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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. :::Using my best pyrate girl frown::: "Hey, I can be bad-ass...even if I'm not a Mormon. No really, I can....oh come on, I can LOOK bad-ass, doncha think? And I can drink rum...okay, I don't like to get drunk, but I still like the taste....And my sword's only rubber in Patrick's comics, so jeeze guys, lemme be bad-ass, okay?
  2. At this point in time, I have no book.
  3. Chain Shot and I checked out the local Military surplus store in town. Kinda a bust. They had some really kewl stuff, but very expensive. Shite, I remember "back in the day" when you could get stuff at the surplus store dirt cheap. Not any more. We also checked out some thrift stores, but didn't find anything that would work, except for one duster type coat for Chain Shot. Problem was, the arms of the coat were WAY too short for him, and it was too nice a coat to cut up. Oh well, we'll keep looking. Got a lot of ideas floating through our heads, so we'll come up with something eventually. Nice drawings, Patrick! And I like the idea of Lake Tahoe as the safety port...but would it still be called Lake Tahoe?
  4. A most happy birthday, and much love, to my husband, Chain Shot. A better pirate and husband you would never find. Cheers on turning the big five-O (He doesn't look a day over 30, I swear! )
  5. There once was a laddie named Goober Who sailed on a lovely Gaff Schooner With a girl in each port He thought it great sport To jump anything wearing lace bloomers.
  6. I give 'Bastian a wink. "You do have such an effect, don't you, ma Pearl?" Then continue to sip from my glass of Champagne. "So, ou e Monsieur Soie?" (Translation=Where is Mr. Silk?)
  7. The male Canadian geese out on our pond, hurling insults at each other...."Aahhh, yur mother was a mud hen, eh!" It gets worse closer to Spring. That's when the brawls start.
  8. This site is an evil, black hole, time-sucking vortex of awesomely kewl ideas. I will NOT admit how many hours I spent in this site yesterday, but even between what they post, and the links, I still feel like I've barely scraped the surface. Some of my favorite ideas, were the different ways to make secret doors hidden behind bookcases, most of the steampunk lighting fixtures, and the downloadable vintage poison labels. Tons of ideas here. Thanks, Patrick.....I think! Oh, and William. Awesome clock. Might one ask where she found it?
  9. I will add: Oregon's Rogue Brewery's Honey Ale (makes great beer bread), and their Dead Guy ale. Really, Oregon and Washington are the heartland of beer in the West! Truly! More micro brews than you can shake a stick at — or sink a ship with.
  10. Finally got my Secret Santa gift. OMG!!! A wooden ale keg piggy bank, a beautiful small cedar chest with lovely metalwork on the top and sides, and it is filled to the brim with beads, buttons, treasures, pearls.....in other words, everything a jewelry maker would love. All accompanied by a very thoughtful personal note. THANK YOU SO MUCH, SECRET SANTA, I LOVE IT ALL.
  11. I think I'll watch football. They're about to.....PUNT
  12. I'd like to make a suggestion that we post pictures of garb and accessories (other than weapons) in the Steam Punk Pics thread. I think they will be easier to find there, rather than trying to scroll back through pages and pages of this thread, if you wanted to recheck something out. Also, Patrick, maybe you could start a Columbia's Revenge maps, plans and backstory thread for easier reference? Just my humble two bits worth.
  13. Wouldn't stay up, the stakes were.....bent.
  14. 2008 was a blast for me! Chain Shot and I took our very first cruise. 17 days in Feb. through the panama canal, leaving Ft. Lauderdale and visiting Jamaica, Aruba, Cartegna, Columbia, through the Panama canal, then Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatamala. Awesome! As a member of Tales of the Seven Seas, I... Attended Nor Cal for the first time — and spent a glorious afternoon aboard the schooner Aldebaran, firing cannons and pistols at the shore battery. Thank yous to Red-Handed Jill, Iron Jack, and Captain Hayden. Ojai for the second time — even better than the first. Always fun to meet up with the So. Calif. pyrates, and my special buddy, Jacky Tar. Add a few more road trips to visit friends over the border in Northern Calif. and 2008 added up to a lot of fun. I'd do it all over in a heartbeat. And, other than the cruise (dang it), probably will! A MOST HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
  15. The postman tried to deliver mine yesterday, but since our gate was closed, wouldn't come in (apparently the bx won't fit in our mailbox out on the street). So, I got a notice that I need to go pick it up in town. Will do that today.
  16. Here are some very kewl goggles...if you've got the bucks, or Euros. Then again, they are a good source of ideas. Goggles
  17. Some ideas, and stuff we would need: A base of operations/safe haven...like Port Royal was for the GOAP. An outlet for the goods pyrated to be sold off. Maybe a contact person/company which turns a blind eye to where their goods are coming from? Pyracy for hire...like a letter of marque, pitting our airship against another country? But with no loyalty to any one country...steal for one on one day, steal from another the next day...or both at the same time. LOL AND, a really seedy tavern to hang out in when we're not in the air.
  18. Ah, Silken Jack is it? And French. I've had rather "close" dealings with another man of silken demeanor, who hails from your country, although he would deny any association with said monarchy, being of gypsy heritage. However, I feel certain that the two of you would find much to discuss over a decanter of rare port. Sebastian Devareaux is his name, and I will let him know of your arrival. As for me, spare the rum and port. I prefer champagne. Bienvenue, Monsieur de Soie.
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