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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Food? At this hour? (Not the hour is says I'm posting this, which is an hour fast) No thanks. Tea — for now.
  2. More like a sandbag and guy lines. See you soon, Eyes!
  3. Yeah Hester — My bathwater, my pot of tea, and my nuked Grapenuts — all cold. Just came from BG and saw your post. Also tracked down Patrick's intro – P. 23 of the intro thread. Too funny, and just soooo Patrick. I'll probably log onto the forum, but under a different name. Something more steamy. I'm contemplating one even as I write. After having read about 15 pages of intros, I found it interesting that a lot of the members have similar anacronistic backgrounds to mine, such as SCA. Lots of artists, writers, costumers, jewelers, inventors, etc. Very kewl. Another fun place to play. See you there soon, if you can spot me.
  4. I liked it, but felt that poor ol' Indy was a little tired and shopworn — which would be natural, given what the man has been through in his life. Harrison Ford just didn't have that same "spark" as he did in the first three movies. He seemed almost resigned to the confrontations he gets into, rather than challenged and intrigued. Also, they should have brought Karen Allen in a lot sooner. The interaction between her and Ford made the movie. I'll buy it, and enjoy watching it again, but it didn't have that old zing.
  5. Africa stood at the helm, his face turned into the rising wind. The captain was up in the fighting top, scanning the river outlet of the lake. It was almost dark, and he very much wanted to be away from this evil-smelling place. He also hoped the storm would blow the Spanish galleon to the place of demons. He hated and feared the Spanish for the three years of slavery he'd suffered under them. If this ship were caught, he would fight to the death, or throw himself over the side and drown, before letting himself be taken prisoner again. At the port side, Tunny called out a sounding. "Three fathoms, mud bottom." Above him, the captain called out. "Luff her up here, Africa. Ludo, Collard, drop anchor." With a silent prayer to the gods of his ancestors, and with a touch to the little bag of corpse powder at his neck, Africa adjusted the helm, while Jimmy and Goose hauled at the sheets. The Rakehell gave a gentle turn off the wind, then drifted a bit until the anchor was set. Then it was time to wait until the deep hours of night, when the spirits walked and a ship meant for smuggling might slip past an unsuspecting Spanish galleon.
  6. I've been silently cruising the Steampunk forum for about two weeks now. For never having heard the term before, I find the whole genre facinating. Probably because I've collected victorian jewelry and clothing since I was in high school, and because I love Jules Verne, Sherlock Holms, and Dr. Who. What I like even better about Steampunk, and which I think is the reason it attracted Patrick, is that there is no real PC correctness. You take Victorian, and just run with it. A lot of fun! I also love the Steampunk artwork, and jewelry — killer! Hummmm, may have to join that forum. Another excuse to make/wear kewl stuff. And Hester, where the hell do you find those books of yours!
  7. Decided this needed a bump, just to remind folks. Looking forward to the feast, Jill. It's getting closer and closer. From what I hear, it looks to be a windy event. Makes me REALLY glad I have a motel room. I have no desire to be blown to Sacramento in the middle of the night. I narrowly missed the tornado in Pt. Washington, WI last year. I will not temp fate twice!
  8. Belated birthday wishes to you, Black Hearted Pearl. Plunder with abandon at Big Bear.
  9. That's because I suck Ransom. Honestly, I finally sent it out yesterday. I'm so sorry I took so long, but it's safe and I even have a usps tracking # if you want it. It drives me crazy when the post office asks me if I want insurance when I mail the sketchbooks. Sure if this was some item I could buy at Walmart insurance makes since and it covers the postal service's butt if they lose it. However, these sketchbooks aren't replacable. I always want to say, "No insurance please, just don't lose this book". I don't mean to mock the postal service. My dad is actually a mailman so I like to say that I can "go postal" because it's in my genes. No, no, I just meant that I had no book to work in! Gosh, hope you didn't think that was a snide post aimed at you! You've kept me updated, so I had no complaints at all. Yeah, I love that "Do you want to insure this" question. How do you explain how precious the contents are, and that a simple reimbursment wouldn't come close to replacing what they'd lost?
  10. After you've hung around the Pub awhile, you understand that it goes off-line every now and then. Nothing to get drunk over — okay, let me rephrase that — noting to worry about! It always comes back on-line eventually.
  11. Okay, I think we need an update on how everyone is doing. Could I get a shout-out please? Currently I have no book. BTW, while cruising another forum, I saw that they were attempting something similar to this, only with one book making the rounds (who ends up getting to keep the book when the round is over I never could figure out). But, they are having similar problems with people dropping the ball, or dropping out completely. With just one book! So, I guess we're doing pretty good considering we have, what, 6 or 7 books making the round?
  12. Excited about our newer little car, but bummed because we now have a car payment again — we'd been payment clear for five years. But, it's a small payment, so not too bad....I guess.
  13. You are too kind, suh, and I feel very silly. BTW, a nice glass of orange juice would go down a treat.
  14. In Oregon, it's pretty close to the same thing. Which is why Chain Shot just traded in his big 1993 Ford F210 PU, which we don't use now since we have no big horse traler to haul, and bought a 2002 Toyota RAV4. Gets 25 mpg in town, 29 frwy. For both of us it's a 22 mile round trip into town, so that little all-wheel drive car will save us a bundle. I only go into town maybe once, twice a week, if that, so I can still rationalise my Tundra — which for a truck, doesn't hog too much gas.
  15. Same applies to you, mate, should you ever head west!
  16. Umm, okay, I uh, sorta blundered into the Ward Room and pushed a few buttons, without really knowing how it all works. So, no offence intended with that "Walk the Plank" thing, which is why I tried to make amends with the smile thing. Just goes to show what happens when a computer idiot plays around where she don't belong! Sorry, sorry....**humbly skulks away, with tail between legs**
  17. Wishing I had a gardener. (Weedsis, weedsis, thousands of weedsis, growing, growing...we hates them, yes we does, precious!)
  18. I like the idea that Stonehenge is still an enigma. It has stood for centuries, doesn't give up it's secrets easily, and the bottom line is, scientist still don't know for certain what it was for. Not all mysteries are meant to be solved.
  19. Dear Mary. I came into this thread way late, but, having had three "dances" with the big C, one which cost me the lower third of my right lung, I can understand your feelings and fear. But the fact that you caught it at ground "0" is great, and that your spirits are good, is even greater. For the rest of you pirate wenches, getting a mammogram is essential. Yeah, no one likes to have their boobs squished (at least my a nurse), but it can save your life. I just had one about two weeks ago, and with the new digital machines, it's really not as bad or as uncomfortable as it used to be. You go, Mary girl. I know you'll come out of this with flying colors — we'll all hoist them high for you!
  20. Leftover rice & black bean burrito, salad, and a glass of Corbet Canyon box merlot. Two tree squires doing the horizontal bop in my front yard! A real estate agent, a car salesman, & Chain Shot. Life, the universe, and everything.
  21. Most probably a fate worse than death! Did you manage to recruit anyone?
  22. You never cease to amaze, Patrick! If I see any dinosaours around, I'll be sure and call you! Actually, that Bomb Bay lable is very kewl, and would make a great jacket patch. You ever decide to do that, I'll buy one! Along with that "Pyrates Ain't PC" bumper sticker!
  23. I think the idea of giving the mystery book to Pew is a good one. It's been over a month, and no one has claimed ownership of it. Also, it already has Carter's work in it, and Eyes can add to it and send it on. Sort of a jump-start for Pew, if he's agreeable to that. Currently I have no book. I think the only book I haven't done work in is Rogue Mermaid's, but I'm not positive. Whoever has her book, could they check and see if any of my work is in it? Thanks! (Sorry, Pew, but there was NO WAY I was going to let you off without a book of your own to keep! )
  24. I don't know about the rest of the gang, but I think Pew should send out a book NOW!! There is no way that he should do work in everyone else's books, and have nothing of his own, especially now that his first book looks to be lost, despite earlier hopes. Please, Pew, start a book, and send it to the next person in line that you usually would have — Carter? It should be able to make the round in no time, if people worked on it as quickly as possible. Maybe every three weeks, instead of one every month, or month and a half, as seems to be happening now. It is just not fair that you should end up with nothing. Minimum case scenerio, send it to me and I'll do some work in it. Better than nothing. Come on gang, this is one of our own, and he's been working hard on all the other books. He deserves one of his own. What say you all?
  25. Getting ready to head into town, pay some bills, hit the used bookstore, and swing by a friends to pick up a large wooden chest/box that I am going to repaint and use for a coffee table. It's the size of a steamer trunk, so that's the finished look I may go for. Just what I need, another summer project!
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