates for more than a year and I am still playing. Love the game, always love finding that Ship of the Line.
  3. I would also recommend CABoots, but with the same warning. My final pair are very well made, and exactly what I wanted. BUT. I did have some trouble with getting the right size which did merrit a return trip for the first pair. But all in all, great boots, nice people, and in the end did everything possible to make me happy.
  4. www.centerstagecostumes.com For everything but the frock coat, she is very nice and will try and get it there as soon as possible if you let her know. My wife ordered some slops for my birthday and she got them there in three days. The frock is a steep order to get by the 19th. If you want a really good frock go here: The Calico Jack frock is what I have, and she is also very nice and can rush for extra.
  5. I got my garb from these sites, and I highly recommend all of them: Hat: www.captjackspiratehats.com (I own three of these hats and couldn't stress the quality of this product enough) Boots: www.CAboots.com Pants: www.centerstagecostumes.com, or my second pair is from www.flyingcanoetraders.com Shirt: http://renstore.com, The shirt was very lightwieght and simple, all I needed to do to make it look perfect was replace the buttons on the cuffs. Coat: Scarf and sash: Make your own, it's cheaper and you have controll over color and materials. Baldric: http://www.blackbeardscreations.com/index.htm Pistols: My non-firing replica's are from: http://www.aurorahistoryboutique.com/ahb_p...yStart=0&mySS=0 Firing models, I would recommend: http://www.dixiegunworks.com/ I think that is about it.
  6. It's made of duck and is lined with a cotton/poly fabric. It has 26 antique buttons, corded button holes, and has a pleated kick plate in the back. She did a really wonderfull job and was extremely nice.
  7. Wicked is as wicked does Lady B.
  8. Here's one of me in my new coat from carlisle, I am a very happy pirate.
  9. I really enjoy the soundtrack, and as to the question of the music box melody, it is definately not the music from Anastasia nor a derivative of it, which was actually barrowed from "A Christmas Carol" and was originally entitled "You...you".
  10. TNG was my favorite, I enjoyed voyager, didn't care for DS9, and never watched Enterprise. I still enjoy most of the movies except the last two, 2 and 6 will always be the best to me. But I will go see it if it is made. I still think they should have made a TNG movie with Q in it.
  11. ministry of funny walks
  12. It turns out that my frock coat I ordered from Carlisles will be getting here later this week or early next week, she just happened to have one in stock that just needed pressed, which was supposed to be done today. I have to say I've talked to this lady twice and she has been very helpfull and extremely nice. She works out of texas and it is just her hand making all of these clothes, which are really well made and would fit any pirate style. So if you have the money to spend (you pay for what you get) and are in the market for extremely well made garb for your kit, visit
  13. With the musketball o'course! Ordered mine last week, eight weeks of waiting is going to kill me.
  14. This is what me and the wife had a few nights ago while enjoying our vacation: Sigh...back to work tommorow.....
  15. Arby's Super roast beef
  16. Wrapping up my long vacation and getting ready to go back to work tommorow.
  17. I believe the Davy Jones hat you are reffering to is at www.centerstagecostumes.com, nice looking hat. I just ordered the Scallywag Limited edition from the MacKay at Capt. Jacks, my other two from the MacKay have the oil/wax treatment and will soften if in extreme heat conditions, but they always stifen back up. Also the oil/wax treated hats are meant to soften from thier original state. If you are going to be out in extreme temps for long periods I would recommend getting the untreated style if you are going with a hat from Capt. Jack's. The Scallywag limited I just ordered is double thick felt and only comes in the untreated style. You could also opt for one of the more expensive cocked hats.
  18. Everything was freehand.
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