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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Been there, done that — more than once! Good luck on your procedure, Lady Seahawke! I'm sure you'll come through with flying colors — even if they are Pirate Colors! LOL
  2. Looking forward to more pictures, and details of your wonderful trip. The adventure back to PR next year sounds really interesting. Keep posting updates and deadlines. I'm sure there would be other people wanting to go.
  3. Okay, I received the Ship's Log—Pews book—from Rogue Mermaid on Friday. So, this is also a heads up for Patrick. Come the end of August, you will receive Pew's book, along with the third round book due out Sept. 1. If I get Pew's book done early, I'll send it along, to give you a bit more time to work on it.
  4. "Are you sure you've searched everywhere. The Cat has a knack of hiding in out-of-the-way places when she doesn't want to be found. However, this is not a huge ship, so she must be somewhere. Take Tunny with you. Search again. Then let me know when you find her." Nate nodded and turned away to continue the search. I watched him go, refusing to believe that Cat, smart sailor that she was, would have managed to fall overboard during the storm.
  5. In almost every picture of you I've seen, you're grinning about something!
  6. Perfect, Ma Pearl. Oh, as for the needle. It fell in my lap. As for the grin on Mr. d'Dogge's (Doh gee's) face, I wouldn't dare speculate!
  7. Sadly, I think Heath Ledger would have been a good choice.
  8. Oh, aye, really BIG "children". Besides... I was never on my hands and knees, counting anything. As for Jacks, they be all over the Pub, plain as day, I don't need to go looking under tables for um. And...who, pray tell, are the Bonesacks and what do they have to do with hound dogs, or MadL's? I be a bit confused there.
  9. You know, you "Mad" types sure are a touchy bunch. Didn't say nary one derogatory word about the name Mad, and what do you all do?.......Get mad. Now, as far as I can figure, the name Mad (in this context) means kinda crazy like, which seems ta fit. But, I could be wrong. Maybe you were all named Mad 'cause you walk around with a short fuse all the time. BTW, I did say I LIKED the name Mad, so what's your beef, anyways?
  10. Oi, the number of Captains makes me head spin.... ....... Ouch!......I think I found your needle, Silkie! **Plucks the little devil from my...er, ahem...and hands it over**
  11. Pimm's with Tonic Water . Not bad, but it tastes better with Ginger Ale, which I was out of.
  12. I have nothing to add to this thread, just found this whole conversation pretty hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
  13. Now, now, MadL. No cause for getting your dander up. Didn't say anything insulting about the name Mad, just noticing that it seems to be pretty popular. Actually, if Mad is your given name, I think that's kinda kewl. Kinda like Mad Martigan, or the actor whose first name is Mads or Madds (can't remember his last name, but he played the bad guy in the first Daniel Craig 007 movie).
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRON BESS Hope your day is grand, with all the Mai Tais you care to drink. And I will also be bringing you a little something at Ojai. Blessing on you, ma dear.
  15. Wasting WAY too much time looking at silver teapots on Ebay.
  16. Ioan had spent a bad night listening to some Italian singing arias under his window. No amount of cursing the man had stopped the catterwalling, nor had a chamber pot thrown out the window. Ioan knew the man was from the Rakehell, and was no doubt making his life miserable on purpose. But after days and days of being followed, hounded, and kept awake all night, Ioan'd had enough. He was getting out of Port Royal, even if he had to crawl on some ship, stow away, or pirate one. As it happened, he knew of a fat brig called the Sweet Temptation, which was due to sail on the next tide. He didn't know where she was going, nor did he care. He just knew he was going to be on her, no matter what. Ignoring the little Italian who followed, Ioan headed for the docks.
  17. Jill's Jack is called Iron Jack, and with Jill, is master of Bang and Boom. If you really start to count...look at all the names with Mad or Jack/Jacky as part of them. Then it really gets interesting.
  18. Despite my fatigue, I slept badly, and only for a few hours. It was as if, in my dreams, I could hear the water seeping into the hold. It was a vision of the repair bursting and the Rakehell sinking that had me sitting bolt upright and wide awake. I went up on deck to check with Africa, who informed me that all was the same. The repair and pumps were holding, and the Relentless was still four points off our starboard bow. Yet the uneasy feeling remained. It was when I saw Nate, his brows puckered with worry, his hand clutching the medal he wore around his neck, that I figured I was about to discover what our next piece of bad luck was going to be. "Mr. Durant, is there a problem?"
  19. "No, man, you're free to do as you like," I said. I let my gaze return to the ship in front of us, studied her a moment, then spoke to Africa. "Luff us up, fall back a bit, then put us far out on the Relentless's port side. I want some distance between us. Not too much, but some breathing room. Just don't lose her in the dark." He nodded and shouted out the order. "Keep Nate and Colard minding the pump and keeping watch on the mended hull. I'm going below to get some rest." Once in my cabin, with the door bolted, I went to the secret cupboard and removed the large, uncut emerald Jacky had given to me in Havana. I had half a mind to throw it out the transom window, for it was obvious Jacky had severed whatever thread held our relationship together. I didn't need a reminder of what was lost. A grim determination came over me, and I returned the emerald to it's secret place. If Jacky's reaction on seeing me was to think I was dogging him, then he could damned well watch his own back from now on. Let the Spanish dog him for awhile, I thought, and see if he likes that any better, since it appears he's willing to fire on either of us. I went over my charts again, made plans, and forced all thoughts of Jacky out of my mind—temporarily.
  20. I think Patrick Hand already has this story covered, in comic book form. (I'd post the link to the correct thread, but I've never been able to figure out how to do that. )
  21. Working on my art journal, for round three of the Pyrate Art Journals. Working on a private art commission. Getting my jewelry pieces ready to photo and post for sale — a new venture. Doing corrections from the chapter edits on my book, received from my writer's group last Friday. Dragging hoses around the yard and garden — my never-ending summer chore. Whew, I think that about covers everything — for now.
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Nothing! I'm sorta self-employed, with many irons in the fire. < Came back from the coast with a slight inner-ear issue. Feel dizzy all the time. (That's dizzy, not ditzy. LOL) V Pass the question on.
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