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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Rain — rain trying real hard to turn into snow.
  2. Note to self: Next time you run into JT, have some fresh cookies handy — he will follow you anywhere!
  3. Weel, don't get too excited. I guess I shouldn't have used the word "message." Basically, it's just three words you can't read until the symbols are lined up. Nice job on "The Pursuit!" And Rogue Mermaid, remember not to mail my next book until later in February. I will be gone from Feb 4th to Feb 22nd, and the post office is holding all our mail until we get back. I don't want the book to sit there for all that time, and risk something happening to it. Maybe mail it around the 21st so that it will arrive after I get home. It might be a bit late getting to Patrick in March, but not too late, I hope.
  4. Always nice to greet a new face. But, I believe the tradition is, you buy us all a round, just as a way of being friendly like. Ray the bartender will be more than happy to take our orders....and your shiny. Welcome to the Pub, Jezzy, from one pirate lass to another.
  5. Okay, first, this is a heads up for Patrick. Eye's BBB (Big Black Book) will be heading your way on Friday. As everyone else who's had it has commented, it's a whopper! Second, this is a spoiler alert for Eyes. I'm posting a picture I just finished for his book, so Eyes, no peeking! (Yeah, right. Like he's not going to look. ) I'm really facinated by the navagational chart in AWE. So, I decided to attempt to make my version of it for Eye's book. It turned out pretty good, so I thought I'd post a picture of it. Since it did turn out rather nice, I've decided to do a different version for each book, using different colors, symbols, etc. All the sections turn, including the small ship in the middle, which kinda acts like a pointer to where you want to go. The blue top circle is not part of the blue background behind the chart, but a seperate piece, sitting on top of the other two circles. When you line up the symbols, there is a secret message for Eyes.
  6. Where do you find this stuff? LOL
  7. Morality — it's more like guidelines than actual rules (LOL This coming from a pirate who has been happily, and monogamously married for 17 years)
  8. Yeah, it's one of those songs that stays inside your head, that's for sure. Right up there with Sams Gone Away, and, And We'll Roll. Listen to any of those just once, and you'll be singing or humming them for days and days.
  9. The sound of lumps of snow falling out of the trees and landing with a "thwump" on the roof of the house.
  10. I think it's kinda interesting that the main issue with Heath Ledger for those who resent all the hoopla over his death, is the fact he had money. So what? He came from common stock, same as all of us, worked hard, had talent, and was paid a small percentange of what the studios made off him. In that industry there is a huge amount of pressure to do well, to make each movie better than the last one, or run the risk of losing your whole career. Some handle that stress better than others. Until we walk in those shoes, who are we to malign a guy who accidentally overdosed himself? Show a little compassion here. And the sadness of his death doesn't take anything away from the appalling sadness and waste of the thousands killed in the wars — any and all wars. If everyone were to dwell on all that death, maybe we'd think twice before sending any more boys out to die.
  11. Right now, I long for the smell of suntan lotion. That would mean it was summer, and the sun would be shining, and it would be warm. I like warm!
  12. Gardening, which I really miss right now, as the ground is frozen, and it's bloody COLD!
  13. Maybe she just wants to poke you in the tummy.
  14. I bump the Kate's door open, while lugging a case of Smoking Loon Merlot. I smell coffee, and wonder, not for the first time, why coffee never tastes as good as it smells. Putting the case on the table, and hoping there is tea brewing somewhere as well, I give Red Cat a smile. "Thought you'd like a little birthday Smoking Loon for later. I can't stay for breakfast, but hopfully, I'll be able to sneak in this evening and grab some cake? Have a grand day, lass."
  15. Oi, Patrick, I think you've been stuck in the snow too long. You're starting to go a little bonkers. The Happy Birthday song, for Red Cat Jenny
  16. To the Commodore...... The Girl Can't Help It by Journey
  17. Cold, frost covered ground, with a light snow falling. I'm with you Cheeky, on the woodburning fireplace. We have a woodburning stove insert where the fireplace used to be. It's our main source of heat (our other source is ceiling heat — and whatever rocket scientist thought of putting heat in the ceiling, ought to be shot). And if the power goes out, I can still be warm, make tea, or heat soup and rolls for supper.
  18. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I'm going there in about a week. The Caribbean. < The sun, I want to see the sun!!!!! V Pass the question on.
  19. Just got through listening to JT's "Dedication" to the crew of the Rakehell. I really hope he knows that payback is a bi...!! When you least expect it, JT.........Booohahahahaha!
  20. I'm with your, BriarRose. I was stunned. The last person I expected to overdose. I'm hoping they discover it was something else, maybe accidental over-medication. They did find pills, not needles or other junkie stuff — at east so far it hasn't been reported that they did. Very sad.
  21. Incredibly sad. He was so sexy and charming in A Knight's Tale, and Casanova. As with BriarRose, he was one of my favorites.
  22. I came into this movie totally blind, since I had not seen any of the plays, or other older movies. I did know the story, however. I liked it. I was surprised at how well JD could sing, I liked the sets and costumes, and I really liked the black humor (singing about "waste not, want not" really cracked me up). BUT, there were parts where I had to look away. I have a very vivid imagination. I don't need/want to see gaping, spurting, sliced necks up close and personal. I understood that it was meant to be over the top (come on, it's a Tim Burton movie), and it was. Interesting in that the parts that bothered my husband most were where the bodies dropped to the floor of the basement and you heard the cracking open of their skulls. That part didn't faze me. I did cringe when JD tossed Mrs. Loveit into the fire, though. As for the pies — well, I don't fancy finding either a roach or a dirty thumb in mine, thank you ever so! So, I give it two "thumbs" up!
  23. Vicks on your feet? My mum used to put it on our chests, but never heard of putting it on your feet. As for chicken soup with hot sauce, ummmm....I ate a chicken burrito with hot sauce, does that count? Cheeky, you need to head south for the winter!!!! -20! Yikes. My head's feeling a bit more normal today, whatever that means. LOL
  24. Well, I may have found my brain, but it's so stuffed up, it's totally useless. It feels like a wadded up T-shirt. I hate head colds. Bravo, Silkie. Keep at it. And congrats to you, BriarRose! The weather here is cold as well. Hard frost this morning, temps at 29, but with a wind, so who knows how cold it really is? Brrrrrrrrrr
  25. Cold....hard frost this morning. Everything is frozen, so naturally, I have to go into town to pick up my better half at the auto repair place. Four-wheel drive is not very helpful on black ice. And thanks, guys, for you empathy over the dog. Yeah, it was a sad day, but he was an old dog, and had a good life. He's running with his buddy now, with no worries.
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