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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. Both of them are very nice swords, I was considering getting myself a new sword recently, but decided on re-decorating the dinning room in a Nautical theme, that and my wife suckered me into buying her a mid 1940's Baldwin Acrosonic piano. (Just between you and me I bought the piano so I would have somewhere to sit my new model ship that's coming in the mail. )
  2. Thanks for that nugget of wisdom "homefry", here's an idea.... why don't you go back to kindergarten and figure out how to speak english correctly then we'll talk. Oh, and while your taking your 22nd trip through high school you might want to pick up one of those square things filled with paper, it's called a book. Now I know all you think paper is good for is "rollin blunts" but you might actually find something interesting if you can understand the big words. Final thought (this one's the kicker) I along with most other people on this quaint little board are married, or have a significant other and get more action than you've ever seen, so why don't you just grab your lotion, box of tissues, and hooked on phonics tapes and go play in traffic.
  3. I'll be going soon, it's about time we got some kind of pyratical event in cincinnati.
  4. I just received my ring in the mail this morning and I have to say I am extremely happy with it. It is extremely well detailed and has the presence and heft I was looking for, kind of like a pirate class ring.
  5. Ok, this isn't piratey at all....but it's really amusing:
  6. Is there anyone you would recomend that sells quality model ships that are already assembeled?
  7. I was curious to know if anyone has bought or seen any of the model ships produced by the following two makers: http://www.handcraftedmodelships.com/ http://www.modelshipmaster.com/
  8. What is this "pay" word you speak of??
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