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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I have to agree with Eyes. It would be easier for GoF to mail artwork to each of us, rather than risk losing a book. It would also be less expensive for him and Red Cat, since these books can get heavy as more artwork is added. GoF's book is already making the round, so he will still have a book full of art and won't be left out of the loop in that respect. It should just be mailed back to him Specail Priority and tracked, so it makes it home. Each month GoF can pick a person on the list, PM them for their book dimentions and addy, then do something that will fit and send it off. The artist can then hang on to the artwork until their book comes back and add it at the end. That way, GoF can be working on art the same time as the rest of us, and it will make him feel more a part of the game. The only thing he will miss is seeing the artwork in all the other books, but we can post pictures of that as we go along. Is that solution okay with everyone else? If so, then Red Cat, if she is still in the loop, would send her books directly to me.
  2. At this point, GoF has still not received anything from Red Cat, so that make two of Cat's books that have been "lost" between NY and Germany. Before RC sends any more books overseas, we need to find the solution to this problem. So far, GoF has received his Secret Santa gift from the States with no problem, so maybe Red Cat needs to triple check the addy and make sure it's correct. Understandably, GoF doesn't want someone else's book to go missing between him and us. So, Cat, do some investigating and see if you can figure out what the problem is BEFORE you mail anything else to GoF. It's got to be something simple, since his other mail is going through just fine.
  3. Bless you, suh, but...tea be my morning pick-me-up of choice. That just leaves more espresso to go around to the others.
  4. When you're finished, are you gonna paint a sign on the stern of your RV that says "The Steampunk?" BTW, I know you usually do, but be sure and post before and after pictures as you go along, so we can all see the magic transformation!
  5. Having taken liberties with the Kate kitchen to brew a pot of tea, I return to the table and help myself to a slice of pudding. Tea and pudding — ahhhhhhhh.
  6. Holds up wine glass. "What's the occation?" I have the best damn crewe in all the world!!! ALL of them!!! Weel, I'm not a member of the crewe, but I'll take a glass of Merlot, seeings as it's on your tab.
  7. Holds up wine glass. "What's the occation?"
  8. I was just comparing two photos and making an observation. Not saying you can't be comfy and happy in period garb — Blackjohn looks like a pretty happy camper in his snappy period garb, and Cheeky always seems to be enjoying herself. Not so sure about Captain Sterling, though. He seems to always end up being hanged. And, uh, Cheeky, I don't think I mentioned the word "pirate" one way or the other.
  9. Okay, I'm probably going to get rotten eggs thrown at me for this, and I am NOT trying to stir up any kind of debate, but...look at the expression on Mary's face in 2006 while wearing not-so-period garb. Now look at her expression in 2007, wearing period garb, outstanding though it is. Who looks the happier, Mary 2006 or Mary 2007? **Ransom now ducks behind a rum barrel and waits for "incoming."**
  10. Welcome to the Pub, Commodore Swap. Quite a fleet you have there. But, I got to be honest, I'm not telling me other half about you and your project boat. He's been wanting to take on something like that for a while now, and I don't want to encourage him. I'm perfectly satisfied with our 28' vintage Tollycraft. Cheers, mate.
  11. Africa watched in silence as Trilby dosed the captain with a bit more rum mixed with a pale powder. At first she tried to refuse it and bat the cup away, but Africa held her hands and the liquid was forced down her throat. The look she gave him through eyes glazed, and blue as lapis, was one of helpless fury. But then her eyes got a faraway look, and her body went limp. "That should keep her quiet for a while," the old man said. "How long you need to give her dat medicine?" "I canna give her much more. It tends tae take hold of yae and nae let go. May hap one more day, two at the most. Tomorrow we'll try getting some food into her. That will help." Africa nodded, then glanced at the bed again. "Did you tell truth? All she need is rest?" The old man met his gaze. "Oh, aye. That an a bit of luck. Sae long as the wound doesna go putrid, she should recover. Time will tell. However, I don't think she should stay here. Burke is as curious as a cat, and will remember where he saw her. I dinna want Sebastian pounding down mae door and causing a ruckus." "Where else can she go?" The old man thought for a moment, then let out a sigh. "I hate tae admit it, and she'll nae thank me for it, but, I think yea should take her tae her auntie." "Whot auntie?" Africa had no idea who the old man was talking about. "I'll write yea a note. Take it tae the Royal Grace." Then the professor cocked an eye. "But mind, don't let that old besom run yea off. Yon woman," he gestured to the bed, "needs watching over by someone she can trust." "You write da note," Africa replied, looking at the prone figure on the bed. "Without da captain, I still be a slave. You don need to worry. I watch over her."
  12. It took Nate and me the better part of two hours to round up the crew. Tunny, and Jimmy Cox were still standing, but drunk as lords. Goose we found passed out under a table and had to drag out to the street, and Ludo, wine cup in hand, was singing Italian arias to a group of applauding Spaniards, who had even brought out a guitar and a fiddle to accompany him. Ludo ended his song with a flourish, gave a theatrical bow, received a standing ovation, then allowed us to lead him away. Once back on board the Rakehell, everyone's drunken attention turned to the old man crouched in the stern coiling rope. "Who th' hell issh that, then?" Tunny asked, squinting through bloodshot eyes. "New crew member," I replied. "Now get below, all of you. Africa has hot coffee for everyone. If you're not sober and back on deck in twenty minutes, I've given him permission to toss you overboard." I turned to Nate, who was attempting to hold up Goose. "Give Africa a hand, then come back on deck, collect Colard, and start getting the ship ready to sail."
  13. Rain...gloom...rain....gloom...with snow in the forcast.
  14. **Ransom falls down in a dead faint — being highly allergic to pleather**
  15. Oooo, Jill, don't get me started on morons in parking lots. My favorite — the person who is too lazy to walk ten feet, and sits in the middle of the road, blocking everything and everybody, so they can get a space near the entrance to the store/shop. Even if there are twenty open spaces down the row. OH NO, they want the one right by the door. I'm not talking about elderly folks who need to park close, I'm talking perfectly healthy adults who could use that bit of extra excersize. Shesh! Also, in driving home yesterday in the POURING rain, I passed a laundromat, and hovering outside under the roof eaves where about a half dozen people all huddled together smoking their cigs. I suddenly felt really sorry for those people, because I thought, not only are they risking lung cancer, but by standing out in the cold and damp, they also ran the risk of at least a bad cold, if not the flu. So I wished them a secret Christmas wish of maybe being able to stop smoking in the new year.
  16. Hey Patrick, you could also look at pictures of Victorian train cars. Some of the private ones were pretty kewl, and the size would be close — sorta-kinda. Or like the train car in that old TV series The Wild Wild West. I always liked that one.
  17. Yea got to remember, Cat, that JT is a dog person. He has a bit of trouble understanding cats.
  18. "Umm, give me a hint of your course, and the Rakehell will be handy to help with the "recovery" of goods. Just don't take an inventory when we give...most of it back."
  19. Africa rolls his eyes. "You tell him, you goin' to be sorry, I think."
  20. **Looks up from my soup bowl and gives a sniff, trying to catch the aroma of the Pomeral, then gives Sterling a wink. "Tis good to be the captain, eh?"
  21. Bless you, suh, bless you! :angry:
  22. Very kewl, but...obviously, this person has no pets in the house! A dog or cat would make short work of that tree! :angry:
  23. Looks hopefully at William. "Umm, I know it's a little late in the day, but, is there any of that soup left? I've been out running errands on a cold and rainy day, and that soup looks delicious."
  24. Thanks Cat, and JT. I don't keep night-owl hours, or I would hang around and tease with you both. Actually, I hung out in PR last night and had a lot of fun, but was in bed with a good book and a few cats by 9 o'clock. Sorry I missed you all. Chain Shot is heading home, but driving on four inches of packed snow, and it's still snowing where he is, so he's still crawling along at 20 mph with chains on. Has yet to get over Crater Lake pass, which is around 5K feet, so keep your fingers crossed. It's especially hard, as his trailer is now empty, so no weight on the back to help hold him on the road. Here in GP today — rain.....again. :angry:
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