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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I had already sent Pew's book to Patrick last Friday. He should get it today or tomorrow. I don't mind sitting out a month with no book (my current status). I've still got pieces of PC pyrate and airship pyrate garb to get ready for Nor Cal.
  2. Lavender Praline Ice Cream For the praline: 2 oz super fine sugar 1/2 oz lavender petals Put sugar and lavender into a saucepan and melt over medium heat until brown and caramelized. Pour onto greased tray, cool until hard, and then pound into a fine powder. For Ice Cream: 1 Cup Milk 1 Sprig lavender (plus extra for decoration) 4 Egg yolks 2 oz Super fine sugar 1 cup Heavy cream, lightly whipped Bring milk and lavender sprig to a boil, remove from heat, cover, and leave to infuse for 30 min. Meantime, beat together the egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Remove lavender from the milk and whisk the milk into the sugar mixture. Heat slowly, stirring constantly until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon. Cool. Fold the whipped cream gently and thoroughly into the custard. Spoon into freezer container, cover and put in freezer. When half frozen, stir in the praline mixture, then refreeze. Stir well once more before the ice cream is hard. Serve in bowls, and sprinkle with lavender buds. Makes 1 1/2 pints
  3. Mais Oui, Rançonner is in! LOL (See, I figured it out. On my Mac you just hit Option and "c" at the same time, Easy peasy.)
  4. A very happy birthday to you, Chrispy! Don't OD on the Cannibal Chrispy treats! LOL
  5. I know those guys!!! We must hang out in the same taverns. LOL
  6. Tea The male goose in my front yard, waiting patiently for his mate to hatch her eggs. She's sitting on a nest box on our pond. CS JT
  7. 40 LBS !!! Where are you hiding it? Let me dig through my recipe box. It's been a while since I've made the stuff (like four or five years or longer). I'll PM it to you.
  8. I don't know if you guys are camping, or staying at a motel, but the Best Western in Benicia is really nice, and has a great free continental breakfast each morning, so it saves you having to buy a meal. Also, the hotel is really close to the event. If you remember how we came off the freeway to go to the pizza place, we turned right. To get to the Best Western you just turn left instead. It's like maybe 5-10 minutes from the event. It would be kewl to sit around in the morning and share a meal before heading out for all the fun. It will also be fun to meet some of your Strangle Hold crewe, as we never get down to your neck of the woods, other than Ojai. Can't wait!!!
  9. The recipe I have is my grandmothers. It is awesome. But, since she didn't believe in booze of any kind, I have to add the rum sauce with raisin. You know, I haven't made it in a long time....hmmmmmm.....maybe this weekend. It's going to be cold and rainy, and bread pudding is the ultimate comfort food!
  10. Alas, I have a Mac...I will have to do some digging/experimenting. I do so like Ranconner......
  11. Ah très bon Michael Bagsley! Very close! But, I do understand it. Like a true frenchman! Thank you for the warm welcome my friend. Pourquoi merci rançonner (Ransom in Français). I am happy that some do like arrogancy. I must say, it is a fit for survival in this day and age. Oui ? Mais oui, but so few can carry it off with panache, non? Ooo, I do like the sound of Ranconner. Now, if I could just figure out how to put that little tic under the "c" I'd be all set.
  12. Nah, it's Halloween dog toy.
  13. Bonjour indeed. I just love an arrogant but approachable pyrate.
  14. Oh, good! I was hoping you'd be there again, Eyes. I'm sure the young girl at the Pyrate Pizza will be thrilled to assist you with your, umm, facial skin condition again! (That really was incredibly funny)
  15. Ummm, that's not good news. Depending on Pew's views on the issue, we might want to skip her in the round, if she can't be reached. Does she have a book at the moment? If not, then Cal can send the one he has directly to you, Kate. And Cal, you might want to hold on to that book you were intending to mail to Cass, until we find out what the problem with her is. No use sending another book into a bottle neck. Once again, everyone, communication in these rounds is vital to keeping track of where the books are. If you haven't received a book within a reasonable amount of time, PM the person ahead of you, as Kate did, and try to find out what the delay is. Don't wait a month or more before letting the players know there is a problem.
  16. There's a restaurant overlooking the bay at Bandon, OR, called the Crow's Nest. They have killer steamer clams, and the most amazing bread pudding with hot rum sauce and raisins that I have ever eaten. And bread pudding is one of my two favorite desserts. Tapioca being the first (but it has to be home made, not that nasty, rubber, fish-eye stuff you get in restaurants or at the store).
  17. No, and she hasn't posted on the Jeweler's Coffee House lately either. Kate, as you're next in line, you might want to PM her and touch bases, unless you've already tried and received no reply. I will have Pew's book done today, and mailed off to Patrick tomorrow.
  18. Try a Sapphire-tini with spicy olives........excellent! As for me, right now it's English Breakfast tea
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yeah, wealthy enough that my husband could quit driving a truck and retire early. He's been doing it for 30+ years, and is pretty tired of dealing with crazy drivers who don't realize you can't stop a tractor/trailer on a dime. < Besides, since I'm ten years older than him, if he has to wait until he's 65 to retire, I'll be 75!!!!! V Pass the question on...
  20. Yeah, I'm REALLY sick of winter as well. But, I know Spring is coming soon, as my garden and yard is a prairie-dog town of gofer mounds.
  21. Are you volunteering to be the wrangler? I wouldn't mind doing another set of cards, I just don't want to be the organizer. I've got a full plate between now and Nor Cal with costume projects. The cards are easy, and I can do them in a day.
  22. I had so much fun doing the first set, that I ended up doing another. Here is a sample from the first set, titled "Father Turned Pyrate." I took cardstock and photocopied a brocade pattern on it, then ran it through again, and printed an astronomy chart over that. The figures were clipped from a magazine, then I added stickers and stamping. The edges were lined with a gold glitter pen. This second set was called "Treasure". Cards stock with the astronomy chart printed on it, then pictures of jewels cut from a magazine, stickers and stamping. Also with "jewels" glued on each one. Same glitter pen border. (Oh, and I forgot to remove the transparency shield I usually put over my scanner glass for protection, which is why there is that weird border at the bottom of the photo. )
  23. Have Tiki, Will TRAVEL......(remember, we have a boat.) Don't need to stay on the cannibal island....unless we want to gain 100 lbs eating Chrispy Bars.
  24. Ah, no, JT. It's not Red-Handed Jill's birthday. Her BD and mine are on the same day...April 24. This mistake happens every year. Musta been some other Red Handed Jill.
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