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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ If there is music, I get happy feet. I love to dance. < I even put on good, rousing music and dance around while house cleaning. No C&W though. Twang isn't my thing. V Pass the question on.
  2. Wood stove going, cuddling on the couch with Chain Shot, and sipping a lovely Merlot.
  3. Raises hand. "I'll take some pie, but can I have Chai tea with that. Umm, I don't do coffee."
  4. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yard work, mostly. Getting the garden ready for summer blossoms, and veggie planting. < Weather not helping. Rain, hail, rain, sun, hail...you get the idea. V Garden/yard slave or yard work not your thing?
  5. In that order? For me, at the moment...cleaning up the garden, getting ready for summer blooming, and veggie planting.
  6. Thanks, don't mind if I do. With a larg bite of fish taco in my mouth, I mumble..."Captain, don know what you're missin."
  7. "Tack her to starboard. Throw her over as hard as you can and get her port side hull off the water!" I screamed at the crew. "Africa, get us in the estuary. The blasted galleon can't follow us there. Tunny, load the stern swivel guns in case they're stupid enough to try." Seething with fury, I helped the crew turn the ship. "Colard, go below and see what the damage is. Do what you can to stop water from coming in. Goose, go with him. Keep her afloat or I'll skin the hide off both of you!" Though injured, the Rakehell made her tack, and, heeled over like a drunken sailor, fled upriver.
  8. Tunny was a good gunner. The shot landed ten feet from the Relentless, sending up a gyser of water onto her deck. "Maybe that will bring him to his senses," I muttered. Apparently not, as the Relentless opened all gun ports, preparing to defend herself. "Where do you want the next one?" Tunny shouted. Suddenly, the stupidity of what we were doing struck me. If I continued to return fire, we'd sink each other. Possibly kill each other. And for what? A silly misunderstanding? At that point the Rakehell gave a great shudder, knocking me to my knees. "What the hell.....!" Then I saw the other ship. At the same time, Jimmy shouted, "We've been holed!"
  9. Potatos and gravy! A large helping, please. Puts hand over heart. "Is there anything more noble than the potato? Fried, mashed, boiled, steamed, pureed...whatever. Ya just can't go wrong with a nice potato."
  10. "Blast him all to hell, he's firing on us for real!" I had been prepared for some show of pique, but not this. I felt my blood start to boil. "Tunny, run out that eight-pounder. When we tack again, put a shot over the Relentles, close as you can without hitting anything. I'll make him swallow seawater for lunch!" I turned to Africa. "Bring her around again, starboard side." Africa, grinning like the devil, brought the ship around, and Tunny put fire-in-the-hole. "Nice to see you too!" I shouted uselessly at Jacky's ship.
  11. For the last four days, it's been sunny! **Ransom does Snoopy happy dance around the yard** I like sun!
  12. I don't think any of us on this forum would claim to be perfect. We all have our "days." Good luck to you on your endeavor.
  13. Good to hear! Me? I'm still laughing. JT posted a good one this morning.
  14. That be grand, Eyes, but Puyallup is outside Seattle, WA. Just as far from my home port (Grants Pass, OR) as you be...almost. I've not been so far north, so don't know about their pirate festivals. Might be a good thing to find out, though, and we could rondevous? But a year be a long time, and who knows where the tides and wind may take us between now and then.
  15. It should be pretty close. The only books I haven't seen are Patrick's and Pew's. Black Mabs will be in the mail on its way to Patrick on Monday as well.
  16. A fine welcome to you, Faad. You'll enjoy the great company, here at the Pub. Just keep an eye on your purse. We be pirates, after all. And speaking of the shiny, and since you're buying, I'll have a glass of French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo (that's a brand of rum, in case you never heard of the stuff). Welcome to the Pub
  17. Great! I had a really good laugh this morning, provided by a fellow Pub writer and friend. Made my day! Thanks, JT!
  18. The Rakehell did a quick pirouette and we tacked away from the Relentless. Africa was looking daggars at me, while the rest of the crew awaited orders. At this point, I had no idea what Jacky intended. I rushed to the stern, and although I knew Jacky probably couldn't hear me, shouted, "Get it out of your system, blast you. But you put one scratch on my ship, and I'll haunt you for life!"
  19. Yar, har, fiddle d dee.....I guess I'm a pirate!
  20. Ransom has a sudden yerning to be in Corona again. Smell the Eucalyptis (?) trees, (they still have them there, don't they?), deal with the traffic on 91, feel the sun, breathe the smogg...meet up with some fine pirates, and down a few tankards of...okay, iced tea. Alas, too far from my home port. But I'll be thinking of you all. And Eyes, I didn't think your Birks were too bad. The rest of your garb was so good, I didn't really notice them. Have fun, all.
  21. The dreams continued, chaotic, confusing, and frightening. I felt as if a weight lay heavy on my body, and no amount of struggle freed me. I continued to fight, as if my very life depended on it. With a moan, I woke...fearing I was in hell. The weight on my body was a heavy silk counterpane. Over my head was a canopy draped in more silk. On the pale gray walls were paintings in heavy gilt frames. Against the wall was a fine rosewood vanity cluttered with cut-glass vials, and a silver backed comb and brush. I closed my eyes and groaned, not with pain but with frustration. I was in a place worse than hell. I was at Trade Winds, and the devil, in the form of my Aunt, hovered nearby. "Please, just shoot me," I begged. The devil merely smiled.
  22. Eureka to overflow?....I'm confused. Undertow
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