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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Best wishes, indeed, Mr. d'Dogg. Although I won't be in Pt. Washington this year, a virtual hug reaches a long way! Cheers!
  2. Ground meat (from home-grown beef) burrittos, with grated pepper-jack cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, topped off with sour cream and spicy salsa.
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on how many margaritas I drink during a hot evening. Probably a lot longer than my bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin, since I prefer G&Ts and martinis. < Got to thinking. I haven't bid on anything on Ebay for quite a while. Not since the 20 lb job lot of vintage and costume jewelry bits and pieces, that I reuse in the custome jewelry I make. Hummm....might be time to go take another stroll....? V Favorite ways of staying cool when the temps soar?
  4. Hey Eyes, and D-Man, see you there for sure. Maybe we can sneek in a tavern raid Saturday night? Is there one within walking distance of the site, so no one would have to be the designated driver? That would be very kewl! Also, Chain Shot is smoking a turkey for the TOT7S food supply tent. Lots of yummie snacking, or turkey sammies!
  5. HOT For the last three days it has been 100-102. Not normal at all for this time of year. However, since we just came off a really wet winter, I'm a happy camper. Been outside working in the garden in the morning, before it gets past 90, then I head indoors. In So. Oregon, the hottest part of the day can be around 5 o'clock. Two days ago, it was still 100 at 7 pm. MadL, isn't rubbing a rock around in your armpit a bit ouchy? Or is it just those of us who shave our armpits that might have that problem?
  6. I don't think your book is lost, Rogue Mermaid. It's one of the ones that GoF is due to mail out soon, if he hasn't already. Patrick sent it to him, so I know it got there okay. Patrick's book is home by now. So, ummm, BTW, Rogue Mermaid, how's my book coming along?
  7. I'll be there, along with my other half, Chain Shot, and with fellow members of Tales of the Seven Seas. Can't wait!
  8. Outdoors — my never-ending summer duty — watering. Lawn, gardens, deck plants and terrace flower beds. Lot's of hose dragging! Indoors – writing, and working on a large collage Also getting ready for NorCal next month, and an adventure sail on the schooner Lynx (the schooner in my signature disguised as the Rakehell. LOL) while in Coos Bay on June 7 & 8. Ya gotta love summer!
  9. GIANT EARTHQUAKE DESTROYS PORT ROYAL — Film at eleven. Bye, all. It was fun while it lasted.
  10. At the first hint of light in the eastern sky, the Rakehell was untethered from the shore, and sat once again upright in the water. Quietly as a ghost, she moved through the morning mist, with just enough breez to get her to the mouth of the inlet. From there we headed north, looking for new shelter. The only message I recieved from Jacky was, "Don't follow me." With that criptic request in mind, I decided to see if we could find a town along the lake, maybe buy some supplies, then make for the open sea again. Hoping that by that time the Spanish would have gone. Once at sea, if the Relentless was also gone, I'd head back to Port Royal, since I had no idea where in the Dry Tortugas he had intended to go.
  11. We're in the same boat, Jill. Record high temps for So. Oregon this weekend. Up to 99 tomorrow, and mid 90s today. Not good, when you live in a forest fire danger zone, like we do. Things are going to dry out way too early.
  12. Eight out of twelve on the first test. Seven out of eight on the second. So, did we all miss the same one? For me it was question seven.
  13. I am still laughing over the Minister of Lawn Care. I mean, come on! Can you picture it? He's filling out some form that asks for "Occupation", and he puts Minister of Lawn Care! That is just too funny. Not so fun for Silkie, but geez...does he have a small lawn ornament on a red ribbon hanging around his neck as a badge of office? A few medals maybe? A blazer with MoLC embroidered in fancy script on the pocket? And Hester, paint those trash cans! Sows ear to a silk purse, I say! (You don't have a Minister of Trash, do you?).
  14. That sounds good, except for the fact that I've already done GoF's book. It was the first one I got. I thought I had done Rogue Mermaids, but I double checked my photo records of the books, and realized that I hadn't yet, so..... The only ones I haven't done work in are Rogue Mermaid's and Pew's. So, Rogue Mermaid can mail GoF's home to him.
  15. Gives Tess the wink. "What, no offers of tea this morning, deary?" Happy birthday to you, M'Lady. And, try not to get too Cheeky with the card players, eh."
  16. I enter the Pub just in time to hear the newcomer's story. I pull up a chair next to Bess. "Be it true, he'll have none but the harp in his arms or between his legs?" I give Black Rory Harper a lookover, and shrug. "Seems a bloody shame, that, but I must say, his music is sweet." "Welcome the Pub, Black Rory, and I'll have a glass of the French Bubbly, if you please."
  17. Moths got balls! Who knew? Dead Bugs = Raid
  18. Tea The Canadian geese in the yard, and the two blacktail bucks in the pasture. Sebastian Devareaux (yesterday) JT
  19. Gosh, Phoebe gets to have all the fun. I showed this thread to Chain Shot, and he remarked on the last picture, "Hope the dog doesn't lift its leg on Mr. Disney." I had to point out to him that it was a girl dog, and wouldn't be lifting any of her legs...for anyone.
  20. Bombay Sapphire-tini — with double olives. (I love gin! )
  21. Patrick's book is going home tomorrow. Can I get a "shout out" of who has what book, at present, pretty-please? I really do need to know what the statis is on all the books, and when their owners can expect them home. We're down to the wire with this round, and I sure don't want any books to go missing, or become mired in a foreign port. Thanks, gang! R
  22. The Nautical Chart by Arturo Perez-Reverte, translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden Fiction — about the search for a Spanish Brigantine sunk off the coast of Spain, and theoretically owned by the Jesuits (that's part of the mystery). Each Chapter heading has a quote from different books on sailing or the sea (The main character doesn't read anything but books on the sea or sailing.) One of my favorites, so far (I'm only on chapter five) is: "You can do everything right strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, at least you'll know where you were when you died." From the book The Shipkiller by Justin Scott
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