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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. When I lived in So. Calif. my first husband and I used to run early in the morning, mostly on dirt roads through the hills behind our house. We used to see those little burrowing owls all the time. They really are cute, even the adults. Here in Oregon, we have all kinds of Owls. The ones that hang out at our place are small little guys, who perch in the tree in the front yard at night, and then swoop down on the little tree frogs living by the water spigget. We also have bats, that come in to eat the bugs that are attracted to the light over the garage door. Come to think of it, between the owls, bats, geese, ducks, a zillion different types of birds, raccoons, opposums, skunks, and the three black-tail bucks that snooze the afternoon away in our front lawn, we see a lot of wildlife during any given 24 hrs.
  2. Wow, Cheeky, I can't believe your boss could be so rude, and then expect you to train her daughter for your job! Talk about bad form. Hope you find something else soon, and you can tell Boss Lady to take a hike. Fingers and toes crossed for you, Mary. And yes, Lady B, let's see pictures of this handsome gent. My whine is a small one. For a week the temps were 95-101, bright and sunny days. Then, in one day it went from 100, and tanked to 60 with rain. Been that way for four days now. WHATS THE DEAL WITH THAT!!! Bring back the sun, dang it!
  3. Sorry, dear Captain, but those books have homes to go to. GoF, you are NOT a blight. I have PMed you concerning the place to mail your books. As you say, Black Mab is out, so I believe Carter is who you need to send the books to. And Rogue Mermaid, thanks for the PM update! No worries.
  4. Beside me, Africa gave a huff. "You goin' to listen to dat man? He pretty cocky sure o' hisself." "Oh, in principle, his idea is a good one. Didn't say I'd follow it word for word. It's my ship, Africa, and I'll decide where she goes and how she gets there. Grim fact is, we can't stay here for very long, and the only way out is back the way we came." "You think da Spanish still be there?" "Good possiblity. But those galleons are slow and awkward as bathtubs. The Rakehell would have no trouble slipping by them in the dark. It's navagating this lake and the river mouth that has me worried. We were lucky getting in. We need to be very careful trying to get out. I also don't think there are any locals we can buy supplies from, since we've seen no one. When the wind picks up a bit more, let's head her back south. But have Jimmy, Ludo, and old Colard keep a watch for sand bars and floating debris, and let Tunny run soundings. Have Nate, Red Cat, and Goose man the rigging. I'll stay on the tiller. We'll lay off the channel until dark, then try to make a break for the open sea." "Den what?" "I'll worry about that when we get there."
  5. Oh, I read that thread, and posted a tease on it at JT's expense. There is a picture of him playing Nine Men's Morris, but I don't think there ever was a picture of ol' Jacky actually shaking his belly. Dang it!
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Grants Pass is a Pub wasteland. It's either cheesy taverns with "Save a logger, shoot a Spotted Owl" signs over the doors, or Hoity Toidy "Pubs." Nothing with any kind of atmosphere. < Stayed up WAY too late, into early, reading a good book. Feel like I have beach sand in my eyes! V It was my question, I still like it, so pass it on...again!
  7. Really! Where? I see that the cat, feeling the effect of all that beer, is now sleeping on the bar counter, so I pull up a chair, lean back, cross my arms on my chest, and wait for the not-pissing contest. "This should be...interesting. Maybe Rory can play a nice rousing reel while you two drink up?"
  8. Discovered the reason I can't use my photobucket account any more, is that they only recognise Safari 2.0 or newer. I have Safari 1.3.5. So, in order to be able to use my Photobucket account, I have to upgrade my computer. Cost of upgrade = $135.00. (I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Cheeky.)
  9. Okay, just so you guys who tried to help me can know, I finally heard from Photobucket. Apparently between the last time I used my file there (it had been awhile) they upgraded their system, and only recognise Safari 2.0 or newer. I have Safari 1.5, so unless I buy an upgrade for my computer, I'm locked out of my Photobucket use.
  10. It was just one photo. I finally broke down and sent photobucket a message, telling them I'm locked up. It's the weirdest thing. One day it worked, next day it didn't. I even changed my password, to see if that helped, but NOT. Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. R
  11. Thanks! I'll try that. PM sent your way. Alas...that didn't solve the problem either.
  12. I knew JT didn't like cats — live, dead, or undead! Gives the poor, scrawny thing a little pat on the head, while waving powder smoke away from its nose. "Here ya go, kitty." I place a saucer of beer in front of it, which it laps up with gusto. "No one is going to take your guts for anything." I give MadL a smile. "Nice cat. I like him much better than your Cuban iguana"
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    OMG!!!!! I think I'd skin that puppy and make a pair of shoes out of him! ^ Drink lots of iced sun tea, do most of my outdoor work in the morning when it's still cool. < Still having problems with photobucket. Don't know what the problem is. V Describe your favorite tavern/pub.
  14. Ummm, okay, nix the tavern raid!!!!!!
  15. With one eyebrow raised, I gave Nate a look. "Tis a fine plan, to be sure, except for one small little problem. On this lake at night there is no wind. Not a breath. We barely had enough breez this morning to get out of the inlet. To head back to sea after dark would require most of us in the two jolly boats, rowing our arms off. A sea anchor might be a bit superfluous." Nate looked a bit crestfallen at that. "However," I continued, "we are only two nights past a dark of the moon. And the Rakehell, with her black hull and sienna sails, is designed not to be seen at night. So, slipping past the Spanish galleon isn't beyond the realm of possiblity. I would forego a broadside at her, though. Give her a curse, thumb your nose at her, or fart in her general direction, but no cannon fire." Nate's grin was back.
  16. Hah, I must be getting slow. I forgot that deffinition of smoking! However, I hear turkey is hard to keep lit! Must smell pretty bad, too.
  17. Ya fire up the smoker. Ya puts the nice little thawed out birdie in the smoker, ya close the door, and wait for about four hours. Then ya take out the newly smoked, cooked, juicy birdie, let it cool a bit, and carve it up. Smoking does not involve shooting the bird (I smoked him), or impaling the bird on a stick and hanging him over an open fire. Sheesh! We're pirates, not barbarians!
  18. Is it only me who is having problems with photobucket? All of a sudden, I can't upload pictures from my computer. Never had a problem before. Did the usual easy fixes first, like shut down and restart the computer (I leave it on most of the time), did program updates. Nadda. I'm still unable to upload pictures. Trying to get photobucket to answer a problem is a pain in the butt, since you have to have a seperate log-on code name, etc. to get to thier troubleshooters, who give you a long list of stuff to check on your computer first, most of which I have no idea what they are talking about. I am not a computer tech. Sheesh. Any advice? Oh, and BTW, I have a Mac.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Head to the coast and hang out on our boat. < Today, Mother Nature gave us a break. Yesterday it was 101. Last night it rained, and today it's a balmy 77. V Keep the Q going. (BTW, MadL, how DO you call in an iguana when he doesn't want to come? )
  20. Before I could reply to either of the two, Africa, standing at my side, growled, "Why don you let me trow dees two over da side? No respect in either of dem." I smiled. "Oh, don't worry, the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occation. However, now is not the time." Addressing the two waiting, I continued, "Since you're so interested, let me lay a few facts before you. I have a holed, and temporarily repaired hull. We are down by a third on supplys, ruined by seawater. I am on a fever-ridden lake for which I have no charts. I have no idea if the locals are friendly, or even if there are locals. And, if I want to return to the Gulf, I may have a Spanish galleon waiting to blow the Rakehell out of the water. As you can well imagine, these little irritations do not put me in a good mood. So, please, if you have any suggestions on how to alleviate our problems, make them. Otherwise, I beg you, do not add to my irritations, or I will let Africa toss you overboard, as he so longs to do. Africa grinned and waited.
  21. While looking up another word in my Oxford English Dictionary, I spied this one. Redivivus = adj (Placed after a noun) Come back to life Something a lot of us pirates do in the morning, after a fun night a' pubbing.
  22. You're welcome over for dinner any time, Cat. Tonight: Ham ( At the store, I get one fat slice, prepackaged) Steamed fresh zuccini White beans seasoned with real butter, fresh thyme & rosemary, and a sprinkling of hot red pepper flakes.
  23. Ridiculously pleased with myself. I can still work a hula hoop!
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