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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Sorry, all. I didn't mean it to look as if I had abandoned the coffee house. It's just been a crazy week. To make amends, I have brought more tea, coffee, and some lovely raspberry scones. And a big YES, to all of you as to pictures. Please, let's post some samples of our work, so we can all see how marvelous we are! LOL I'm also very interested to see how each of our styles are different, since we're all working with about the same basic supplies, give or take. Also, pictures of your workplace, or of what inspires you. I've always had an "inspiration board" since I was a kid. Just a bulleton board pinned with pictures, clip art, pretty much anything that I find interesting and that would spark an idea. Anyone else got one? So, post away. Pictures, pictures, pictures. I'll start. Here is my inspiration board. It is for jewelry and costume/sewing ideas. And here a work in progress and the pile of bits and pieces I was working with.
  2. On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It's a silly place.
  3. You know, wouldn't Imminent Violence be a great name for a pyrate ship?
  4. One of the big things I liked about Firefly, and which was also brought up in the interviews on the 4th DVD, is that it never became a "bug hunt." There were no tentacally aliens, nasty worms bursting from people's eye sockets, shape-shifter, mind-melders, or demon cyborgs. This made the whole show much more believable for me. Since this is the first time I've seen the series, I want to watch all the episodes again before I decided which is my favorite one, and who is my favorite character. At the moment—and I'm not sure what it revels about my own personality, if anything—Jaynes is at the top of my list for favorite character. Jayens: "Why should we care these people?" Mal: "They're whores." Jaynes: "Count me in."
  5. It's pretty crazy everywhere these days. Hang in there, and I'm sure thing will turn around eventually.
  6. "It's just kipping" "That parrot wouldn't fly if you put 20K volts through it. It's a DEAD parrot!
  7. Sailor's paste time? What do sailors paste? Where do they paste it? What do they do with it once it is pasted? Just curious.....
  8. And now for the twit of the year contest....
  9. Ummm, okay, maybe they don't do that any more, but...they used to. Guess I'm dating myself........no, that didn't sound right either....I'm not dating myself, that would be weird, but they did used to put big black bars across peoples eyes in the rag mags, thinking you wouldn't be able to guess whose picture it was. Honest.
  10. Shaggy old man runs up and mumbles.... It's.......
  11. Don't know. The long black rectangles remind me of those pictures in the cheesy mags, where the eyes are blocked out so you can't recognise whose picture it is...
  12. I also appreciate the fact that you slapped up a notice telling us what the deal was when we tried to ck in, rather than getting some confusing server notice denying us entry. Thanks again, Stynky. As Martha would say "Communication = it's a good thing"
  13. And now for something completely different! "Is your wife a goer? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I bet she is, I bet she is...
  14. God knows, they've tried.....seems no one is willing to pay up.
  15. Well, all I can say is, it weren't me.
  16. Oh jeez, how could you post such a vulgar picture? I mean really, just look at that, it's a disgrace. She's...she's... SHE'S WEARING BUCKET BOOTS FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!! (Okay, maybe not for God's sake, but they're still bucket boots )
  17. "When someone pops a nice chocky in their mouth, they don't expect to get their cheeks pierced." and....and....I want to be the first one to say it..... NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!!
  18. I'm going to be sick. Ack, sugar overload...I think I'm going into a diabetic coma. Besides, I like to aquire me own sparklers...how do you think I got the name is Ransom?
  19. Lady B was my Secret Santa. I PMed her after I got the gift, and she fessed up that I had guessed right. Her gift was perfect. Thank you again, Lady B!
  20. Now, THIS is a club I will join! LOL Umm, can I get that sauce "To go?" I'm due to log out soon.
  21. Wat in a Knight's Tale was my favorite character...right after Paul Betteny as Chaucer. "And now, for all of you people NOT sitting on a cushion." Classic!
  22. The Green Fairy has arrived! (Hey, Rumba, I thought you didn't like fairies? ) And Johnny in the tub is not porn....that's extreme eye candy!
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